01 October 2019

Daily Thoughts for October 2019

“We all need to give help where it is needed, so that we advance our progression.  By this advance, we are given more to give others and so all gain.”

“Takers cannot be turned and live by destroying what they manage to receive.  Let the givers use their gifts wisely and not pour them like water into the sand.”

“Like attracts like.  Let the givers of this world band together to help those who are worthy of receiving spiritual love and leave the takers to their own direction.”

“If we are guided in our own lives and live by that spiritual direction, we are more likely to be given the right direction for others, who may not listen to their guides.”

“When we reach out to those who need guidance, it is important to listen to that help we receive directly from our own guide to give the right advice.”

“Keep a positive attitude and recognise in people those who are blessed with spiritual guidance and succeed in helping others, as opposed to those who work with their own ego and fail to understand the needs of other people.”

“It is a joy and a blessing for healers to cure the sick by using the power of Jesus to fulfil the faith that is so often inherent in those who suffer.”

“Jesus told many who came to him that their faith had made them whole.  This faith is still available and active, if only we had the courage and the strength to recognise it.”

“May we understand that by having faith in a Higher Existence, we are able to receive many miracles?”

“Jesus healed miraculously during his ministry on this earth and he still works through many healers to continue his love and the successful removal of pain and suffering.”

“Healing is gift from the Almighty given to those who will use it to help those who are in great need to recover.  The power to heal is given to those who genuinely understand the need rather than any acclaim.”

“Let us give thanks and rejoice for the miracles that we see in our lives, not just for the miracles, but for being worthy enough to be able to see them and recognise them for what they are.”

“We all need to acknowledge the direct consequences of being loved by our Creator.  By His gifts to us, we have a responsibility to use them well for others, who need what we can then give them.”

“There are many souls who have experiences with the Spirit that in their hearts they know are true, but are fearful to talk to others, even their own family.”

“It is not perhaps until you receive a miracle to change your life that you start understand the power of its significance.”

“Do you believe in the existence of the Power of Spirit in your life to direct you and guide you or do you know?”

“See the same human problems in every soul, as they have to exist by spiritual progression and not just through their own ego and selfishness.”

“Instead of looking for differences start to look for what we all have in common.”

“We are all interlinked through our creation.  Every person throughout the world had the same starting blocks as we have but they are in a different body and with a different bias through their education and experiences.”

“We are deluded if we think we are alone.  Are we in charge of our own lives or can we feel that we are loved and guided from a Greater Source than we could ever reach alone?”

“Look into your own heart and mind to understand what is caused by the way you act, which is cause and effect.  See also those greater opportunities that appear from nowhere.”

“Each and every one of us has the opportunity to be directed for the better way in life.  We only need to see and feel the power directed to us by the love and healing energies of that Greater Existence.”

“Take a leaf out of a Good Book, whatever your religious beliefs are and try and understand what is guiding you within yourself, so that you may prosper.”

“Did you ever realise that your life is guided by a Higher Authority?  Sure, you have freewill but your opportunities are given to you from On High, if you really want to progress in life.” 

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Know that your prayers are answered in the best way possible for your progression in your earthly time here.”

“Be happy in the certain knowledge that God loves you.  This is not in the religious sense but in the spiritual sense as He is already within and needs to hear you acknowledge love for all you meet.”

“To ask for healing is a positive thought that you can put out to the Universe.  Ask in a positive way, so that you may receive what you need for yourself or others.

“See that you smile and look happy as you go through your day, so that your positive attitude can be shared and help to uplift others.”

“Know that the healing that is given from On High is set to the personal progress of the healer and the needs of the healed.”

“Let your heart ring with the joy that the massive love of the Creator brings to those who love Him and live by His Spiritual Laws.”