01 June 2013

Daily Thoughts for June 2013

“To look for the brighter picture is the ray of hope that we extend every time we smile and recognise that love is the best vibration in our lives and in everybody elses!”

“So much is left undone that it is difficult sometimes to see where to start, but if we never make the effort it will never be resolved and the tragic mess will continue.”

“Never let us loose hope.  Whatever it is that we wish for we will receive it if we are asking and acting for it in the right and proper way according to Spiritual Law, which is always right and is dependable.”

“Let us all be certain that there will be a tomorrow.  Sometimes we feel that we don’t care, but always we should prepare for it in whatever way we consider best and asking for guidance from a Higher Source will show us the better way.”

“The very last chance is not the only way to progress.  There is always a different way of achieving it if you are prepared to channel your options in a more appealing way.”

“Look around you this day and see how far you have come since last time you looked.  There is never a time when you are still in the same place without any movement, it is just a question of can you see it?”

“Taking another step into the unknown is always taken with caution by a wise mind, but nevertheless there are opportunities to be found if one is brave enough to put fear aside and to be open-minded.”

“Taking our time is an option in not keeping up the pressure of succeeding.  We cannot afford to go at the pace of the snail when we have higher gears to use and his are just right for his ambitions.”

“Just about now we are ready to stop for a breather.  However that is never the answer as we will lose the momentum and we should keep going until that job is finished!”

“Take another glance at the way things are driving us forwards and remember that if we don’t, we have probably stopped going in the right direction.”

“Just around the corner is often another way of saying that I can’t see it happening, but I shall never give up hope.  Hope is the answer to sustaining us in our prayers when we ask the Higher Intelligence to remember that we care.”

“What about a new perception on the way things are?  If we don’t assess how they are stacked up, how can we keep ourselves ready for a new facet in life to present itself?”

“Even in the midst of life there are moments when we need to pull ourselves up and see beyond the obvious limitations.  Taking time out to see beyond the immediate is a good practise to envisage for all time.”

“Take another look at what we let go as being unnecessary.  It may have been so then, but we may not be so sure now that we can look at it again.”

“Let us all rejoice at what we have and acknowledge that so many are not as fortunate.  If we used our assets wisely we will become balanced and successful in all that we do in life and this prepares us for the next step beyond our immediate vision.”

“Another time another place is an optimistic thought, but we still have to be aware of achieving what we are able to do in the here and now!”

“Keep the home fires burning, so that there are comforts at home for all who need them.  When it is your turn to be comforted they will be there for you also.”

“What about another try at the things that you did not complete to your full satisfaction?  Perfection comes at a cost of trying to remove all points of inadequacy.”

“Make a merry little dance of thanks each and every time you are blessed today and see how much you are guided by a Higher Intelligence, who knows better than you do what is required to keep you sailing along in good order.”

“Just about another turnaround and you will be confused about your true direction.  Should you need to be aware of what is around you, don’t lose sight of which direction you are meant to be going in!”

“What about a new look at the way you are shaping up?  Each and every glance in the mirror sees you as others do.  Is that how you want them to see you?”

“Another day, another opportunity to make it better than yesterday, so each and every day you achieve a bit more than before, so you are always progressing forwards and don’t have time to notice just how far you have come.”

“Take yourself to task and see what you can achieve when you are pushed to the limit.  Don’t just sit around waiting for it to happen, but get ready to receive the unexpected and run with it.”

“Just around the corner is a silver-lining, but which corner is it?  It is better to be aware of what is in front of you rather than keep looking to the left or the right.”

“Take note of all your past demeanours and then let them go!  Learn from your mistakes, but don’t live with them or you will never move on.”

“Thus said the scribe, “It is a red-letter day today, so send out all your messages while the omens are good!”  He was a wise and wealthy scribe.”

“Get yourself up and going when the right moment arises.  You know that this makes sense, but if you delay that chance may be mothballed and you will never get it so clearly again.”

“Just about now you will find that a ray of sunshine lights your way.  Give thanks when you see it and get yourself ready for whatever it leads you to discover.  Nothing is by accident.”

“Keep counting on your best assets to see you through, but also allow opportunities to bring in new attainments.  You never know what you are capable of until you are pushed to the limit.”

“Make a bright start to the day and let that goodness, which you have been keeping back, show others how to live and help each other through the little shadows of your neighbourhood.”