01 November 2013

Daily Thoughts for November 2013

“Thank you for my life and love and I thank you that I have some understanding of the truth.  If there was no spirit within me, I would surely die, as there is nothing that excels as the greatest gift to humanity than the chance to feel and experience all the emotions in life that others feel and need to rise above them by the salvation that can only come from On High, above my own inadequacies.”

“Take away the pain Lord.  We deserve it through our folly.  If we fail to learn from what we feel, then we are lost and crying out to take away our punishment will not save us from the same mistake the next time it comes round.”

“We must never miss an opportunity to do something that will make life better for those we love or even those we do not know, because we are all connected, so who is our neighbour Lord?”

“To be a little spark in the fire of creation is better than being a damp squib and failing to make a difference for the better because we came.”

“We must never miss the beauty of life and being.  Once we pass by the sunrise and overlook the little flower on our pathway, we have lost the divinity of appreciation that was placed in us to know our place in the Greater Existence of Life.”

“What Mankind has done for himself alone has brought this world to almost the end of its existence in as much as Man can exist in unison with this earth.  The globe will survive without Mankind and heal from his excesses, but Mankind cannot exist without the earth and all its treasures.”

“Taking a life is impossible, because life is everlasting.  However to attempt to take what God has created in love and harmony is a sin that we shall have to atone for and must be punished until we see our faults.”

“Keep on going until the end is reached and then we shall understand that this life is but the overture and we have reached the very beginning of our mighty work with all that we need to practice with prefect accord, if we are truly ready.”

“Great is the path to glory, but we should not walk it alone.  It is for those who achieve greatness and to do what we must do to use all the help that we deserve through our exploits for the Greater Good.”

“Being given the basic needs of life and many more comforts besides, we must be especially aware of the needs of others, because we are not given just for ourselves, but to share them with our fellow man, woman and child.”

“Just about now is always a good time to stop and see where you are going.  Are you still on the right path to get to your destination and is it the right place for you at this time?”

“Never rush in where angels fear to tread, but be sure that the help you proffer is desired by the recipient and that they are not made to feel beholden to you because of your generosity.”

“What a difference you can make to your very mind-set by allowing it to hinge on the goodness that others need to even go on and by directing their fulfilment without seeking your own reward.”

“Go to the highest peak of fulfilment and make a difference.  If you only aspire to the lower hills, then will your progress even be noticed?”

“What a difference a little time can made if we set it aside to commune with the silence and to allow another voice to speak instead of ours, which so often is too monotonous for any ear other than our own.”
“Give thanks unto the Lord.  He is always watching over us and deserves our gratitude, but we must earn his love and his respect, so that we can achieve together much greater things than we can do alone.”

“Gifts are given according to our merit, so we must use them well for the right reasons to give the greatest spread of their values over the greater land and to the greatest number of souls, who can benefit from our kindness and repay the generosity that we received.”

“The direction of our lives is often in our own hands, because we choose it to be so.  However, if we ask for spiritual guidance in the right and proper way, we will be guided to a more deserving road and will make better headway.”

“We, who are loved, are pleased to give to others who may not feel the same, because of their mistakes and errors or simply that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  We can afford to be generous.”

“Just to be in the light of understanding is to make us live in a higher and more positive vibrational energy, so that we can progress towards a heavenly state that is within us and safe from all harm.”

“What makes us great?  Is it ourselves and our achievements or is it doing the tasks that are appointed to us with a happy heart knowing that we did the right and proper thing?”

“It is a lonely life to be without the inner peace that comes from knowing that we are looked after by a greater Presence than we can fully understand – trust is enough though.”

“Let us take a new look at what we are striving for and make a greater effort to achieve it, because alone we cannot make any headway, but, when we ask for help from the Spirit, we can and do make much greater strides.”

“We are all given gifts beyond our deserving, because otherwise we would receive nothing, as our puny efforts always fall below the Divine.”

“If you are happy to be with others who live in love with all creation, then why don’t you find that special spark above and beyond your comprehension, which is the very life itself that you were given?”

“If you empty your mind concerning a Higher Presence than yours, so will your life also be emptied and you must always struggle on alone.”

“You were born in love with a Higher Principle to uphold, so you must always remember that as you were given love, so must you give love to all who come and all who need it.”

“Take time out to consider why you are here and what you have come to do; it you never consider that you have a place and a destiny, how then can you ever fulfil them?”

“To lose a love is to no longer hold them close, but they are not so far away and will in good time come close again, if you still honour them as before.”

“Grieve not for few will grieve for you, when they live on and miss you still, but can see your pain and send you love, so thank them and be brave moving on with life.”