01 December 2015

Daily Thoughts for December 2015

“Take a minute and look around at your fellow man and without judging, see what sort of fist they are making of their lives.  If you think that you could do it better than they are, then go forward and do it better for all to see and make a difference, because you are here to do so.”

“It is the peace of mind that is so essential to our development.  We need to be easy on ourselves and not blame our behaviour or misfortunes on others.  After all, in the end we are all responsible for our actions and our development as souls of the future.”

“Putting aside one’s self is to make room for others to come into your space and share what it is you have to offer them.  You too will learn from them and so in harmony you can all become stronger and know that when two or three are gathered together in the name of Jesus, he will be there in the midst.”

“Take another look at yourselves and search within yourself to find the answers.  Look in the quietness of your very soul and you will find that if you are sincere and look with the best of intentions, you will be rewarded and you will find peace of mind and direction of where and how to go forward in your life.”

“Know that you are loved.  That is important for everyone to know.  Without love we are moribund and insensitive.  The best way to celebrate this love is to give your love to those around you and think before you speak and perhaps hurt.”

“It is important that we keep looking forward to be prepared for what is to come.  It is no use living in the past, which is only there as a record of events from which we can learn for our future and then let it be happening for all the best reasons.”

“When we celebrate our anniversaries and past events, we need to reflect on what is the true meaning of them.  We should be uplifted and know the joy that became a piece of perfection in our lives and to give thanks for them.”

“Each of us will have to take a good long look at our lives and all our actions will be clearly revealed to us.  Will we be able to look our betters in the face knowing that we always did our best or will our heads drop as we realise how much harm we have done?”

“Jesus taught us to treat people as we would wish to be treated ourselves.  If only this applied as a Universal Law to all peoples then there would be far less misery and pain.  It does apply as a Universal Law, but how many people use it in their everyday lives?”

“We need to understand that when we make a thought and then put it into action, we are responsible for the reaction of what we have created.  This applies both to goodness and to badness and what results from our behaviour to another.”

“Fear and hate are emotions that have to be taught by one man to another.  They are not inherited when we come, but are taught by man in his inhumanity to gain power over others.  The misery that they cause are apparent the world over.”

“Love is given as a gift from the Creator to all who are worthy to receive it.  When we were made in his image we were worthy, but after we come to this earth plane of existence we became less so.  The wanting more than we need for ourselves is often the cause.”

“What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that love is the emotion of great happiness, which all seem to require in their lives.  However in order to sustain it, it has to be fed and that means that both parties need to fulfil the needs unconditionally of each other.”

“We will go happily ever onwards when we have shed the unnecessary baggage that we all seem to accumulate.  It is surprising perhaps just how little we need to sustain our lives and in the end we leave here with nothing to declare!”

“We are blessed if we have the enlightenment and knowledge to follow the spiritual pathway that Jesus told us about.  If we follow his example we shall be united with the goodness here on earth as well as in our continued life after we pass from here.”

“If we give that helping hand to those who are in need, we will be rewarded at the appropriate time.  Our immediate reward will be that little glow of satisfaction within, that we did what was right and gave our help unconditionally.”

“Taking the selfish route in our lives for our own happiness ahead of others is not the spiritual way and we will all have to acknowledge this after our passing, when we will be asked about what we did with our lives here and how we used them to help others.”

“Everybody, who has a mind that leads them to be successful, will acknowledge that they had help along the way.  We all need help and it is important to recognise that fact and to be grateful for it.  We must also remember that having received assistance we are duty bound to help others who may be in need.”

“There is no problem about making mistakes.  The important thing is not to hurt anybody and learn from our errors, so that we don’t continue to make them.”

“We are all individuals and are all different.  We become who we are by the experiences that we have.  We must make sure that all the happenings in our lives are teaching us how life should be and not giving in and taking the easy road.”

“We must not be tempted to believe all we are told without testing it.  So many people are gullible and their mind-set becomes cluttered with all the throw-outs of another’s minds, because we are not willing to test what we are told and see whether it is right or wrong.”

“Our physical bodies were made here on this earth plane and provide us with a vehicle to live in.  Our souls or mind-sets were made by our Creator in loving harmony and unconditional love.  It is these that we really are and we must nurture and care for our own being and not allow it to be besmirch by the negativity that can tempt us away from the goodness and the right.”

“When we were made in unconditional love, we were given freewill and a conscience.  To lead a successful spiritual life, it is necessary to keep these two in balance and to ensure that we understand what we are doing, which means separating right from wrong.”

“When we are able to listen to the advice and help from those who care for our future, we are together able to accomplish far more than we can do alone.  Listen to that inner voice of reason and know that it makes sense.”

“Even if there was no way that we could accomplish our destiny on this plane of existence, we still have to make every effort to achieve it.  We have to give it our best and not allow excuses to be are only stuttering reason for our failure.”

“Too many souls have been led to believe that there is nothing after physical death of the body.  How can they be so certain, as there is so much evidence that proves them wrong?  They will be so surprised that their ego has led them astray.”

“We are here on this plane of existence for such a short time only and we have much to accomplish.  We came with a list of jobs to complete and it won’t do to leave them until the last minute, even if we know when that is!”

“Let us all know that we are loved by those in the Spirit Realms.  We are watched over by our guides and helpers, who send us their unconditional love.  Why is it that so many souls don’t take the trouble to sit in the quietness and learn to listen to their good advice?”

“Know that for every bit of goodness that you give out to others, it is returned to you tenfold.  Even if you have a mean heart, surely the balance of this reward is well worth the effort.”

“There is no bad lining to the clouds.  They are all lined with silver and they carry the goodness that our Creator put there.  For it to be so and bring us that goodness, we should believe that it is there for us.”

“Let the month begin with a new thought process that we will give love and harmony to all that we meet.  This can be done with a smile from the heart and through the eyes.  It will be believed and you will be loved.”

03 November 2015

Daily Thoughts for November 2015

“Know that you were created in unconditional love and that it is only those people who have forgotten that they are here to live together in that love that create the situations that cause hurt and pain through their own suffering inside themselves.”

“Get yourselves a happy and precious time to spend in the quiet of your own minds.  Know that the Spirit lives in you and that it is only by your actions that it can be turned away.  Even then it will only stand back a little, because you are loved and always will be whatever you do or say.”

“Let the little children of this planet find that there is time and safety for them to have a childhood to grow up in and shame on those who abuse our children and spoil the precious years of finding that there is room for trust and love in relationships.”

“Give a smile to every one you meet and see what reaction you get in return.  Many will return your smile and both of you will feel better for giving them.  Those who can’t return your smile are the ones with the problem.”

“Real love is a gift from God.  How else can the good intentions of the humble and peaceful people understand the ways of the world, which is populated by too many who just take and don’t even consider where it comes from as long as they have what they want.”

“Let us be sure that the good deeds which we do go to those who are worthy of them and not those who expect it, because of who they are.  It is the worthy who are the humblest and not those who hold out their hands all the time.”

“Take a fresh look at the people around you and see the difference between the givers and the takers.  It is the caring and the loving that need to be your true friends and not those who take without even a backward glance.” 

“All things in life have to be earned.  That is especially so of love, honour and trust.  Nobody has any right to be given things unconditionally without holding to the moral standards of the wellbeing of others.”

“We must remember that actions speak louder than words.  It is true that blood is thicker than water, but it does not give anyone the right to behave badly within the family and expect to be given everything that they want.”

“There are many deserving causes in this world and we must decide who we will help.  It is not wrong to be suspicious and to do a little checking before committing to the act of giving unconditionally.”

“Why do we only pay lip service to the needs of others?  Is it because there is so much fraud and distrust so that we find that if we allow our hearts strings to be pulled it usually turns out to be a scam?”

“So often, life is about power over others.  The truth is that the better way is to share and be at one with each other.  All actions must be governed by love and wellbeing, not getting the best deal for oneself alone.”

“Take courage and know that good things are often copied and changed for the use of those with an ulterior motive.  Look to the truth of what he said before it was corrupted by man and his narrow-minded vision.”

“The natural world is the reality of Creation.  The material greed and corruption behind the closed doors of business are the downfall of the people, who try to live in the light and love of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus brought us all if we have the love and the courage to use it.”

“The difference between the truth and religion is that Jesus Christ came to show us how to live and these morbid men of cloth only celebrate his death.”

“The love and devotion of the Spiritual God is everywhere.  Look in the fields and in the home.  You don’t have to go into the money collecting dogma of men to find the spirit that Jesus brought to us and showed us how to live.”

“Divine Creation is everywhere.  God speaks though everything that you feel is good and righteous.  It is hardly surprising that it struggles to be felt in a dark old fashioned building that is only used seriously once a week!”

“If we share what we have we shall be blessed with more of the same.  Never allow your doubts to interfere with what you know is the Hand of God helping you through your life.  This is given to you because you are loved by your Creator, not because the Church allows it!”

“To know that we are in the best place and that we are given happiness and direction, should be enough to keep us on the spiritual path, where Spiritual Law predicts all that we should have according to our thoughts and actions.”

“We are all well blessed if we allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit.  They always have our best interests at heart, if only we would not interfere and allow their love to see us through.”

“Never blame yourself for being lost in a world of confusing directions.  The thing to do is to stop and find the silence of your inner peace and ask to be shown the way.”

“When we do right we can see what we have achieved and we experience that little glow of satisfaction within.  This is not vanity, but the knowledge that we got it right and that we feel pleased with the outcome.  We deserve that at least.”

“Where we make mistakes they are not wasted if we learn from them.  What is the point in doing a wrong and not learning how to rectify it and stop us repeating time and time again?”

“We are losing the role models that used to encourage us, so we will have to either look harder or start to be that encouragement ourselves for others to follow.”

“Nothing good ever came out of the negativity and wrongdoing of others.  It is up to us all to demonstrate that goodness does pay and through our good deeds we are rewarded.  Show everybody the goodness that you have earned and don’t be shy!”

 “As we all start to pull together to find solutions to the many problems that afflict this world through Mankind’s mistakes and greed, guidance will be given, so that if the will is there the way will be discovered.”

“Nothing is given and nothing is taken away unless we earn them through our thoughts and actions.  What we sow we reap.  If we never sow then we will have nothing to harvest.”

“Let the happiness of all souls begin to make a mark and raise the level of misery and pain from the shoulders of all those who suffer.  We all have the need to help our fellow man, woman and child, so that we can be helped when we are in need of that encouragement and love from others.”

“Now we cannot afford to wait for our destiny to be fulfilled.  We must identify it and go out and make it happen, after all we are not so important when we are compared with the Greater Good.”

“We all need a Greater Power to guide us and none of us have an ego worthy of testing, but that doesn’t stop many in their arrogance from trying.”

01 October 2015

Daily Thoughts for October 2015

“The justice of life is not constant and many suffer injustice.  Let us be ready to stand up for those who are abused and don’t get their just desserts because of the selfishness of others.”

“Such is our lot that often we are ready to lay down our load and give up!  Then we will have achieved nothing and cannot expect to be welcomed in the next world for what we have achieved here.”

“Let us see the miracles that are conducted on this planet every day and give thank for them.  It is not a sin to believe in miracles, but only such to disbelieve them when they happen and not give thanks.”

“Share what we do not need and allow the traveling baggage to be light.  We all carry more than we need, but we are fearful to put down the burden of it just in case…”

“Now the end is near, but that is not the end, but the start of a new beginning.  We should always look ahead with hope and love in our hearts for a better way of life and never be afraid to start over again to get it right.”

“Take the glorious sunshine into your heart and let that golden gift of life colour all you do and feel.  Our Creator gave us all that we need to survive in happiness and health, if only we learn how to use his gifts.”

“We must always be honest with ourselves and not allow excuses to cover our reason.  We cannot get away with deceit in the long run and it is a wise man who never tells a lie.”

“Watch what is good and try and emulate it.  Throw out what is bad and keep it out of your thoughts and minds.  Remember that love rules the better world.”

“We cannot afford to believe what men tell us, as all men have some ulterior motives, especially if they seek to have power and control over others.”

“If the devil exists, he exists in our own minds and it was us who allowed him to be there or else he wouldn’t exist!”

“Why do we hesitate to go into the unknown and seek wisdom from our enlightenment?  What is there to harm us if we ask for the protection of Our Father and all his Angels to keep us safe?”

“Going to church isn’t the answer!  We must explore for our own truths and not the dogma and rulebook of men.  Surely we aspire higher than that?”

“The sun is the light of the physical world.  The Master Jesus is the enlightenment of spirituality and truth if we will welcome him into our lives and ask for his help.”

“We are transparent to the Higher Beings.  We cannot fool ourselves or them, so what is the point of hiding our own desires from others when they are not worthy of us?”

“We all are responsible for all we do and say, even what we think.  There is nobody else who can take the responsibility away from us no matter what they may tell you.  You must do it yourself.”

“Know that the words and teachings of Jesus are there on a one to one basis for each and every one of us to understand and cannot be interpreted by another for you.”

“Making oneself perfect is an impossibility, but getting as close as one is able is the way to make oneself better in all respects.”

“Take a new look at your motivations and see why you react the way you do and ask yourself if it would stand the scrutiny of the Higher Intelligence.”

“Are we brave enough to do what is right regardless of what is in it for us?  It is more important to serve humanity with justice and love than to feather our own nest.”

“The way to the stars is in climbing out of the heavy vibrations that materialise around us and hold us back on this earth.  We need to aspire to the lighter and happier vibrations of the Almighty Creator, who will always give us the opportunity to succeed.”

“There is no point in putting on a good show, so that people will think well of us when we are not sincere in our actions.  The truth of insincerity is a wriggling snake and will always find a way to become plain in the fullness of time.”

“It is only in this world that we can hide behind a front and put on an act to deceive others.  In the next world of the Spirit, we are transparent and all is revealed to all who seek that knowledge about us.”

“If we are honest and righteous, then it will shine through and all will see it in our faces and our actions will confirm it.”

“It is useless to pretend that we understand the teachings of the Saviour Jesus Christ, if we can’t illustrate our comprehension in the way we live in harmony with others.”

“The light of wisdom is the light given through enlightenment and not through wishful thinking.  We have to learn how to string together the pearls of wisdom that make up Spiritual Law and the living of it.”

“We must be worthy of the trust shown by giving the right and just way of living to be allowed to represent the Spirit World, which many call Heaven.  If we are not worthy now we must aspire to it.”

“We are so used to having everything instantly.  However spiritual gifts have to be earned first and cannot be received on credit.”

“We are all individuals and each different and unique, so how can another know what is right for us?  Only the Power of the Spirit can do that and then only if we ask it to come into our lives can it do so.”

“The Hand of God is there for all who believe in his greatness and wisdom.  You must believe that yourself and not through the preaching of another.”

“God’s love has never left you, but it is your choice whether you receive it or not.  Ask in the right and honourable way and you will feel its warmth in your life.”

“Now that the light is shining through in your lives, you will have the opportunity to see where you are going for good or ill.”

01 September 2015

Daily Thoughts for September 2015

“Let the rain clouds come and go having refreshed the earth and then they will make way for the sunshine that lightens all our hearts and puts that spring in our step as we quicken towards a better world.”

“Take another step into the consciousness of truth and allow your freedom to be increased.  Being brainwashed by others makes a dull and frightening life without the joy of knowing the truth.”

“Carry a smile through life and see others respond to it.  Smiling can be contagious and bring a ray of light into the gloomy world that many live in.”

“If we are happy, so we can spread happiness to others.  If we carry all our problems on our sleeves we only spread fears and woe and dampen any happiness that others have found already.”

“We are always looked after if we allow the unconditional love of our Creator to guide us in the right way of living.  It does help to be grateful and recognise his loving guidance.”

“Take a good look in the mirror and see the good things that are there.  It doesn’t profit any one to just count the wrinkles and observe the ravages of time.  As we mature so we change for the better.”

“Never give away all the goodness that you have earned or there will be nothing left for you.  It is not a selfish act to be generous while holding back enough for your own needs.”

“Watch out for ways to help others.  Then when you are in need of help yourself it can be given and your conscience is clear, as like attracts like and so you in turn are helped.”

“As the sun shines, so you know that you are blessed above others.  If you recognise the gifts of our Creator, who gave us life and love, you are well on the way to a better life.”

“Watching how others live their lives is a good way of learning.  Copy their good moves and learn from their mistakes.  Remember that you will not see the whole picture, so act on your instincts and let Spiritual Guidance show you the right way to go.”

“When we feel that there needs to be any adjustment in our lives, we are being guided to do something about it, so ask for help as to the best way to go about it and go for it!”

“Nothing lasts forever and change is always in the wind.  You are never stuck in a rut, even if it is of your own making.  Look for the constant movement, as everything is in motion.”

“Now is the time to make new resolutions.  Don’t leave it for another day.  Today is always the right time when it is put into your mind that changes are needed.”

“Soon it will all get better, but not if we do nothing!  We cannot leave it for others to do, so we must start now and change the world.”

“Until Mankind learns to live together in harmony for the Greater Good, no progress will be made.  First and foremost we have to establish the work of individuals to bring us all together in the right way by their example.”

“Allow the love of the Spirit to guide you rather than the dictates of man. Where there is trust established first you can be assured of the right, but do not be duped by misinformation.”

“There are many ways to go through this life and material temptation is often shown to be a wise course, but without the right intentions you can do more harm than good, so look to your conscience before you act.”

“Take a moment each and every day to examine what you need to know and so keep on the right path of justice and love of your fellow man, woman and child.”

“If you are facing difficult decisions, ask for help and guidance in the right way and it will be there for you.  It may not always be what you want, but it will always be what is best for you.”

“There is a great deal of information available to us if we look for it.  Seek and you will find and the truth will be given to you.”

“Many have laid down the law over the centuries and it may be hard to change, but it never will be unless we examine it and find the truth, which is given through Spiritual Law and not Mankind’s preferences.”

“It is no use always following what we are told to do when in our hearts we know something different.  We must always be comfortable and at peace with all our decisions.”

“We all need a role model to look up to and to learn from.  Jesus showed us how to be meek and mild and yet to succeed.  If we always stand up for what is right, there is some hope of righteousness occurring.”

“Take yourself to the higher level and always try to improve on what you do, so that you progress towards a better life both here and in the world to come.”

“If you only take what you need there will be more for others and then there is a chance that by your example enough will always be available.”

“Make a good job of everything that you do.  Give of your best and nobody can ask for more than that.”

“We are here to help one another and to make the world a better place because we came.  If we fall short, we will have let down not only ourselves, but all those who are still to come.”

“Remember the words of Jesus, who said that you reap what you sow and these words are true and should always be born in mind every moment of every day.”

“You need to be aware that the Higher Intelligence loves you and secures your future as long as you live by Spiritual Law.  It is from this Law that you will receive what you have earned for yourself through good or ill.”

“The beginning of the end is not the same as the end of the beginning.  Live in the now and see that where you are is the right place to be, if you allow the flow of the Spirit to regulate your life for the best.”

01 August 2015

Daily Thoughts for August 2015

“What is the point of paying lip service to the Greater Good and believe that a man can forgive your sins so that you can pass from this earth pure and unsullied?  We are all responsible for our actions and we will all have to answer for them.”

“When we have plenty we need to see how best it can be used to help others, who have less than they need.  Be sure everything goes to a good home and your gifts are not abused by greed and corruption.”

“Like the gentle drops of rain that sustain this earth and bring life support to all areas where it falls, we must harvest the goodness and not allow it to simply run away into the ocean and be lost to our environment in which we live.”

“The love vibration is soft and warm and makes a peaceful mind and heart respond in harmony to its surroundings.  It can never be created or destroyed, but it is always there if we want it enough to share it with all who need it.”

“Wait until you are sure that what you propose to do is to act in best interests of all concerned.  Like throwing a pebble into the lake, its repercussions will be felt far from the point of initial contact.”

“Taking another to a higher level of understanding is to serve the Higher Intelligence with your love and his wisdom.  Never feel ashamed to speak the truth as you see it, but be tolerant in listening to the truth as others see it.”

“Short term gain is usually only a matter of easy come, easy go.  You cannot build securely for the future on weak foundations and so it is better to make a long-term commitment and not just the easy fix.”

“Practice makes perfect they say, but that depends on your view point.  To practice to make things better for all is worthwhile, but to practice for personal gain alone is not going to lead to perfection, but in the long term a negative response.”

“What is the point in taking what we want for our own short-lived pleasures and leaving the cupboard bare?  To live for today without having anything to give to others is a short-sighted policy.”

“Goodness and righteousness can follow us all the days of our life we are told, but we must abide by these virtues and show them clearly in our thoughts and actions.”

“The only true belief is what you believe in your own hearts and minds.  It cannot be taught to you by others.  They can only point the way for you to develop your own relationship with the better world beyond this earth.”

“The messages that have been sent by good men and women do not arrive idly, but are brought through spiritual love from our Creator.  It is when people twist these to their own advantage that the damage is done.”

“The simplest thing is often the most beautiful creation and it is only when Man complicates it that it starts to lose its spiritual message.”

“We are not alone and all our actions and thoughts are heard and recorded to be exposed in the next life after we pass from this one.  Is it our arrogance that makes us think that we can get away with our bad behaviour?”

 “What is the matter with Mankind, who breaks all the Laws given by the Almighty and brings down the repercussions of its actions upon all people?”

“When you are alone in your own space and quietness you can reach beyond your own little world into the loving orbits of the next.  Ensure that you are ready to be received with love by cleansing your heart and mind, so that you are as pure as the driven snow.”

“We all need a time to rest and that applies to both the physical and the mental, so allow peace of mind to become your bedfellow and live only for the betterment of humanity as a whole.”

“Taking a prayer from the heart is the message of the mind to be sent out into the Universe and will be returned to you tenfold, so send only goodness and leave your negative thoughts out of the equation.”
“You are never truly without what you really need to sustain your life, as if you live in the right way that Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us then the Almighty will always provide what you need, but not always what you want!”
“Both giving and receiving bring great rewards to both parties and they are jointly blessed.”

“Take yourself away from the acts that sustain your own ego and allow yourself the luxury of doing good, because it is needed and you can do it.”

“The whole truth of love and happiness can be found in what you do for others.  It can be a hard life to burden yourself with, but in the end, when you have done all you can, you have nothing to reproach yourself about.”

“Violence is the weapon of the weak, who cannot resolve their issues without resorting to action of overpowering another into submission.  It is the humble who are strong in sustaining goodness.”

“Take a great leap of faith and know that you are not alone.  All around us is a loving energy brought from a world beyond our comprehension, but that doesn’t stop it being there.”

“To be allowed to open your heart to another is a sign of confidence that within you is a strength and power that can only come from the Almighty, who has the wisdom to choose where it can best be used.”

“Try to learn to forgive, because it is through the act of forgiving that success can come about, bringing with it love and harmony and that inner peace.”

“Go to the warmth of love in your heart and forgive all those who have done you harm.  It is not worth allowing your hate to corrupt your heart and mind.”

“Allow yourself the opportunities to help others and deny yourself the right to walk by on the other side.”

“To take more than you need is a crime against humanity.  To live with enough to sustain you is the rule of life, where everybody can benefit.”

“Take heed and allow yourself the luxury of right living.  As you follow Spiritual Law, so you will be blessed and rewarded.”

“Once one is happy then you have a life based on love.  Until you can differentiate between pursuing life for just oneself and giving happiness to others it will be a lonely life.”

01 July 2015

Daily Thoughts for July 2015

“Say to all who will listen, “We are all together in this world and we must look after it and not allow any to dominate over others least we are all lost.”

“We must all look to our future now before it is lost.  Those who have more to give must give it, so that the world is cleansed of our bad practices before we are lost in our own misery of errors.”

“There is only one way for a future for our children and our children’s children and that is to live in balance together and not to upset the natural forces that can so swiftly turn against our mistakes and errors.”

“Look up to the sky and see the sun shining every morning as it brings hope of a perfect day of peace and fulfilment for all people.  We must believe it and act to make it happen – not to leave it to others.”

“The words of the scriptures that we were given for our guidance must be tempered with the conscience within us all, as we must hear the beating of our heart as it tells us that this aggressive world must heal itself.”

“The people must stand up and be counted and show what they want from Governments, so that bloodshed can stop and the peace on earth can spread and harmony can exist between nations.”

“It is the might of arms that causes so much misery to the people while the politicians play with the power and fail to remember that they are put their to serve the people.”

“Who are bold enough to stop the evil doers, who are not held responsible for their actions and get away with atrocities time and time again?”

“Where are those likeminded people who will see that justice is done?  There are people who will serve Mankind and have the resources already to stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”

“Those atrocities caused by armies and selfishness, as people try and hold power over the weaker peoples and nations, must be held responsible for their actions and not to be protected by their political friends.”

“Aid Organisations do a fantastic job, but they have to go out begging to raise money to help those who should never have been placed in this suffering state.  We must look ahead and with God’s guidance see how we can stop disaster before it comes knocking on the door.”

“As famine hits an area of what was once a fertile land, the sending of parcels of food and tents with medical supplies is only the beginning.  We must start to educate and set up farming and trade, so that the people can survive themselves and in time help others.”

“Let us give love to each other and see how we can help others, who are less fortunate, to be educated and fed and to bring up their children to make a more equal world with a future of hope and trust.”

“In the beginning was the word and the word was given to teach us how to live in peace and love with each other.  If we stand out from the crowd we are afraid to be ourselves and to lose the balance that there is in the goodness, which is easily upset by the negativity of the greedy and the corrupt.”

“We have lost the simplicity of loving each other and sharing what we have so that all may survive. Instead the poor are kept poor as the wealthy exploit.  Love has been corrupted into hate and it is the fear of losing what the rich have gained that causes them to lose the balance of humanity”

“Let us look around the world and see for ourselves how power corrupts and nations play politics and invade other nations and this world spends more time at war than at peace, because of the greed of a must-have society.”

“We all want to live in peace and harmony and yet too many seek to gain control over others.  The power game is an earthly myth which brings no happiness, but keeps so many in the bondage of a loveless life.”

“Concentrate therefore on what we all have in common.  The knowledge of all religions came from the same root, until Man pulled the plug and took another stance in his own interests.”

“Nobody can tell another what to feel and what to believe.  We are all individual and different, but we have our Creator in common.”

“Listen to your own conscience with an honesty of hope and love.  You will feel the rights and the wrongs of everyday life becoming clearer and easier to understand.”

“To live by the words of Jesus is to open ones heart to the Lord and to close ones ears to the doctrines that dictate policy and collect alms for themselves rather than the poor and those in need.”

“It is about time that the peoples of this world thought for themselves and they allowed their own feeling to dictate their belief systems.  Far too many allow others to tell them what they should do and believe in.”

“Those who hold the Spirit within themselves are blessed with the knowledge that there is a Greater Intelligence above their own.  The wealth of the Spirit is within and not without.”

“Jesus came to teach and to heal.  Where are the healing hands of those who purport to serve our Divine Creator?”

“God doesn’t require shiny metals and palatial buildings to be worshiped in, while his children around the world are starving, are abused and have all the hallmarks of poverty without the love that is Divine.”

“The proof is in the acting of the moral and righteous way that religions behave behind closed doors to do what they like, all the while collecting wealth for their physical comforts.”

 “Over the centuries all people have believed what religious doctrines have taught using fear and ignorance.  Isn’t it strange that they say that they are the only ones who can be close to God?”

 “It is all very well to disbelieve.  You cannot prove that something doesn’t exist.  Only that it does.  The Higher Intelligence does exist, because Mankind is incapable of wisdom on such a large and loving scale.”

 “Why do so many people believe that God doesn’t exist, when all around us are his beautiful creations that have evolved through his caring and loving guidance – not by Man’s foolhardy mistakes and errors?”

“It is a simple thing to live in the light of spiritual environments, because you will be rewarded for goodness and punished for badness.  We all know where we stand, but too many gamble with their future thinking that they cannot lose.”

“Take a new leaf out of an old book and promise to live right and ignore all other distractions from Spiritual Law knowing that what you sow, so you will reap.”

01 June 2015

Daily Thoughts for June 2015

“The last shall be first and the first shall be last.  It is true that it is no use pushing your way to the front of the queue, but allowing your record to speak for its self and letting the Higher Intelligence decide where you should be and where you should go.”

“Miracles do happen and more often than we acknowledge.  They are good things that happen out of the blue to help and we cannot see how they were done, but always the timing is perfect, so we know that God had a hand in them.”

“Take heart and heed your own good sense, as the difficulties seem unassailable, but with thoughts to On High for a way to be shown you to overcome them, then you will not struggle alone and you can succeed.”

“The guidance and the day to day help that we all receive is worthy of noting it and giving thanks for it.  There is no such thing as luck, but good fortune comes in many guises.”

“It can be hard always trying to live by Spiritual Law against all the odds, but you know as well as I do that Spirit can make the impossible possible.”

“Nothing ever stays the same forever and so we must always be prepared to move on, whether we are comfortable or ready for a change.  Whatever is the case we must always meet the new challenges with a loving heart.”

“We all come to serve and to be the servant to all those we meet. Remember how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples?  We need to do likewise.”

“Take courage and believe in your heart and soul that you are special and can accept the Divine Love of your Creator.  Nothing can then stop you from doing good things and fulfilling the reason why you came to make this world a better place for you being here.”

“We are never alone and we must get used to being guided and helped along the way.  If we turn a deaf ear to those who want to help, we are only hurting ourselves and condemning those good souls to a long and lonely wait!”

“If we are unable to go and help the needy in distress, we can still send out our thoughts for the Spirit to aid and protect those who do go and to keep them safe.”

“Send out your thoughts for all those who give up their time and love for those in need in areas of the world, where we would hesitate to go, but so many would die without these selfless souls, who administer to them in the most appalling conditions.”

“Along the way of life we meet many others, who, like us, are looking for the best way to be and to find love and peace and harmony amongst the ravages of negativity.”

“What may seem a waste of time may also be a blessing in disguise.  We can’t always understand the reasoning of the spiritual path as it twists and turns along the way.  We only know that we must follow it and look for the best in everything.”

“Justice is the balancing of the law without fear or favour.  It doesn’t always work, because the human mind is fickle and doesn’t always see the truth in the right way.  We must be patient and ask for divine justice in our hearts.”

“Take and eat the holy words of righteousness, so that you can understand the philosophy of life that is directed from a Higher Source than ours.  We need the expanded mind to find true wisdom.”

“Hold fast to your belief system, but be prepared to learn and to be tolerant of others who are not blessed with our advantages.”

“Wishing and dreaming are not the same thing.  To wish is to ask for something that is for the better and is good.  To dream means that you expect to get your desires on a plate without lifting a finger.”

‘All the world’s a stage,’ the Bard said and we must all play our parts in making it a better place for all to come to.  It is not a place to idly stand by and watch others do the work!”

“Why do we think that we should always get the best if we are not prepared to work for it in the right way?  We get what we deserve and will always receive what the Spirit knows is best for us.”

“We should ask for help in clearing up the mess that we have made and not expect others to do it for us.  We are all in this together and we must play our part and encourage others to do likewise.”

“Climate Change is brought about by Man’s misuse of the Earth’s resources.  It is no use blaming God for his folly when that is Man’s alone.”

“As the rain comes to fulfil the needs of the plants, so are the plant eaters are blessed with food and nourishment.  We are given all that we need if we live by the Laws of the Universe.”

“Take no notice if you feel that the clouds are grey.  Ask for Divine help and it will be given, if we ask in the right way without expecting material gain for ourselves alone.”

“The way to find happiness is in the contentment that we do everything that we can to the best of our ability for the happiness of others, who are in greater need than ourselves, so we are blessed.”

“If we take our strength and use it for the Greater Good, we will be blessed by the good results that God gives out according to Spiritual Law. We will reap what we sow.”

“Even the sunshine, which warms our lives and brings fruitfulness to the earth, must be ready to be covered by the occasional cloud, but it can never stop it shining through again and again.”

“Take courage and allow the dark forces to be overcome by the light of enlightenment.  Darkness can never extinguish the goodness and the right thinking of unconditional love.”

“As the sun warms the earth in the morning, so the enlightenment that is given each day is spread across the earth, so that the receptive minds can take on-board what they need to know to complete their day in harmony and peace.”

“To give to another is a blessed thing and always the giver and the receiver are blessed.  It is the goodness and love of the giver that sets in motion the trail of blessings that will unite you both.”

“To take the other way in order to avoid being helpful is always noticed in these Realms and you must never forget that Our Father sees and hears all, even your inner most thoughts.”

01 May 2015

Daily Thoughts for May 2015

“There is no going back, so why look behind you and live in the past when your future is shaped by the present.  To go forward you have to have the right intention and then you can succeed.”

“Give love and live in love and look to the Higher Intelligence to guide you.  Then you will find the way that you are intended to be and see before you a worthwhile life and the difference you came to achieve.”

“Take care of the innocence of the babies and the young children.  It is soon gone and can never be replaced.”

“Wars are the aggression of those who fail to talk to each other and can only wield the weapons of destruction, whether that is between nations or between individuals within the home.  Whichever it is, the innocent suffer.”

 “Love is the currency of the Spirit.  If there is no love then the spirit will wither and die.  Then the darkness of ignorance takes over and the road back is long indeed.”

 “To think on the consequences of all that we do and think is of much importance, because it is no use failing to and then wishing we had seen the effect of our actions.”

“Nothing on this earth was given by its creation to be wasted and ignored.  Though the love of our Creator we have all that we need here on this planet to make our lives better, as long as we haven’t already destroyed what we have been given!”

“Without the hate and the fear that is spread about by so many with narrow agendas, it becomes very difficult to allow love, peace and harmony to develop, so that all can be better off and share the good things in life together.”

 “We are all blessed with the knowledge that we have much to learn and we can talk and discuss with others as to why we have a different standpoint and, through openness, both parties can learn and move on, all the better for their meeting.”

 “Tolerance is a good gift to have and understand, but it must not be confused with loose living and immorality.  To be tolerant is to understand how another in all goodness can see life from a different perspective through their upbringing and teachings.”

 “If we smile along the way there will be a knock on effect, as those who are warmed by our smile will smile to others and our message of love and wellbeing will be spread across the planet for all to enjoy.”

 “However the coldness of other people’s action may be to us, we should know that if we are true to ourselves, it is their problem that they cannot harmonise with our goodness and positive love.”

 “By helping and giving we are blessed, as those who receive are equally blessed.  This is something between our Creator and ourselves and is kept private and not published to strengthen our ego.”

 “It is not wrong to be pleased with the result of giving a helping hand to another.  To see the success of acting well makes us more able to easily help again.”

 “Life can be easy if you do all the right things all the time and follow the path of righteousness, but we are but human and we have free will, so there are moments when we allow temptation to blacken our true destiny and then it is all the harder to get back onto the straight and narrow.”

“Remember that like attracts like, so that if you send out unworthy thoughts, so your returning energies will bring tenfold what you sent out.  Good thoughts work the same way, so be mindful of what you think.”

 “Be aware that you are not alone and that unseen energies are about you to guide and help you through your busy day.  Make sure that you communicate your thoughts and as you persevere, so will there start to be an exchange of enlightenment.”

“Nobody feels the pain of another more that the guide or angel, who looks over us and tries to help.  How would you feel if someone you love didn’t listen to your warnings and you had to watch them feel the consequences of their errors?”

 “Try to allow some time in your busy working day to be at peace and allow the stillness of the Lord to enter in.  It is often at these moments that a revelation comes to mind and you are able to make a difference for the better.”

 “Let nobody walk away from us without feeling that we were able to lift their vibrations just by allowing them to come close to ours.  A smile is a wonderful start.”

 “The land of opportunity is all around us, if we care to observe it.  Nobody has a monopoly on pain and suffering, so there is always the chance that we can help to relieve the symptoms by helping to ease the cause.”

 “Always there is a better way.  The trick is to recognise that this is so and to never stop looking for how we can live better and produce more peace wherever we go and for whoever we meet.”

“Taking evasive action to avoid helping others will never bring us to the Kingdom of God.  The next world for us depends on how well we harmonised with our fellow man, woman and child when we were given the chance.” 

“Be aware, as you tread this road of life and meet others as their paths cross briefly with yours, that all make a difference to each other by good or ill whenever we meet, so let us smile out our love for all.”

 “To be acceptable in the eyes of righteousness, we must live the words of the prophets and the example that Jesus gave us.  There is no second level of acceptance, because only the very best will do.”

 “To live in the light of love and reason we must live in the way that has been taught to us by the enlightenment of Jesus.  It is not something that we can pick up and put down when it doesn’t suit us.”

 “Let the light shine out into the darkness that to some extent surrounds us all.  According to our own thoughts and actions will depend on how much darkness envelops us.”

 “Just listen to the advice given and be grateful that you are not alone, because the unconditional love, which emanates from our Creator, is for all of us.  Without it the world would have no meaning or hope.”

 “Listen to your conscience and see if it makes sense.  If not, it is probably that you are interfering with your personal wants and not trying to do what is best for all concerned.”

“Sometimes it is possible to stop and think, so that you can decide on what you are doing and where you are going.  It rarely gives satisfactory results if you continue to charge in without guidance of the highest nature.”

 “This is the last time that we can get to the goodness and the right living in our lives. We all need to have a deadline, because otherwise we fail to act, so we must say, “Now is the moment to do it and to keep doing it all my days.”