01 July 2014

Daily Thoughts for July 2014

“There is more to life than birth, marriage and death.  All experiences are given to make us better fitted to approach that new life beyond the veil when the time comes, because life is eternal and we must always get things right in order to progress.”

“Don’t let other people make your decisions for you.  We are all here to make up our own minds and the proofs are all there, if we trust in the silence of our own understanding and make up our own minds as to what is real and what isn’t.”

“If you feel that you stand on the edge of an abyss, then why are you there?  What has brought about this potential catastrophe?  Was it something you did or something you ignored?”

“Take another leap of faith and know that you are not alone and can achieve with the Power of the Spirit that is given to you, because you can care and that you can help others to follow your good works.”

“Next of kin is a legal term for who inherits your material assets, but your spiritual assets are carried with you always and are shown to others as a passport of what you have earned and can therefore receive.”

“Give love to all around you and know that the vibrations of your voice and being are what is acceptable by all natural substances known to Mankind and not just your family and workmates, who know you too well.”

“To turn your back on the Creative Force is to bloat your ego with arrogance and fall far short of the markers of decency and humanity that we were given to use as benchmarks for our survival.”

“Everything of substance and meaning come from the Creation and is still being Created.  Do not think that Creation stopped when Man thought he was better that the Higher Wisdom, because he is not and never can be.”

“Take another bottle of water and realise that this simple substance is the basis of bodily life.  Then make another thought and give it to the Highest Intelligence, knowing that his love was made for your spiritual life to make you creative and love all Creation.” 

“The reality of life is in the understanding of the Spirit.  The Spirit is simple.  It is Man that makes it complicated, so look to the Spirit for a charmed life as you live its Laws.”
“Just take a good look today at where you think you are going and realistically adjust your sights to what you can achieve alone.  Then add what you can achieve with Divine help and know that you can achieve anything!”

“Now take a look at where you have come from and then let it go.  We all live in the now and that shapes our future, so we must get it right now!”

“Goodness is the way of getting things done right and evil is the very error of our ways.  We can’t blame anyone else for our mistakes, but we can learn from them.”

“All love comes from the Higher Intelligence, who created all things.  It is only because of that love for you that you are able to give love to another.  The more you give the more you will receive.”

“Now that you are beginning to find your feet, hold out your arms to the Almighty and ask for his unconditional love to guide you and safeguard your future progression towards the Higher Intellect.”

“Do not worry about those who are not spiritually your equal, because they will be on a different level of existence.  Remember that like attracts and unlike repels – basic spiritual law.”

“We shall all meet up with those that we love if they too love us enough to come to find us.  Never will those on an equal platform of love be denied each other.”

“All of us have had moments that we are not proud of and know that we could and should have done better.  We must all learn from our mistakes and move on and make a better job of it at the next opportunity.”

“It is so easy to criticise others for what they do and have done, but are we pure enough and secure enough in knowledge to be able to pick up that first stone and throw it.”

“If we all acted as if we were going to face ‘The Master Jesus’ tomorrow, when he will ask us what we have done in this life for others, then we might just improve on what we are doing at this time.”

“Why is it that Mankind seems to choose to forget that life is Eternal?  These souls act as if there was no tomorrow and that nobody else will remember what wrongs they did – wrong!”

“Each and every day souls leave this earth plane and move on to a better way of life, if they have earned that right by their behaviour and love of sharing with others.  Do not forget that life exists beyond this earth plane.”

“Always remember that those who have gone before you into the next dimension are only a thought away.  If your love is strong and they return your love, then let them come close in the quietness that you can both share together.”

“So many people these days say that when they lost a loved one, they could still feel them around them.  Where else should they be if your love was strong enough for them to want to be near to you?”

“When you know that you have been rescued by spiritual means from difficulties, always remember to give your thanks and your acceptance of all they do for you.”

“Don’t panic when things seem to be going wrong.  Understand that there may be another way, but always ask for guidance from your own guide, who loves you well and knows you better than you do.”

“If you are starting off at an early stage of understanding the realities of life, do not worry, but ask above for someone to come and advise you and for you to know that they are the one who was truly sent to you.”

“Lots of opportunities come our way to help enlighten those who understand less than we do about spiritual progression, so it is up to us to share our knowledge for the Greater Good.”

“Happiness is a state of mind in which we are blessed with a higher vibrational energy called love and, as we receive it, so we are able to give it to others and raise their vibrations to a happier level.”

“Always you can tell those who love our Creator, as they are blessed with a smooth passage as they succeed in tackling the opportunities, which are given to us to enable us to help others and learn for ourselves.”

“Get ready to seek enlightenment, because we are not clever enough to survive without the wisdom from the Higher Intelligence.”