the sun shine on you as you do the work of the Lord and your light is no longer
hidden, but all your spiritual gifts are on display.”
best way to live is through the guidance of the Higher Intelligence, who has
all our best interests at heart. Find
him within you and don’t look without in the guise of the Church, where there
is a lack of love and much greed and abuse.”
“If we
are unable to come up to the plate when asked, we will be removed from the team
and failure to act with and for the Greater Good will see us left alone to find
the answers.”
the energies will turn in our favour if we are worthy of reward. The way is always easier if our actions are
spirit led rather than us trying to labour up hill.”
all need to consider the Greater Good when we pause to make our decisions and
our choices. It benefits nobody if we
gain the whole world and lose our own souls!”
“Just as
we learn the rights and wrongs of our actions from our conscience, so we are
helped by spiritual guidance to tread the right path to accomplish the best
possible outcomes through our being here.”
live a balanced life is the aim for each and every one of us. We need to do no harm, but help where we can
and always give our love and thanks to the Creator who made us.”
is also clear that we can take nothing away with us, so if we labour for
material wealth here on earth, it is only for short term gain and we leave with
only our experiences intact.”
that you come with nothing material. You
are given your conscience and your ego, so keep them in balance by knowing and
acting for right living.”
live today as if it was your last day on earth and you will be rewarded with
the strength that is needed to carry on with the work.”
leave anything undone, because we are not able to know when it is our time to
pass from here through the divide into the next dimension of love and healing.”
your mind-set always be open to the pure vibrations of the Spirit from where we
came and from where we will go, when we have fulfilled our destiny on this
earth plane.”
your inner feeling to be of loving towards all things, as you would be loved
and nurtured by others and then you will receive the guidance and healing of
those with higher intelligence, who serve the Highest Intelligence of all.”
is the meek who Jesus said would inherit the earth and not those with developed
egos that tread on the purity and righteousness of human kind. It is those with the love of the Creator
intact within themselves for his creations that will be given the rewards of
everlasting life.”
“It is
so simple to understand and yet so many ignore this simple rule of life and go
out to get what they want for themselves alone.
Alas they ignore the needy and bask in their own selfishness.”
are all rewarded by our own efforts and privileges. Spiritual Law teaches, as Jesus did, that
what we sow so do we reap. In other
words we get what we deserve!”
much pleasure is a building of ego. Our
happiness is about being pleased with what we do for others and for the Spirit
World above and beyond our own personal wants.”
“If we
are compatible with his vibrations, then we are living right in his light and
obeying the Universal Laws of righteousness and love for all who we meet and
for all who are in need.”
we are content with our state of being within ourselves, then we are living
right and loving the vibratory levels that our Creator intended us to have and
way to Heaven on Earth is within us to make and find. By living and thinking as The Master Jesus
taught us, we can attain that state of peace and harmony.”
“If we
are brought into a mind-set of material values, then this guidance given will
be like seed falling on stony ground! It
is not the material that we take with us on our life’s journey. We need the experience of right living and
being in order to move on”
we are not spiritually alone, we are able to receive the advice from those who
love us and understand our needs better than we do. They can guide us through the progression of
goodness and righteousness.”
souls do not age, but build with the experience that we pass through. It is in our hands whether we love on
positive loving vibrations or the negative harshness of man’s inhumanity to
is far too much reliance on the material life and what we think we need to
exist in happiness. The most important
things are God-given and are free, such as love and good health. If we look after our bodies we will be spared
of us can live alone and we were not meant to, so we must honour each other and
seek ways we can be of assistance to each other and we will be rewarded when we
are in need ourselves.”
came here to this earth plane in order to be of service to our fellow man,
woman and child that surround us. We all
need to help one another, so that this time on this plane of existence is not
beset with pain and suffering.”
“We are all connected to the group soul, which
is made from God’s Universal love. We
are never alone and we need to understand that we are not solitary, but all
together as created together.”
and every one of us is created in love by the Great Creator. Our souls are made in his image, but our
earthly bodies are created biologically and we are in need of learning how to
look after both.”
you are convinced, it takes a long time to change your mind, but the truth is
an ever-changing aspect according to where you are standing. We must learn to be flexible and test the