01 December 2015

Daily Thoughts for December 2015

“Take a minute and look around at your fellow man and without judging, see what sort of fist they are making of their lives.  If you think that you could do it better than they are, then go forward and do it better for all to see and make a difference, because you are here to do so.”

“It is the peace of mind that is so essential to our development.  We need to be easy on ourselves and not blame our behaviour or misfortunes on others.  After all, in the end we are all responsible for our actions and our development as souls of the future.”

“Putting aside one’s self is to make room for others to come into your space and share what it is you have to offer them.  You too will learn from them and so in harmony you can all become stronger and know that when two or three are gathered together in the name of Jesus, he will be there in the midst.”

“Take another look at yourselves and search within yourself to find the answers.  Look in the quietness of your very soul and you will find that if you are sincere and look with the best of intentions, you will be rewarded and you will find peace of mind and direction of where and how to go forward in your life.”

“Know that you are loved.  That is important for everyone to know.  Without love we are moribund and insensitive.  The best way to celebrate this love is to give your love to those around you and think before you speak and perhaps hurt.”

“It is important that we keep looking forward to be prepared for what is to come.  It is no use living in the past, which is only there as a record of events from which we can learn for our future and then let it be happening for all the best reasons.”

“When we celebrate our anniversaries and past events, we need to reflect on what is the true meaning of them.  We should be uplifted and know the joy that became a piece of perfection in our lives and to give thanks for them.”

“Each of us will have to take a good long look at our lives and all our actions will be clearly revealed to us.  Will we be able to look our betters in the face knowing that we always did our best or will our heads drop as we realise how much harm we have done?”

“Jesus taught us to treat people as we would wish to be treated ourselves.  If only this applied as a Universal Law to all peoples then there would be far less misery and pain.  It does apply as a Universal Law, but how many people use it in their everyday lives?”

“We need to understand that when we make a thought and then put it into action, we are responsible for the reaction of what we have created.  This applies both to goodness and to badness and what results from our behaviour to another.”

“Fear and hate are emotions that have to be taught by one man to another.  They are not inherited when we come, but are taught by man in his inhumanity to gain power over others.  The misery that they cause are apparent the world over.”

“Love is given as a gift from the Creator to all who are worthy to receive it.  When we were made in his image we were worthy, but after we come to this earth plane of existence we became less so.  The wanting more than we need for ourselves is often the cause.”

“What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that love is the emotion of great happiness, which all seem to require in their lives.  However in order to sustain it, it has to be fed and that means that both parties need to fulfil the needs unconditionally of each other.”

“We will go happily ever onwards when we have shed the unnecessary baggage that we all seem to accumulate.  It is surprising perhaps just how little we need to sustain our lives and in the end we leave here with nothing to declare!”

“We are blessed if we have the enlightenment and knowledge to follow the spiritual pathway that Jesus told us about.  If we follow his example we shall be united with the goodness here on earth as well as in our continued life after we pass from here.”

“If we give that helping hand to those who are in need, we will be rewarded at the appropriate time.  Our immediate reward will be that little glow of satisfaction within, that we did what was right and gave our help unconditionally.”

“Taking the selfish route in our lives for our own happiness ahead of others is not the spiritual way and we will all have to acknowledge this after our passing, when we will be asked about what we did with our lives here and how we used them to help others.”

“Everybody, who has a mind that leads them to be successful, will acknowledge that they had help along the way.  We all need help and it is important to recognise that fact and to be grateful for it.  We must also remember that having received assistance we are duty bound to help others who may be in need.”

“There is no problem about making mistakes.  The important thing is not to hurt anybody and learn from our errors, so that we don’t continue to make them.”

“We are all individuals and are all different.  We become who we are by the experiences that we have.  We must make sure that all the happenings in our lives are teaching us how life should be and not giving in and taking the easy road.”

“We must not be tempted to believe all we are told without testing it.  So many people are gullible and their mind-set becomes cluttered with all the throw-outs of another’s minds, because we are not willing to test what we are told and see whether it is right or wrong.”

“Our physical bodies were made here on this earth plane and provide us with a vehicle to live in.  Our souls or mind-sets were made by our Creator in loving harmony and unconditional love.  It is these that we really are and we must nurture and care for our own being and not allow it to be besmirch by the negativity that can tempt us away from the goodness and the right.”

“When we were made in unconditional love, we were given freewill and a conscience.  To lead a successful spiritual life, it is necessary to keep these two in balance and to ensure that we understand what we are doing, which means separating right from wrong.”

“When we are able to listen to the advice and help from those who care for our future, we are together able to accomplish far more than we can do alone.  Listen to that inner voice of reason and know that it makes sense.”

“Even if there was no way that we could accomplish our destiny on this plane of existence, we still have to make every effort to achieve it.  We have to give it our best and not allow excuses to be are only stuttering reason for our failure.”

“Too many souls have been led to believe that there is nothing after physical death of the body.  How can they be so certain, as there is so much evidence that proves them wrong?  They will be so surprised that their ego has led them astray.”

“We are here on this plane of existence for such a short time only and we have much to accomplish.  We came with a list of jobs to complete and it won’t do to leave them until the last minute, even if we know when that is!”

“Let us all know that we are loved by those in the Spirit Realms.  We are watched over by our guides and helpers, who send us their unconditional love.  Why is it that so many souls don’t take the trouble to sit in the quietness and learn to listen to their good advice?”

“Know that for every bit of goodness that you give out to others, it is returned to you tenfold.  Even if you have a mean heart, surely the balance of this reward is well worth the effort.”

“There is no bad lining to the clouds.  They are all lined with silver and they carry the goodness that our Creator put there.  For it to be so and bring us that goodness, we should believe that it is there for us.”

“Let the month begin with a new thought process that we will give love and harmony to all that we meet.  This can be done with a smile from the heart and through the eyes.  It will be believed and you will be loved.”