01 December 2016

Daily Thoughts for December 2016

“Know that you are loved and that the more you love the greater the love that you are given.  All love is pure, so you are best loved through your thoughts and deeds for evermore”

“Each thought that you have is original as it carries your vibrations out to the Universe and influences all that it touches, so make good thoughts to lift the Universal soul and then all can benefit.”

“Where is the best to be found?  Look within your own heart to discover who you really are and listen to the positive vibrations that are there.  If you are not positive in your outlook, you cannot go forward and grow into God’s unconditional love.”

“Nothing is ever truly finished if it is good and ongoing.  Things change for the better if you’ll let them, so allow a new path to develop for you to follow.”

“When you think that you have come to the end, it is better to see it as a beginning and to move yourself into a better way of living and share your new vibrations with others who need you.”

“Take a leaf out of a good book and make it work for you.  Know that it will vibrate a message to you if you ask in the right way.  Everything has a vibration.  Let it work for you according to your own mind-set of progression.”

“We must all learn to use our conscience, which was given to us to know right from wrong.  If we fail to use it to direct our path we will easily go astray and fall into negative ways.”

“There is always a wonderful light ahead of us, so that we can follow it into the perfect light of discovery.  If we cannot see it then we have backed off too far and must ask for direction to be shown to us and it will be given.”

“Ask the Higher Intelligence for what you need.  He loves you and wants you to succeed, so ask in the righteous and loving way and you will be given what is best for you.”

“Everything on this planet was made to work together with each other until Mankind came and started to destroy more than he needed and so now we must start to save the remains of what was given to us to survive.”

“Know that the flowers of the field are worthy of the beauty that they reflect in the colours that they give each season to attract the high vibrations of the colour that they bear.”

“Protect yourselves from the takers of this world and know that they are not worth anything to you.  Only in God’s eyes where their light will somehow stay alight for them to start that long journey back to Him.”

“For those who crave love in their lives, they need to give away love to those about them and then they will have love returned to them tenfold.”

“Each morning before you get up, let your thoughts project out through the Universe to send out high vibrations to lift the negativity from those who are oppressed by the darkness.”

“Let your mind-set put your thoughts in order each night before you sleep, so you know that you had a good day – or did you?”

“The Egyptians were not so far wrong all those years ago when they balanced a feather to show the goodness of the heart.”

“Do not think for a moment that we will be judged for our lives on earth.  We will be guided, but we must judge our own actions against our conscience and see how we must put things right.”

“It is by helping those who are helpless and have no hope that we acquire a niche for ourselves in the Afterlife, where goodness awaits us if we live by the righteousness of a balanced mind-set.”

“Our Father is purity in all dimensions and yet He aspires to love us and want us to raise our loving vibrations through our love of humanity to reach out to Him to help and guide us back to Him.”

“Know that you were created in unconditional love and that it is your duty to keep your soul as pure and the falling snow flake.  Every little spot of negativity will remain, because unlike the snow flake it won’t melt away.”

“There is nothing that you can hide from the Higher Intelligences.  What you mistake for getting away with it is only from your fellow man and you will have to answer eventually to a higher court.”

“Sit in the silence of your own heart and without any disturbances clear your own mind to allow the feelings of your heart to be accessed by the guides, who hold you in love and will direct you.”

“If we chose to live without the Higher Intelligence, then we will not find happiness, but false promises.  Nothing is worth wasting our opportunities for, so look into the light and ask to see your salvation.”

“Whenever a soul turns away from the light of wisdom and enlightenment, so the ability to understand the goodness in which we were born is seeping away from us, body and soul.”

“Like attracts like and by living in darkness, so you will be deprived of the loving vibrations of the worthy and will be chased by the negativity in which you have chosen to exist.”

“By raising the vibrations of those who are in need, you bring greater love and attract help for them from those who recognise the unconditional love of Creation.”

“Send out your thoughts in love each and every day in that special time that you must set aside to show your Creator that you live in love and that you believe that he will answer your prayers in the best way for you and for those you prayed for.”

“When you are in need of a helping hand it will be there according to your desserts, which are measured according to how much you have lived for the rest of humanity in thought and deed.”

“Take another look at your life and see how you are able to help others in need.  There are so many deserving causes near to you that you would be spoilt for choice!”

 “When there is a need, there is always a solution that is proffered for it to be resolved.  Let your observation see the more loving way to resolve the unbalancing world.”

“Know your way into the Greater Good and see that there are many who serve there.  It is only a matter of compassion and determination to see you there also.”

30 October 2016

Daily Thoughts for November 2016

“Ease your way into the goodness and righteousness of life.  These are not old fashioned words, but what has been lost in everyday life in the 21sr century.”

“Never let your children see that you are unhappy.  They need to know the facts of life, but they expect you to know love for them and the whole family.”

“Take a new look at your relationships and see that they are working to both party’s advantage.  If they are not, there is no point in staying together and excluding happiness!”

“There is a new star rising in the east that will bring goodness and light to this world.  It has to be so, because Mankind has lost his way and so Universal Energies must bring back balance to this world.”

“It is right that we should be happy in our spirit, so that we spread the joy in our hearts to others.”

“We tend to bring on us what we deserve by our thoughts and actions.  Be positive for the Greater Good and spread happiness all around.”

“When you get up in the morning see the good things that you can achieve today and don’t dwell on any negativity that you are harbouring.”

“Sometimes we are ignorant of events around us, but we need to be aware that the way we act is the way to go after we have consulted our inner most feelings, so we don’t accidently hurt another soul.”

“Never go against what you feel in your heart in right.  You are in charge of your thoughts and actions and so you must take the reins and do it right in the most loving way that you can.”

“Take a moment to reflect and see that we are indeed led in the right direction.  We should know the way, as our instincts are well tuned if we let them guide us truly.”

“Know that we are always shown the way if we ask for directions. We are given the very best for our spiritual progression, so all we need to do is ask and it will be found for us.”

“There are so many people who cannot see their way clear to doing what they were destined to do.  We all came with a job of work to achieve and we promised the Almighty to do it for the Greater Good.”

“Keep yourselves informed of the atrocities that man does to his fellow man and send out your love and healing through the Spirit for peace and balance to return to all peoples.”

“It is the emotion of love that carries the world and not the negative fears and hatred of man’s influence on the landscape and common souls who struggle.”

“From our decisions others find that they are influenced.  We all need to be aware of our actions on the minds of others, because we are all linked in more ways that we can see.”

“As we reach out to the way that we have chosen and to those who walk the same path, we need to re-track our motives to be certain that we are walking in God’s light and not skulking in the ignorance of darkness.”

“Every step of the way there are decisions to be made.  It is through these smaller steps that the wide decisions can be made in total knowledge of the greater good and the best for all concerned.”

“There are many ways to climb the mountain, but only one way that will allow you the respite that you will need to succeed by using Spiritual Law to your advantage.”

“Always consider others as you progress through life and you will find that good helping hands are there for you when you need them, as we all do sometimes.”

“Keep on when the going gets tough, but ask the Spirit to show you the easiest route to accomplish your needs and desires.”

“Know that we are all capable of great things if we allow ourselves to concentrate on the things that matter.  We need to believe in ourselves and not to be put down by others who don’t have love in their hearts”

“We need to trust each other and to ensure that it is founded on strength.  No one has the right to have power over another as we are all individuals, who make up the whole.”

“By sharing in peace and harmony, we are able to progress together and to have a stable family and society.  We need to ensure that we are not misled by others into fear and separation.”

“To be loved is the greatest feeling in the Universe.  Take the opportunity to love all those around you and give it unconditionally as Our Father did for us.”

“Let the joy in your heart spill over to those around you, as you know that you were all created in unconditional love.”

“We all need to be accountable, not to the monetary system by which the world is run, but to the love and harmony of a Higher Source, who will aid us if we sincerely ask for his help.”

“God’s gifts are free and it is Man that makes everything accountable by the use of money, so that there immediately become a line drawn through all society of the haves and the have nots.”

“When we help another because we want to and not because we have to, we will be rewarded when we need a helping hand without conditions attached.”

“We were all made to love each other and to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours.  It is by living as one that we share our gifts and allow all to benefit and not just the few.”

“Let all good things come to you.  They are all on offer if you live by Spiritual Law and acknowledge the presence of a Higher Intelligence.”

01 October 2016

Daily Thoughts for October 2016

“All souls are made in unconditional love and so why is it so hard for us to live together in that love and receive harmony and peace?  We must see what we all have in common and build on that.”

“Remember that when you ask it will be answered for you, so be careful to ask for what you really would like and in the right and loving way.  Then you will be blessed and will rejoice with gratitude.”

“We all need love in our lives and yet so many souls find that they are denied the love that they want.  It is not right to go after another, who is already in another relationship, but it is right to send out your thoughts for the kind of soul that you would like and allow the guides to bring them to you.”

“Know yourself and be ready to make yourself a better soul.  We are all given opportunities each and every day, so act and let them guide you to a better life that God has prepared for you.”

“Thoughts are created to allow positive energies to flow from one place to another.  This is how the Power of Prayer can heal.  Beware that negative thoughts have the opposite affects.”

“Do not just sit at home and believe that you have done enough!  Always there are more things that need to be done and, even in your rest state, allow the guides to work with you in love and harmony and listen to their guidance.”

“Send out healing thoughts to the sick and the bereaved.  They need the comfort of unconditional love that is given to us all, but some have greater need for more and all are created equal, so send out what you have and it will be replaced for you.”

“Send out also your thoughts for those who are in need that from the energies around you are created the opportunities for them to be given what they need to survive and to rejoice.”

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you shall find.  Put out your prayers to the Almighty and see how they are answered for you.”

“Greed and envy are two manmade emotions, which are unworthy of any soul who understands the glory of creation from On High and tries to live their lives through Spiritual Law.

“Nobody has an easy life, as the balance is always achieved by Spiritual Law.  Look beneath the surface and you will be able to see that this is so.”

“Where you give to others who are in need, you will be rewarded likewise, but where you take for yourself you will be punished in ways that you did not foresee.”

“To take advantage of another, will mean that you will only have a short term gain and that you will lose what you made yours.  It is wrong to think that you can gain off the backs of others, because Spiritual Law will not allow it.”

“Always think before you act, as there is always a knock-on effect to others.  We cannot act alone and without care it is so easy to hurt the more sensitive souls around us.”

“We are all on a pathway leading to our destiny, which we came to achieve.  There is no such thing as failure, only different levels of achievement.”

“When you receive the answers to your prayers, always give thanks and rejoice.  Know that you are given what you need and what is best for you, because your guides know you better than you do yourself!”

“If you are bewildered and cannot see the truth, then ask the Almighty to show you through the Light the meaning that eludes you.  Then stand back and in the time to come watch for the answer, which will be given.”

“Never believe what is forced on you until you have examined it and from within you know the truth.  No one can walk your path or tell you what is not so unless you allow it to happen.”

“You are unique and have evolved into a soul different from all others.  Your thoughts and actions make this so and according to your beliefs and truth, so you are.”

“Know that your thoughts are always heard by the Great Spirit, who is with you always.  Never are you alone and never are you unheard.  Put out your most intimate thoughts and see how solutions are manifested to you.”

“Never think that you are unworthy of the attention of your Creator.  The Higher Intelligence is everywhere and loves everybody.  Why do you think that you are different?”

“Ask in the right way, humbly and positively.  If you never ask how can your prayers be answered?  If you ask in a reasonable way and give thanks for what you receive you are truly blessed.”

“If you are in need why do you not ask for help to receive?  To ask God to supply exactly what you need is the only way that you will be blessed with your salvation.”

“Know that the Spirit is as close as you allow it to come.  If you show negative thoughts, your guides and helpers must stand back and their assistance is limited by your ability to receive it.”

“To give love to another is a great and mighty gift, where happiness and positive thinking will raise the level of life and everybody will gain as happiness can then spread from one to another.”

“Love is the energy that makes the world a better place to live.  Where love has been supplanted by fear and hatred, it is only existence that prevails bringing suffering and pain.”

“Take another look at your life and see and understand your part in the world of today.  We are all connected in one way or another, so if we fail to do our best, we lower the worth of the group soul.”

“Let the Animal Kingdom be respected.  When all the elephants have gone through greed and ignorance they can never be replaced.  It is our loss and we are all responsible in the eyes of God, who created them.”

“Lift up your spirits and make positive thought your daily accomplishment.  Negativity makes us ill and causes the disease that saddens the world and brings pain and suffering.”

“When you see wrongdoing occurring made a great noise.  If you just ignore it nothing will ever change and we must all take responsibility for the communal wrongs.”

“Let your heart sing, as you see the miracles that God does each and every day.  He is not responsible for Mankind’s errors and mistakes, but helps us to atone and live right.  See the difference.”

01 September 2016

Daily Thoughts for September 2016

“Nothing is impossible to the Spirit.  Here the impossible becomes possible and many times we can see that it is so.  What we need to do is to believe it!”

“Give unto God what is God’s and that is everything that is good and loving.  Know that we can all do better and we will if we make ourselves more determined to succeed.”

“Get that spring in your step again.  Know that working with the Higher Intelligence is a privilege, but one that He rewards.  Everybody is worthy of His attention, so do not believe those who are high and mighty and say that they talk with God, but by their actions show that this is shamefully untrue.”

 “Be grateful for your daily bread and remember as you receive your food and sustenance that there are many who are not as fortune as you are.  We, who have enough, are blessed and we should always give thanks.”

“Each and every day there are routine matters to attend to.  These all have a purpose and are part of the service for the greater good of ourselves, our families or our career.  We should never allow them to make us miserable, but we can be happy as we feel the need to do them.”

“If we listen to our inner strengths, then we must know the difference between the thoughts that come from our own desires and the real direction that the Spirit gives us.  If we are in doubt then we must test the Spirit and ask for proof.”

“Know you the difference between the hard teachings of man in the buildings that they call those of God and the chance to understand the quiet places, where we can think our own thoughts and hear God in the centre of our mind.”

“Many are asked but few are chosen.  Is that because there are so few of us who come up to the right standards, in which case we must all try harder, if we wish to be counted among the disciples of the Lord.”

“Take a long look at the flowers that bloom in the out of the way places and the places where they find it hard to flourish.  They have their own beauty, which our Creator gave them and they too learn the hardships that we too endure.”

“We can all hurt somebody accidently, but more often it is our thoughtlessness that sends the barb deep into a loving heart, when we had no intension of doing so.  Then we must be aware of what we did and make amends for it in other ways.”

“We must all start to realise that we are all part of a great global family living for a time on the earth plane of existence to help each other and to learn how easy it is to behave badly, when we fail to think about the consequences of our actions.”

“Even when you are asleep you are cradled in the loving arms of the Spirit.  We are never alone or lost, unless it is us that turns away from the love and guidance that is there for us to live better lives and find greater happiness.”

“Welcome all who come your way in love and are genuine of spirit.  However beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing and know what is right and good.”

“Allow your mind to wander occasionally and think about the vastness of the Universe.  It is kept expanding and controlled by the Great Creator, who also has that infinite touch to control and help the smallest and the weakest of us all.”

“Even in our darkest hours there is a light within and, when we need to call on the Almighty for His love and wisdom, He will answer us, because He loves us and will never give up on us as we so often do with Him.”

“Do not believe all that you are told.  It is sensible to notice what your gut feelings are and to be guided by your own spiritual rhythms rather than to take carte blanche what is being poured out as fact, but can’t be proven.”

“Throughout the East and West there are differing ways of looking at the living of life according to custom and religion, however this is not the issue here.  We need to understand what we have in common and not what holds us apart.”

“Fear and hate are taught by individuals to control the weak and powerless.  They hold no merit and need to be shown up for what they are by replacing them with love and ensuring that those who teach badly are not allowed to influence the weak-minded for personal gain.”

“Love is the building block that Our Creator used to bring life in all its forms to survive and be at peace.  With love in charge there is always happiness to prove that we are worthy of each other and we care about each other’s needs”

“When love is genuine there is happiness for all to see and wonder at.  It needs to be worked with to ensure that it never turns sad and that by giving and receiving between people, it will always thrive and be glorious to both parties.”

“It is the strength of the dominant that choses a weaker prey.  No matter how much the strength is in the way of things, always a weaker prey in found and innocence is usually the cost of the unscrupulous who take advantage.”

“Remember to see the innocence of the children that is so vulnerable that thy lose it younger and younger, as the harsh realities of life are forced upon them without their desire to be changed.”

“It is not the strong who rule the world or think that they do.  It is the man in the street, who does the simple tasks that bond trade and economy together, so that others may profit and usually take more than their fair share.”

“Taking a radical view of emotions can lead to pain and the suffering of others.  We were indeed all created equal.  Men and women hold the same rights in God’s eyes, although He gave us different strengths and accomplishments.”

“Everything must be kept in balance if we are to survive at all.  Excesses can only swing us out of the norm and the extremes are painful and finally destructive.  We need to hold ourselves with others to balance this world, so that everybody gains and not just the few.”

“Look into your hearts and see the reality of all life interacting.  It is with our conscience that we are guided and receive those snippets of knowledge on how we should act in the living of our lives with others.”

“The glorious sun is the light force that keeps this planet alive.  Without it there would be no plants and no food for the animals or us to eat, as the darkness would be terminal for all those we know and which we take for granted.”

“Watch out for the miracles that happen every day to those who are worthy of receiving them.  They are unexplained by the logic of our minds and are received with loving recognition that came in with perfect timing.”

“Take a piece of the Divine and give unconditional love to all souls, even those who may persecute you and are unfriendly towards you.  Know your strength and give to those who are in need, so that both of you are rewarded from On High.”

“Remember to always put yourself in the way of others, so that you are not ruled by your ego and self-worth, but are always available for those who are less blessed than you are.”

31 July 2016

Daily Thoughts for August 2016

“When we complete an act of kindness, the warmth that we feel within is enough reward and it is given to us from On High.  It is the level that we have earned and is unconditional.”

“We all need to fulfil our opportunities as they are given to us.  They do not just appear by accident, but are placed there by design to see how we act.  They are never too much for us to manage.”

“All journeys begin with a single step.  It is no use standing by the roadside of life waiting for the right moment to act, because then you will never move and still be there when your time runs out and you will have nothing to show for your journey.”

Be prepared to stand up for what is right and let your voice be heard when it is necessary.  If you keep quiet and hold your counsel then you are condoning the misdeeds.”

“Allow yourself time to think in the quiet of your own conscience and let direction be given to you.  This is not just a quick fix, but a change in your directional path and must be sustained.”

“When you meet in the next dimension you are alone and totally responsible for your actions.  The Higher Intelligence will not judge you.  He has no need to.  You will justly have to judge yourself.”

To walk away from the true Light of the Almighty is to lose the freedom of action to make a better world.  Know that only you can choose and that no other person in a religious cloak can walk your path for you or change your mistakes.”

“The Light of the Almighty is always there for us to follow.  However the Darkness of Ignorance is always there for us to swallow!”

“We all know that we reap what we sow.  Do we really believe that we can get away with it?  That it will never happen to us?  Are we arrogant or just disbelieving?”

“Don’t be caught out when you return and are asked what you did to benefit Mankind on this earth plane.  If you neglect your opportunities you will return barren and unloved.”

“Many souls are too busy piling up material benefits for themselves while missing out on the most important spiritual gifts.  We will leave behind the material when we pass back again and only take our spiritual achievements with us for all to see.”

“We all need to be loved!  This is a basic human requirement, but in order to be loved we must be loving and approachable, so when we give so we receive, so give and receive according to your needs.”

“Too many of us are always in a hurry and our bodily functions are so geared that we are unable to slow down.  If we continue in this vein we will burn ourselves out and return early and perhaps leaving our work unfinished.”

“Time is often the answer to give.  Listen to the words of the inflicted and see if you are the right person to direct their path into the smooth running of relief and harmony.”

“When you give, take into account the deserving and give in such a way that they benefit most.  Money is an easy gift, but so often isn’t the way to help to relieve the under-riding problem of another.”

“Take another look at your life and if you are happy and at peace, send out loving and healing thoughts to those you know are not.  We cannot judge, but can appreciate deserving causes when we see them.”

“No one is perfect, but we all know from our conscience what is right and what is wrong, so let us always listen to the right directions and not turn away into the darkness and ignore the enlightenment.”

“We came from Spirit in love and hope of making a positive difference to humanity, because we came and acted for the Greater Good. We need to be aware where we are going wrong.”

“We need to be aware where we have acted badly and against Spiritual Law to understand why we feel alone.  It means that the heavier and darker negative vibrations are incompatible with the lighter and loving vibrations of the Spirit World.”

“None of us are alone.  If we feel that we are, then we have lowered our vibrational energy to such a level that Spirit has to pull back and direct us from further away, but they are never lost to us.”

“Take a leaf out of an old book where love and harmony wrote together.  The lessons learned will help to direct your thoughts and actions to your future benefit and those you serve.”

“The Almighty directs all things and sees the mistakes that humanity makes.  We are all part of the group soul and must play our part in the goodness needed to raise standards and life changing moments for the better of the whole.”

“Be ready to put others before ourselves.  We usually are not in so much need as they are, but if we are then we need to ask for our guides to help and direct us.”

“Never fear that you are left alone to suffer the pain and anguish of an unsettled life.  There is always guidance and help there for us if we listen and accept a higher intelligence than our own.”

“To give and to receive are gifts from the Highest Intelligence, where both are blessed and both will gain.”

“Once we have adjusted our egos to the better level of acceptance, then all can benefit from what we do.  Putting ourselves first is a selfish act and should be discouraged.”

“As individuals we are not as important as we try and make out that we are.  What is important is the Greater Good of all of us together.”

“We must all learn to respect each other and to try and understand that we all have different points of view, but we also have a great deal in common that we should share.”

“Love is a natural gift from the Almighty.  Hatred and fear have to be taught from one individual to another.”

“Allow calmness and peace to come into your mind-set, so that you are able to understand that peace and harmony we were all brought here to share together.”

“When you release your pent up energy and breathe freely you are able to take in the more positive and vibrant spiritual vibrations.”

01 July 2016

Daily Thoughts for July 2016

“Go in peace and go in love and serve each other.  These are the words that should direct us each and every day, so that we can fulfil our destinies and not be found wanting.”

“Give truly so that you may be able to receive when you are in need.  Often have we known this to be true, but do we always have it in the front of our minds or on the back burner?”

“We are walking with the Supreme Intelligence and that sees everything we do or even think.  We are never alone and all our deeds are seen clearly and the reasons behind them, so it’s no good pleading ignorance!”

“Just as we were about to go out and do something, there was a cry for help.  Did we go out anyway or did we put ourselves aside and go to the aid of the one who called?”

“Send out your thoughts and prayers for all those who are in difficulty.  It is the positive vibrations of love and healing that raise your request above the norm and the angels will wing it to those you have chosen with immediate speed.”

“Take a piece of love and share it with all you meet today.  If it feels good, as it will, then resolve to share it every day.  Your cupboard will never be bare and you will always have happiness walking by your side.”

“Let it never be too late to turn to the Spirit, wherever you are and ask with a generous open heart for the help and guidance that you need.  Remember that it will be answered with love and with whatever is in your best interests.”

“Too many souls hide away from their belief system that we are all spirit and that we never die.  Only our bodies die, but we move on into the spiritual realms to the place that we have earned for ourselves by the deeds that we do.”

“It is such a joy to see the faces of those who were lost and have followed their pathway into the ‘Light of God’s Love’ and received their reward.  Ask and it shall be given.  Seek and you will find.”

“Nothing is impossible.  We only think it is.  Miracles happen every day and all around us.  Are we watching and receiving?  If we give thanks and are blessed, so will we be again.”

“Just as we think that we are making progress, there appears to be another boulder placed in our path.  However nothing is insurmountable.  We need to rise to the greater task to receive the greater reward of ‘God’s’ goodness, which will be heaped upon us when we succeed.”

“Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by the actions that we have taken for the good of humanity.  If we haven’t woken up to that yet, we will remain in winter!”

“We all do what we think is best at the time or so we say, but did we really think it all through and assess the likely outcome of what we proposed to do?”

“Take another look at your future and know that it is shaped by the present. The past has shaped the present, so it is important to live in the now to get the best results ahead of the game.”

“The secret of life is in the understanding of balance.  When everything that ‘God’ made is in balance, then there is always harmony.  Mankind so often upsets this by his greed and doesn’t bother to count the cost.”

“Every day another opportunity to help and give thanks occurs for us.  Do we understand that and use it well?”

“Beauty is everywhere that the beholder looks, if you are blessed with the appreciation to see it.  We are all given the basic senses to use for understanding life around us and each other.”

“Each flower finds a way to bloom and grow, even in the harshest surroundings.  Think of the help that is given to the plants of the field and highway and know that you too are blessed.”

“For those who are not blessed with the basic necessities of life through no fault of their own, send out your thoughts and prayers to the Higher Intelligence, so that together more can be done for them.”

“Thanks should always be on our lips and in our hearts.  We have so much to be grateful for and yet many of us still want more and are never satisfied, as the material world rules our hearts and minds.”

“We are all dependent on each other, as the work we do is for the benefit of all.  No one can stand alone and we were not made to do so, so be aware of what others do for you and be grateful for it.”

“Take away all the negativity that surrounds you and replace it with love.  Then and only then can you give positively to others and have a pure heart within.”

“We are made of spirit, as ‘God’ created us in His own image.  We are clothed in a physical body to withstand the pressures of this earth plane and we must know that we survive and that our body doesn’t and is recycled for the Greater Good of all life.”

“We reap what we sow.  Jesus told us this and it is the bedrock of Spiritual Law.  Good seeds bring good harvests and bad seeds bring famine and leave our spirit hungry.”

“Take seriously the responsibility that we all have and that is to know that the repercussions of what we do not only affect others, but also changes the course of our own lives.”

“There is no need to be in a special place to send out our thoughts to a higher intellect than our own.  We are responsible for our actions and no other person can walk our path for us or tell us what to do if our heart says different.”

“With a great unity between all people we should acknowledge that the Higher Intelligence is with us all, as a group and individually.  He is with us always, wherever we are and our thoughts go directly to Him.”

“Take a new look at your personal actions and see that they are for the good of others and not just to feed your own ego.  It is what we do for others that paves our path into the Promised Land.”

“There is another line of progression, which we must be aware of and that is the effect that our presence here has on others.  We are all interdependent and our energies interact and together make up the group energy.”

“Take another look at where you are going and see the Hand of God directing you.  We all have a destiny to fulfil and this is why we came to fulfil it and all to work together.”

“Get ready to go!  We all have a future ahead of us and if we accept the guidance from the Higher Intelligence we will do his will for the Greater Good and prosper ourselves.”

Daily Thoughts for July 2016

“Take another look at your future and know that it is shaped by the present. The past has shaped the present, so it is important to live in the now to get the best results ahead of the game.”

“The secret of life is in the understanding of balance.  When everything that ‘God’ made is in balance, then there is always harmony.  Mankind so often upsets this by his greed and doesn’t bother to count the cost.”

“Every day another opportunity to help and give thanks occurs for us.  Do we understand that and use it well?”

“Beauty is everywhere that the beholder looks, if you are blessed with the appreciation to see it.  We are all given the basic senses to use for understanding life around us and each other.”

“Each flower finds a way to bloom and grow, even in the harshest surroundings.  Think of the help that is given to the plants of the field and highway and know that you too are blessed.”

“For those who are not blessed with the basic necessities of life through no fault of their own, send out your thoughts and prayers to the Higher Intelligence, so that together more can be done for them.”

“Thanks should always be on our lips and in our hearts.  We have so much to be grateful for and yet many of us still want more and are never satisfied, as the material world rules our hearts and minds.”

“We are all dependent on each other, as the work we do is for the benefit of all.  No one can stand alone and we were not made to do so, so be aware of what others do for you and be grateful for it.”

“Take away all the negativity that surrounds you and replace it with love.  Then and only then can you give positively to others and have a pure heart within.”

“We are made of spirit, as ‘God’ created us in His own image.  We are clothed in a physical body to withstand the pressures of this earth plane and we must know that we survive and that our body doesn’t and is recycled for the Greater Good of all life.”

“We reap what we sow.  Jesus told us this and it is the bedrock of Spiritual Law.  Good seeds bring good harvests and bad seeds bring famine and leave our spirit hungry.”

“Take seriously the responsibility that we all have and that is to know that the repercussions of what we do not only affect others, but also changes the course of our own lives.”

“There is no need to be in a special place to send out our thoughts to a higher intellect than our own.  We are responsible for our actions and no other person can walk our path for us or tell us what to do if our heart says different.”

“With a great unity between all people we should acknowledge that the Higher Intelligence is with us all, as a group and individually.  He is with us always, wherever we are and our thoughts go directly to Him.”

“Take a new look at your personal actions and see that they are for the good of others and not just to feed your own ego.  It is what we do for others that paves our path into the Promised Land.”

“There is another line of progression, which we must be aware of and that is the effect that our presence here has on others.  We are all interdependent and our energies interact and together make up the group energy.”

“Take another look at where you are going and see the Hand of God directing you.  We all have a destiny to fulfil and this is why we came to fulfil it and all to work together.”

“Get ready to go!  We all have a future ahead of us and if we accept the guidance from the Higher Intelligence we will do his will for the Greater Good and prosper ourselves.”

01 June 2016

Daily Thoughts for June 2016

 “Remember that just because we are limited in what we can do, does not mean that miracles don’t come about – see them occur every day and rejoice!”

“Consider the lilies of the field that are clothed in the raiment of creation and are brighter and more beautiful than even Solomon was in all his glory.”

“If we always look towards the power and the light of the Spirit, we will automatically be seen in the light of the Creator, the Almighty, who loves us all as well as we deserve.”

“Even if we are too lazy to step out of our way to help another, we might expect to be helped ourselves, but if we do nothing to merit it, are we worth the trouble?”

“Take another look at those who are close and around you and see into their hearts and minds.  In the family or at work, there are souls that you are there to help, if you think that they are worth your trouble.”

“Everywhere there are plants that grow against all the odds.  Many may call them weeds, but they are only a beautiful and fulfilling plant in the wrong place according to the observer.”

“Send out your thoughts for all those around the world, who are less well off than you are.  Send them love, healing and understanding, so that they can meet their Creator and earn His help through unconditional love and wisdom.”

 “Each and every day look out into the natural world and see the beauties that Our Creator has made and also notice the ugliness and negativity that Mankind had managed to make.”

“To be recognised as a spiritual being does not mean that you allow others to take advantage of you.  We all have to learn to respect one another and those without that respect are not worth taking the trouble for.”

“Allow your energies to be always positive and see the best in all that is around you.  A positive attitude will always allow goodness and righteousness to surround you and influence your life for the good of all.”

“Rewards are of little importance when one considers that it is the deed done that brings the satisfaction, which is enough to be the reward in itself!”

“When we come to this globe of existence for a limited period of time, we come with a destiny to fulfil and so we had better get on with doing what we feel is right to reach our destiny before us.”

“There is always hope!  We are never deserted, but live by the seeds that we have sown.  If we strive to do our very best at all times, we will make a difference and we will ultimately succeed.”

“There are many people who wish their life to be a bed of roses.  If that were so, we would learn nothing new and would instead take for our own selfishness without giving.”

“We must always remember that each and every one of us has a spiritual guide and that they love us unconditionally.  They always want the best for us, even if we can’t see it at the time.”

“Although we are trying to live in the right and proper way, there are many temptations in this modern world.  Those who do not love us, but wish to influence us, are always ready if we don’t make the correct decision.”

“It is our thoughts that form our actions and so we must be in control of what we wish for even if we don’t say it, because to think it is enough to have performed the act.”

“We are not alone and we are watched from On High and they see our failings as well as our successes, but if we continue try to always live in the right and proper way, they will help us with opportunities to further do good things.”

“Taking on board all we do and all we have, it is a good idea to appreciate all the good and positive things that have been given to us as rewards for our work for the Greater Good.”
“Waiting can be an exhausting occupation, so it is always advisable to spend that time in thought about one’s own progression and also to send out one’s thoughts to those that you know need healing and emaciation.”

“Waiting to receive with our hands outstretched is not the way to expect to be given our dreams on a plate.  We all need to earn them and by the good deeds we do.”

“Let us put aside every day a little time for ourselves, when we can listen in the quietness to the generous guidance that is there for us.  Then we are able to understand why we do what we do and how it affects those around us.”

“What is the difference in giving and receiving?  Spiritually very little, as both are acts of love and both are in keeping with the needs of both.”

“To keep joy in our hearts we need to see how the Lord is fulfilling the needs of others all around us.  We are also in His thoughts, but we need to act responsibly and feel the goodness that He gives us.”

“We must keep positive and send out our love and healing to others.  None of us are alone and we are all dependent on each other for our very survival.”

“We are given the support and help from the Spirit if only we ask for it in the right and proper way.  We ask not just for ourselves, but for all those around us, who are also in need.”

“It is no use putting off until tomorrow what we need to do today.  That way we make ourselves a backlog and new opportunities will be swamped and lost.”

“There are no new agendas, only those we brought with us to fulfil our destinies.  We have to adjust our daily inputs, but we must never lose sight of our long term aims that we are bound to fulfil.”

“We all need objectives to aim at, so that we can guide ourselves through this life of twists and turns, as we meet new challenges each and every day.”
“Hope springs eternal so they say, but without it we are surely lost for evermore.”

01 May 2016

Daily Thoughts for May 2016

“Alike to the beauties of Creation, so are our souls at rest.  Allow them to be pure and unsullied, so that they are recognised as the creation of the Highest Intelligence, who made them with unconditional love and through His great wisdom.”

“Just about now there is a thought that will pop up in your consciousness that will inflame a new phase on your thinking and your life ahead.  Do not rush it, but allow it to occur naturally.”

“Know that your conscience treats you truly and let your gut feeling guide you to the truth and right way of living.  It is you that controls your lives and no one else.”

“Know that the Master Jesus taught well and it was then distorted by the men that chose to control the people.  Invite Him into your lives and listen to his philosophy, which is heavenly based and divinely orchestrated.”

“It is within ourselves that we find the Kingdom of Heaven.  It is according to the way we act and live that our peace of mind becomes divine in the certainty that we live right.”

“We must not allow religious teachings to trap us in a rule book of their own invention.  We are all free creations of Our Father and as such do not need their confining ways.”

“To kneel in prayer is not necessary.  To send out our thoughts, as we go about our daily lives, is the essential way to communicate with the Higher Intelligence that is all about us.”

“We all need the strength and support of others.  There is the earthly support in our day to day lives and the spiritual support from higher intelligence to guide our pathway and our long term future.”

“Allow the goodness of the Lord to be a part of our lives, so that His higher intelligence and unconditional love can guide us through the many tests and tasks that are laid before us.”

“Take a fresh look at our achievements and examine if we are satisfied with the path our lives are taking.  It is only by our choice and actions that it can be changed, so accept the change for the better and move on.”

“Often our work is mundane and only seems to be of worth, but when we fail to do the tasks, we know that they had a purpose and a need and so we are pleased to serve.”

“Take a fresh look at the list of jobs each and every morning.  The order of priority changes and ones preferences must be tempered with the needs of the receivers.”

“When we raise our expectations, so we raise the abilities that we have to get the job done and it is only then that we lift ourselves above the common medium and become worthwhile in the eyes of God.”

“Coming into this world without a stain on our character didn’t last very long!  We must keep our soul as clean and as pure as possible, so that the Almighty can see that we are trying to do His will and only fail when our standards are too low.”

“The most satisfying moment comes when unconditionally we have helped another in a way that they could not have achieved alone and we asked and received nothing, but the joy in being of service.”

“We were made to serve and to feel the joy of doing a job well done.  It is not the reward that should cheer us, but the simple feeling of having done right and achieved the best result possible.”

“Everything that we have given to us of any worth must be worked for and received as an honour.  Why do we expect to be bailed out of our problems without ever lifting a finger?”

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and it is found.  Are we worthy to receive or do we expect life’s gifts to simply fall into our laps without any effort on our part at all?”

“Take a moment aside every day to commune with your higher self.  This may be with your conscience or your guide and mentor, but it is time to allow fresh direction to come into your life.”

“Make yourself amenable to share your time where it is doing the most good.  It is not always where you think it should be and to search your soul and ask for guidance is good thing to do.”

“By giving what you can, you are entitled to ask the Higher Intelligence to replace what you have given in honesty and love, so that there is more to give away when that time comes.”

“Never give away all that you have to give.  It is right to count yourselves in the need for what is necessary to sustain you.  If you give all, there is nothing left for that rainy day in someone’s life.”

“We all come into this life with a purpose to fulfil and are bound to do so.  If we ignore the opportunities of service to the Greater Good, we shall also be ignored when it is our turn to be in need.”

“The basic rights of life are not given to everybody to have and to enjoy.  Many are disrupted by circumstance beyond the control and understanding.”
“To go into the open spaces is to find freedom from the constraints that bind us.  We all need that freedom to express our bountifulness and joy at the gifts of Creation that we all share and are our right to enjoy.”

“We cannot allow our interests to be solely for our own gain, as that would lead to the disruption of the fabric that holds us all together, so that we all gain together.”

“Let everybody know that our actions are in keeping with the bigger picture and not just the little inner circle of our immediate lives.”

 “As we give to others the smile of welcome in our eyes, so we will know that they also receive harmony and peacefulness in our relationship, which may be long or short term depending on the circumstances.”

 “If we think before we act then we shall see the consequences of our actions and save disharmony from being enacted by our thoughtlessness.”

“Life without each other would be a sad affair and we know that we are all dependant on each other, so we must play our part in sharing the peace and harmony that comes from right living.”

“Give to those what you can spare and know that you are blessed in the giving as they are blessed in the receiving.”

01 April 2016

Daily Thoughts for April 2016

“Let love rule our lives.  There is no finer emotion in all creation than unconditional love.”

“The creation of the Universe is still ongoing and is expanding as we speak.  It has to be kept on its correct course by the divine wisdom that controls the balance in all things.”

“Our Creator may not have taken six days to create us and all there is in this world, but he set his plans in motion for it to develop, as his guiding hand made those little adjustments to stop it all going astray.”

“Do not allow others to brainwash you into believing what you feel is your own aspect of the truth and reality.  Others always have a vested interest, even if it is only to empower you with their own thinking.”

“We are not alone any minute of any day, because those who love us and know what is best for us are close to us, if only we would listen to their thoughts that are sent to us with much love and understanding.”

“We tend to think that when we leave school our education is over, but it never really finishes even if it often becomes less formal.  We need to be aware of what we need to know and where our guidance is taking us.”

“Taking the back seat sometimes is a good idea.  It is not always necessary to allow our own ego to do all the running, when others all have a point of view from which we could learn if we listen.”

“Making a new start is a common enough manoeuvre, or perhaps it should be.  Often we don’t stop to make those changes by resetting our sights on a better beginning, so that all runs as smoothly as it used to.”

“Let us be ready to take notice of what is going on around us, because too often we are in a hurry and our vision is narrow, so that we miss the bigger picture of life itself.”

“It is so often the little things that we do which can make another happy.  By giving our thoughts to their needs and comforts we are blessed with their happy smile of acceptance and returned love.”

“We must be careful not to make the mistake of taking for granted what we have.  It is especially so with relationships that we still have to work in making them successful and not just allow them to drift on unattended.”

“This is always a good time to see where we think we are going with our lives and to make those important adjustments that are always needed, as changes chip away at our progress if we let them.”

“It does not do to stand back and wait for others to do the work and take responsibility for what has to be done.  It is necessary that we have our input into the nature of things, so that we are all a part of the moving and changing events that affect our lives.”

“Let us take better care of the natural resources that we have been given.  Many do not care to, so that puts a greater responsibility on the rest of us.”

“We are given massive opportunities to understand the Spirit at work in our daily lives.  We need to pause and observe what is shown to us, so that we fully understand its purpose.”

“Look around and see the nature of the seasons and understand that a life cycle can only be completed when there are the necessary changes being made, but always coming back to the start again.”

“Everything is involved with change, because we are changing as we age a little every day, but we also increase our valuable experience about life and living it in harmony with others.”

“When we see the delicate nature of a flower, we are better able to understand the beauty and the creativity of the Father’s wisdom.  He made everything to have a season and, through that repetition, we all have some stability in our lives.”

“We need to be more honest with ourselves and with each other.  That way we are open to being understood better, but that honest approach needs to be given and understood both ways.”

“We are all born in love and yet for so many it doesn’t last.  This is maybe because it is only a mask to get what we want from another and then, having succeeded, they are of no further interest.”

“It is our moral and spiritual duty to help those who suffer and to give them a helping hand to better themselves.  Too many walk by on the other side and leave others to take the responsibility.”

“Each of us has the human right to the essentials of life.  Food, water, fresh air, shelter and medical attention come high up on the list, but do all souls receive these as a right?”

“Much of the material items that we seem to hanker after, are but as tinsel in terms of spiritual values.  It is our goodness in thoughts and deeds to live and act in harmony with our neighbours that will show our achievement when we leave this earth plane of temporary existence.”

“Many souls have ended up in war torn areas of the world.  They have had to flee their homes and lose their belongings and their children suffer carrying these memories all their lives.”

“When we put out thoughts of love and harmony, the same will be returned to us.  Let that be our watch word to send out happiness to all who are in need and to stem the flow of negativity.”

“Our conscience shows us the balance of good and bad, so we are warned if and when we try to go astray from Spiritual Law.  We have the right to choose, but not the right to harm others by our thoughts and deeds.”

“We are all in the same boat when we arrive from our Creator’s unconditional love, but we become tarnished by our own thoughts and desires.”

“Everywhere has sunshine.  The trick is to be in the right place at the right time.  There is no point in moaning that it never comes to you when you can go and meet it half way at least!”

“Now is always the right moment to take a firm grip on what is right and to steer your path down that road.  If you chose not to, then remember that when you get it wrong it is a long road back!”

“Take account of the feelings of others before you act.  That way you tread on as few toes as possible.  We are all answerable for our mistakes and errors, so the fewer the better.”

01 March 2016

Daily Thoughts for March 2016

“All life is in change and we must always be prepared to meet it and to move on.  Nothing is worth staying in a stuck mode.”

“Keep on smiling and the world looks better from within your own soul and also with those who benefit in seeing that however black the cloud there is sunshine nearby.”

“Let nobody ever tell you that something or somebody isn’t worth the trouble!  We all have moments in our lives when we cannot continue on and without that understanding from another soul, who has already been there, we would falter and fall.”

“If we are open with each other and with the spiritual path ahead, we will make a difference for our being here on this earth plane and it will be a better place because we came to help.”

“Take some time out to see what is required and, with the guidance from above, your guides and helpers will show you the way to go and then your path will be clear to do it.”

“The truth is always a little different depending where you are standing, so do not allow lies to be created, but understand that not all is what it seems and that only God sees all.”

“When you smile, smile from the heart and see the light of the right living spread from you to all those around you.  Do not give up on those who are not ready to receive; they simply require a little longer understanding your blessings.”

“Make Governments responsible for what they do and allow the people to speak out.  All one’s actions should be transparent and the light of goodness and achievement must shine out.”

“Take away the destruction and put in its place a communal clean up, where all may work together for the Greater Good of that community.  Let no one profit unless it is to be shared by all.”

“The basic needs of all people are to be found by seeing that the balance of nature is not compromised for the greed of the heavy groups, who plunder for their own ends and leave the land destroyed.”

“All should invest not in the banks of commerce, but in the banks of the fields and highways, where there is much goodness to be found for the people if only they know what they are looking for.”

“The world has to be cleaned up and all people must be allowed to share the wealth that is in the earth.  The funds of the wealthy are kept in the hands of the few, because they are frightened to share it with the masses.”

“See the simplicity and beauty of the flowers in the fields and understand that it was not our Creator who made things ugly, only man’s view of perceiving it.”

“Beware of those who twist the scriptures to their own points of view.  Remember that the Spirit is simple and it is Man who makes it complicated.”

“There is love generated within each and every one of us by the very nature of our creation.  The making of hell fire and damnation came from the lips of men and not the wisdom of the Lord.”

“Make yourself a promise to befriend all those who are genuinely in need.  Help not those who expect your gratitude and funding, just because it is in their own interests.”

“Bring up the vibrations of a loving nature and turn away from the negativity and greed of the material world.  Let your goodness and belief system carry you forwards in the true spirit of love and harmony.”

“Make yourselves Heaven on Earth by propagating goodness and right living within your mind and your heart; so that the heavenly graces abound within you and then you have created your own heaven.”

“The passing from this world into the next dimension is to become open to all you are and all you did.  Make yourselves ready to be seen by every soul in the light of all you thought and did on this earth plane.”
“Spiritual Law is founded on what you sow you reap, so if your intentions are not honourable you cannot benefit, but will reap what is truly in your heart.”

“Those who ignore His presence are heading into the Darkness of Ignorance and away from His heavenly Light of Love.”

“It is the Father of all Creation who is within each and every one of us, who provides for our needs, if only we ask and act in the right and proper way.”

“Remember the words of the teachings of Jesus and see how many stand up to his standards.  Those who have wealth in gold and fine stones and let their congregations suffer in poverty around the world are not worthy of his time and love.

“Look among those who have little earthly wealth, but give what they have in love to make a difference to all those that they meet and all those who are in need of comfort.”

“Where wealth is made into a worshipful way of life, look not for comfort there.  Instead of giving the Church is always standing with its hands out for what it can get.”

“Look not for Him in the church, as they have abused His spirit and no longer teach His doctrines or give healing and alms to the poor and needy.”

“The Light of the World shines through Him.  It is gifted from the Father, who created all things on this earth plane in purity and love.”

“If you ask ‘The Master Jesus’ and invite him into your midst, he will guide you when all others have failed to convince you.”

“The truth is always available where there is unconditional love. It is here that there is understanding and enlightenment that will be compatible with your own energies.”

“Seek only those who you can test, as there are many who say that they know the way, but have their own financial interest in their hearts and minds.”

“Today is a day for starting to consider how you wish to go on.  Take your time and ask for guidance from those with spiritual love in their hearts and minds.”