unconditionally to one who takes, as being their right to have, is like pouring
water into the desert sand and achieves as much.”
and you will find, so never stop looking for that wonderful thing that your
heart wishes for and by asking for direction from above it will come in when
the time is right.”
“Life is
never constant however hard we try to keep on an even keel, so remember that
the very young and the elderly may not be able to cope without a little
your earnings wisely and keep what you can back for that rainy day, when there
will be an extra call on you purse to fulfil an unseen need.”
all need a helping hand at some time in our lives, so let us all earn it by
helping others in need.”
smile on your lips, lifts so many that you meet from the negative drudge in their
lives and so often carries on from one to another causing that ripple effect!”
a little kindness where you can, because there are so many souls in difficulty
these days, who depend on a hand up from passing strangers.”
yourself as others see you and be aware of the vibrations that you put out for
the greater good, but do not allow the takers to dominate you by their
out for the warmth and love of the Creator during your day and feel Him keeping
you safe and secure, as you asked for protection, so it is given.”
the seasons of life show you each and every day the miracles that occur all
around us for our joy and pleasure. We
should appreciate all that is given.”
a good example of all that you are able to do and know that you could have done
no more. By giving of your best you will
be given the strength to do more.”
cannot have all that we crave for and neither would it be good for our
progression, but if we earn what we need we will be blessed with the light and
love of the Spirit.”
“Be aware that miracles occur each and every
day. They have to be recognised and
known to be the work of the Divine, where powerful vibrations of love are at
“Your future is in your own hands and, as you
strive to work for the greater good of all, so will your direction be shown to
you and by asking for guidance, so it will be given to you.”
yourselves to recognise what is truly holy and sacred within yourselves. No other person can do this for you. They can only judge what is without as your
spirit lies within you.”
is no need for religion to recognise your Creator within your very soul, as
religion was made by man, but the truth is spiritual and is a gift from Heaven
that the Godhead is within each one of us.
It is up to us whether we recognise His presence and his guiding light
of love and direction.”
“Put out
your thoughts daily for all those who are ill or deprived of food, fresh water
or shelter around the world and allow your love for them all to be universal in
achieving their salvation.”
aside things that your ego craves for in this material world and ask for what
you need to survive and to help others less fortunate than yourself.”
are all free to ask the Higher Intelligence for what we need and should do so
humbly and with love for his generosity.”
“Do not
be discouraged if you cannot see your way clearly, but hold on to the truth,
which is that good things are for the greater good, so that all can benefit.”
out at the wonders of this Universe and see the Hand of the Creator in all good
things. Show your appreciation and give
be put off by expecting a quick fix and immediate results. You will understand that all reliable matters
must be built up slowly and securely as protection is put around you.”
aside a time of day when you can meditate quietly and start to feel the
goodness of your guides coming closer to help you understand your life and the
difference that you can make for the better.”
your thoughts are dark and brooding, you cannot expect the salvation which you
may expect. Lift up your vibrations and
send out love and pray for harmony within all the world.”
that by your thoughts that you put out to the Universe, that if they are strong
and positive, they will be heard by the Higher Intelligence to reflect on you
assured that it is those positive energies that you create within your mind-set
that are the thoughts that carry your positivity out to the world.”
“Now that a few days have gone by, try and
rekindle those positive wishes you made when you wished everybody a happy and
prosperous New Year.”
the evenings start to draw out and there is more sunlight in our lives, let us
remember that we were made in unconditional love and that is the basis of all
goodness in this life.”
“To make
life easier for ourselves and others, we need to see both sides of every issue
and allow our generosity to find the easiest route to harmony.”
dull routine can make one despondent, but there is always hope and strength to
bring brightness into every situation, as long as we try hard enough.”
“Starting anew is always a difficult thing to do, but, with determination and hope, new beginnings can make success come ever nearer.”