01 September 2017

Daily Thoughts for September 2017

“Take the best option and be at one with those who are of the same mind and inclination.  If you choose otherwise then the negativity will grate on you and you will destroy the positive love that you carry.”

“Now is the time to see yourself as others do and you can ask yourself if this is the image that you want to portray?”

“Keep the quietness in your lives when you need to be available to higher thoughts.  The negativity of loudness builds barriers against the simple and safe communication between the Spirit and your sensitivity.”

“There are times when we must fall to the lowest rung of the ladder in order to become strong enough to climb it again.”

“Much affection can be given safely and seriously to those who need it, but it mustn’t form a chain that supports them totally, so that they cannot think and progress for themselves.”

“Some people put out a protection around themselves to keep the Spirit away and they become hardened and brittle.  It is only their ego that keeps them going and the hard and fast rules that they live by against the common sense of the needs of humanity.”

“It is high time that Mankind recognised the strength of the power of love as a highly changed energy and see what happens when it is denied to souls who cannot absorb it into their daily lives.”

“We are in charge of our thoughts and also the actions and reactions that we produce.  It is no use blaming others for our follies, when we have the opportunity to speak out and do the right thing.”

“Why don’t we say a positive thought out into the Universe every morning before rising and every evening before sleeping to add to the weight of human love that is needed to keep peace and harmony in the lives of those who need it?”

“The Universe is ever expanding and we need to see the bigger picture and not simply confine ourselves in our own mind-sets. Our Creator made more than us and we need to acknowledge his might and greatness, but especially his love.”

“What we reap depends on what we sow and where we sow these seeds onto fertile or barren ground.  One thing is for sure and that is that we have the choice to choose and so we can gain the advantages.”

“We all send out our prayers for those that are suffering and ask that they are enlightened to the reasons why.  They can be guided to take the positive steps to move on and to conquer their problems.”

“Take a look around the world and see the natural disasters that are occurring and know that it is not the fault of the Higher Intelligence, but, through Man’s greed, he chooses to stay in the path of suffering and pain.”

“By sending out your prayers with love for harmony to be established, you are doing all you can to spread the unconditional love that our Father gives to us, so that we can share it where it is most needed.”

“It is so sad to see the chaos that many people call their lives and this chaos is reflected in their thinking and their minds.  You cannot tidy it up for them, so it is better to leave them alone.”

“It is not necessary to be close to those that live about you, because so often they come from different backgrounds and cannot see a Higher Intelligence than their own!”

“Take a look around where you live and see the body language of your neighbours.  You will be able to see inside their minds and how they work by the clarity of their actions and reactions.”

“Look not to have a destiny, but know that you are cared for and carried into the next dimension with all your successes and will be greeted as a hero for all that you achieved on this earth.”

“The greatest emotion is to experience the love of God in your daily life, as you give that Higher Intelligence your trust to help you through all of life’s battles and to emerge unscathed.”

“Listen to your own mind-set and allow your brain to act as the physical basis of your bodily functions.  To deny that your mind is separate and is the true you is to deny that you were created in God’s’ image and are everlasting.”

“Open up the urges that we all experience at those times when we need comfort and understanding.  Know that we were created in love and therefore can never be broken by the negative vibrations that surround us, if we keep positive and ask for the highest help when needed.”

“When we are lonely, we need to allow ourselves into the mediational quietness of our minds and see that there are good and loving souls to help us in guidance and peace of mind.”

“Keep safe your childhood memories, as they are what brought you up to be what you are today.  Everything in life is character building, so be positive and make the best of everything.”

“Know that this earth plane isn’t all there is and be aware of the reality of what is real and what is not.  We came into this illusion from the true reality and will return there, when we are ready to understand what it is and where it is.”

“During the busy hours of the day, spare some time to stop and see what is all about you.  There are miracles that should be seen and understood and nothing is ever by some lucky chance.”

“Take a good look at yourself as others see you, as this is how you present yourself and see if this is how you want to be remembered.”

“The ordinary person is not somebody who does what is predicted, but one who is inclined to give out positive help and love to those who require it.”

“Go through life as if you were being monitored by divine inspiration and see that you are always ready to be positive and loving to those who are set on crossing your pathway in life.”

“Take peace of mind into your hearts and let your consciousness dictate your feelings and your progression in life.”

“Patience is a virtue that many have lost in the 21st century as most people expect instant results.”