life is in change and we must always be prepared to meet it and to move on. Nothing is worth staying in a stuck mode.”
“Keep on
smiling and the world looks better from within your own soul and also with
those who benefit in seeing that however black the cloud there is sunshine
nobody ever tell you that something or somebody isn’t worth the trouble! We all have moments in our lives when we
cannot continue on and without that understanding from another soul, who has
already been there, we would falter and fall.”
we are open with each other and with the spiritual path ahead, we will make a
difference for our being here on this earth plane and it will be a better place
because we came to help.”
some time out to see what is required and, with the guidance from above, your
guides and helpers will show you the way to go and then your path will be clear
to do it.”
truth is always a little different depending where you are standing, so do not
allow lies to be created, but understand that not all is what it seems and that
only God sees all.”
you smile, smile from the heart and see the light of the right living spread
from you to all those around you. Do not
give up on those who are not ready to receive; they simply require a little
longer understanding your blessings.”
Governments responsible for what they do and allow the people to speak out. All one’s actions should be transparent and
the light of goodness and achievement must shine out.”
away the destruction and put in its place a communal clean up, where all may
work together for the Greater Good of that community. Let no one profit unless it is to be shared
by all.”
basic needs of all people are to be found by seeing that the balance of nature
is not compromised for the greed of the heavy groups, who plunder for their own
ends and leave the land destroyed.”
should invest not in the banks of commerce, but in the banks of the fields and
highways, where there is much goodness to be found for the people if only they
know what they are looking for.”
world has to be cleaned up and all people must be allowed to share the wealth
that is in the earth. The funds of the
wealthy are kept in the hands of the few, because they are frightened to share
it with the masses.”
the simplicity and beauty of the flowers in the fields and understand that it
was not our Creator who made things ugly, only man’s view of perceiving it.”
of those who twist the scriptures to their own points of view. Remember that the Spirit is simple and it is
Man who makes it complicated.”
is love generated within each and every one of us by the very nature of our
creation. The making of hell fire and
damnation came from the lips of men and not the wisdom of the Lord.”
yourself a promise to befriend all those who are genuinely in need. Help not those who expect your gratitude and
funding, just because it is in their own interests.”
up the vibrations of a loving nature and turn away from the negativity and
greed of the material world. Let your
goodness and belief system carry you forwards in the true spirit of love and
yourselves Heaven on Earth by propagating goodness and right living within your
mind and your heart; so that the heavenly graces abound within you and then you
have created your own heaven.”
“The passing from this world into the next dimension is to become open to all you are and all you did. Make yourselves ready to be seen by every soul in the light of all you thought and did on this earth plane.”
Law is founded on what you sow you reap, so if your intentions are not
honourable you cannot benefit, but will reap what is truly in your heart.”
who ignore His presence are heading into the Darkness of Ignorance and away
from His heavenly Light of Love.”
is the Father of all Creation who is within each and every one of us, who
provides for our needs, if only we ask and act in the right and proper way.”
the words of the teachings of Jesus and see how many stand up to his standards. Those who have wealth in gold and fine stones
and let their congregations suffer in poverty around the world are not worthy
of his time and love.
among those who have little earthly wealth, but give what they have in love to
make a difference to all those that they meet and all those who are in need of
wealth is made into a worshipful way of life, look not for comfort there. Instead of giving the Church is always
standing with its hands out for what it can get.”
not for Him in the church, as they have abused His spirit and no longer teach His
doctrines or give healing and alms to the poor and needy.”
Light of the World shines through Him.
It is gifted from the Father, who created all things on this earth plane
in purity and love.”
you ask ‘The Master Jesus’ and invite him into your midst, he will guide you when all others have failed
to convince you.”
truth is always available where there is unconditional love. It is here that
there is understanding and enlightenment that will be compatible with your own
only those who you can test, as there are many who say that they know the way,
but have their own financial interest in their hearts and minds.”
is a day for starting to consider how you wish to go on. Take your time and ask for guidance from
those with spiritual love in their hearts and minds.”