01 January 2016

Daily Thoughts for January 2016

 “A new world needs to be shaped out of the old one, but first you need to see the better quality of it all and the positive love vibration governing it all.  It can happen if you try hard enough.”

 “Now is the time to wake up from your slumbering and to consider what needs to be changed and to set about it!  Nothing will change for you unless you make the effort to set it in right thinking and allow your dreams to become reality.”

 “There is always a greener piece of land just out of reach, where we aspire to go.  If we earn the right to be there it will come closer according to our just desserts.  All we achieve is earned and so we reap what we sow!”

 “Take away all the negativity that causes us to bemoan our lot in life and realise that we make ourselves in the brightness of God, who loves us and serves us well.”

 “To expect anything more than we are is to live by our ego that flatters us.  We need to know the unvarnished truth about ourselves, so that we have no delusions about what we are likely to achieve or not. ”

 “All that we have acquired on this earth plane will remain behind when we leave it!  We can only take with us our experiences, which are character building and that makes the progressive soul that we take on into the next level of existence.”

 “Let us always be mindful of the effect that we have on others around us by our thoughts and by our actions.  We need to see the consequences of the effects and make sure that they are only for the very best.”

“Take a little time for yourself.  We all need moments of repose when we can chill out into the quietness and peace that rebuilds us back into the calm and rational person that we think we are!”

 “We have all been given the ability to create new thoughts and we must be careful how we do so.  Not every thought is directed in the goodness of love and harmony.  Some have a spiteful intent that is not worthy of us”

 “We all need to be feed and watered, as does every plant and animal on the earth plane.  Despite our actions as a race we have allowed the balance to be upset and now the weather extremes are creating flood and famine to so many.”

 “The future of the natural world is all within our grasp.  So many people think that it is nothing to do with them, although they expect to get all the good things that they require even if it means the extinction of a species.”

“Each and every one of us has a responsibility to ourselves and our spiritual development.  We all have to report in when we leave this plane of existence and hopefully we have much to show with our achievements in the caring and the nurturing of others. ”

 “With a loving relationship comes the responsibility of keeping it so.  Nothing is made so easy as to allow us not to work at making it sustainable and in the longer term better.”

“Let us not look for blame in others, but let us look for the good which is within all of us.  The goodness is inherent, but the fear and hate of others comes from another place and has to be learned.”

 “About the time of your birth, you came into a physical existence which depended on the love of your mother to care for you and to teach you the way to grow up and to behave.  Not all mothers understand what they have created within themselves, but your soul comes from God and started off as pure as the early morning snowflake.”

 “Remember that you are created as an equal to the finest in the land.  Your Creator made no difference in your soul even if the earthly advantages of some may show otherwise.”

“Wait until you are sure and your conscience is clear.  Then, when you are certain, you are able to give your best to another, whose need is greater than yours.”

 “The smile that shows from the eyes is one which shines the Glory of God.  If your heart is pure with the giving of love from one to another, then it will show through and give a warmth to the receiver.”

 “A little deed here and there never caused harm or upset if one had the right intentions.  However always make sure that your intentions are honourable and not selfish.  Many a good deed is spoilt by having an ulterior motive.”

 “It is by overcoming those impossible odds and not giving up that you become recognised by the Higher Intelligence and then you are helped to overcome and survive.”

 “The easy way of life is not worth the trouble, because if it is all so easy then perhaps you are unable to advance.  It is through the pain and suffering that you hone your emotional skills to be able to empathise with those less fortunate than yourself.”

 “Look within yourselves and find that conscience that is the balance between right and wrong.  It is here that sets this place aside for your spiritual moments of guidance and truth, where you are able to find complete peace and harmony.”

 “To be at home is to have security of being, both materially and spiritually.  Remember those who have had to flee theirs, because of the violence and destruction that was thrust upon them through no fault of their own.”

 “If we live in love and harmony with our surroundings and those who are close to us, then we are able to establish peace and right thinking in the mind-sets of those who find themselves at ease in our company.”

 “Setting a good example is the duty of every soul who came here to this earth plane.  We came with a job to do and a duty agreed with those who allowed us to come for our own progression and the Greater Good.”

 “We must always remember that when we misbehave others see us and we set a bad example.  If we try and live as a role model, then we can lift ourselves to new heights and then we may be worth being looked up to!”

 “Respect all those who show that they are trying to raise the standards of better behaviour.  We all try at some time to do this, but it is better to keep on an even crusade and live at all times to the best abilities that we can.”

“Reap what you have sown is the answer to the question of what will happen next!  By your thoughts and actions you set the course for your own future and you cannot blame others for your failure.”

“If you want something enough and have the will power to achieve it, you will be guided in the right way of thinking to then acting correctly.  Spiritual Law always gives you the correct way of behaviour, because it is based on love and not the greed to have one’s own way all the time.”

“Set your resolutions in stone and if you really want to succeed you will.  It is the weak-minded that just pay lip service to change, while strength and determination would see them through!”

“With the New Year comes the realisation that it is just another box on the calendar, so, if that is how you see it, you will never change anything.  Make a difference to your life and behaviour every day, not just on the first day of a New Year.”