01 December 2012

Daily Thoughts for December 2012

“Now that you are seeing the light shining out more brightly each and every day, follow your star and give thanks On High that you are blessed with this knowledge, as so many people are not.”

“Say a word in your thoughts or prayers to the Universal Strength for all those who are in darkness and who don’t have a choice but to follow their noses from each day to the next.  Freedom of choice is a great gift to be thankful for.”

“The whole world is set into a rhythm of negativity with little outbreaks of light and positive thinking here and there.  Make sure that you are one of the lights that is not hidden and that you use your gifts for the right and proper reasons.”

“To take a free swing at life you need to realise that there are many variations of direction that you can take, so it is better to know where you are going than to leave it up to chance.”

“Just about everything is thrown at us, including the kitchen sink sometimes, but then we always survive and become better people, because we went through that mayhem and emerged again.”

“To take the hand of another and share what there is.  It is not just a physical action but a spiritual one. That way an exchange of understanding and knowledge are transferred and both parties learn more about life.”

“Give what you can when you know that the cause is just and needy.  When we do, it always comes back to us in one way or another – or don’t you bother to notice when our good deeds are rewarded?”

“Given a second chance?  Don’t waste it by making the same mistake over and over again.  Unless we learn from our mistakes, then what is the point of making them in the first place?”

“Taking ourselves into the quiet and being alone with our conscience is too frightening for so many.  Are we afraid to face the truth?  Can we rest assured that we are always right and blameless?”

“Take now a blessing from On High and know that you have earned it, but never forget to say, “Thank you”.  So often we are blessed, but we fail to acknowledge the fact and just carry on regardless.”

“The just cause in any dispute is always in the hands of the righteous.  Unfortunately, if we act too much by our own bigotries we are unable to see that.”

“Remember that if we send out bad thoughts to others they will be returned to us many fold over and when we send out good thoughts, so we are many times blessed.  Which would you rather receive?”

“Take a piece of goodness and keep it bright and shiny within our own minds, so that when we create thought, it may influence us into thinking what is good and righteous.”

“Don’t do what you are told to do unless you have first considered that it is right and just.  No one can walk another’s path, so we must be mindful of our own.”

“We must understand the difference between religion and freedom of thought.  Remember that we shall have to explain our actions On High and nobody else can do that for us”

“To live in a void is to be out of step with others around us, but are they out of step with us or we with them?  Who is in tune with the Laws of the Universe and doing our Master’s will?”

“Just because it is possible doesn’t mean that we should do it without appraising the costs.  Always we should be aware of what our actions cause and the effect they have on others.”

“Give unto others, so that we may receive when we are in need.  Are we so arrogant that we think that we will never need any help of any kind?  All will be found wanting at some time in their lives.”

“What is it that holds us back from seeing this earth plane as a beautiful creation that must be preserved for all generations and not just for what we want from it for ourselves and our own aggrandisement?”

“If you are strong in your opinions, just remember that to cast the first stone you must be pure and unsullied of the crimes you say should be punished.”

“Justice is for all, but where except in the heavenly realms can it be found?  Look within your hearts and see that you do not judge others without good cause and knowing all the facts.”

“To believe in one’s self is not a crime.  It shows goodness of purpose, if you allow the right progress without treading on the unwary and the unloved.”

“Go to the vaults within you, deep in your hearts, and find the very depth of your soul and being.  Know who you really are and don’t be told by those who cannot know your thoughts as you know your own.”

“The way to live is the way to help everybody who is in need and to establish the need look at their dwellings and trappings of office.  Let the poor in heart and mind show you who is worthy and who is not.”

“Beware of any body of people, who ask for money without giving you what you need in return.  The Master Jesus taught the people, but never asked for money.”

“Forget about the Church and look deep within yourself.  Does it have anything that you cannot feel within yourself is the Power of the Lord, directing you to life according to what is right and perfect?”

“Why take a risk when by doing our Maker’s will we know that we will be looked after and loved?  What is more important to us than doing what He wants us to do in His name?”

“There is no darkness where the light of love and knowledge shines into the abyss, so why are you afraid you will fall?  God’s hand holds you firmly, if only you believe that that is so...”

“Take a new look at yourself and see if you have advanced your ‘self’ enough to be presented to your Maker without you being ashamed of your past history and present being.”

“Now is a time of celebration, if you have moved on from the depth of depression that only recently occupied your thoughts and dreams.”

“Take a leaf out of the old book and turn the pages of life to your own satisfaction, whereby all your thoughts are positive and all your smiles are from your eyes.”