01 April 2020

Daily Thoughts for April 2020

“Remember that there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Love conquers fear, so breath in love and breath out the fear!”

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted because God blesses those with a tender heart.”

“Give thanks for those who return after illness and send your blessings to those who don’t.  The next dimension is there for all of us in time and is run with God’s love.  We should be happy for them.”

“We must all pull together throughout the world and seek God’s generosity to overcome Man’s mistakes. We are all in the same boat – rich and poor, black and white, as well as those who are spiritual and find the Great Spirit is everywhere and not hiding away in a religious building.

“We must listen to those who serve and have medical knowledge and beware of those without any, who tell lies about cures that will do more harm than good.”

“Let us give thanks that our prayers are being answered and that the death rate for Coronavirus is slowing.  We will prevail and will survive to help each other and those that are in need of support.”

“As in our daily prayers, give thanks now for the glimmers of hope that come down to us in divine bundles.”

“We all need to trust that we are being looked after with love and our best interests at heart.  Let us with love also help where we can and together, we will get through these terrible times.”

“As we go on with the discomforts of lock down and the daily tally of further deaths around the world, we need to remember that we are safe in the arms of the Spirit Guides, who love us.  They keep us protected as we pray for the protection of others.”

“Keep your prayers coming for your family, your friends and the peoples of this world to stay safe from the Coronavirus and for it to be weakened and removed from this planet.”

“The continuing sunshine lifts our spirits and the negativity is burnt away. Smile, as it brings in the flowers and foliage of the summertime, ahead of breaking out of the lock down.”

“Don’t forget to meditate while you are in lock down. It is the perfect time to ask for protection and then link in with the Spirit World and allowing guidance from your Spirit Guides, who love you well.”

“Send out your heartfelt universal thoughts for those who have no work and must rely on the Foodbanks. Almighty God will hear your prayers and he will send help and hope to these people.”

“God blesses those who work for others and sends us the example of 99-year-old Captain Tom Moore, who set out to plant an acorn, which grew into a mighty oak.”

“Each and every day is a gift from On High, so each morning give thanks for your time here on Earth to make good and help others.”

“Ask for protection and allow the white light of Jesus Christ to keep away the Coronavirus and all negativity from you and your family.”

“Thank God for each and every day that we are given.  Many will survive this Coronavirus, but all families will know of many who won’t.”

“Rejoice that Jesus showed the world that he lives and life is eternal.  Our body may decay but our spirit lives on and we will all meet again if we love each other.”

“Easter without the Church is bearable, but Easter without God and The Master Jesus is not.  They are with you in your hearts and minds if you acknowledge them and open your thoughts to them.”

“Take time to reflect on those who are risking their own lives to keep so many of us safe and healthy.”

“Do not be selfish and try to find ways to bypass the restrictions.  We are all in danger of losing loved ones from thoughtless behaviour.”

“Remember that this glorious sunshine brings hope. Those of us who are in lockdown will be able to walk in it again, but for now we need to thank God that we are safe and pray for those in hospital.”

“We need to remember in our prayers, all those who have been taken by this Coronavirus.  They are safe in the next dimension, but their loved ones are still mourning and need our support.”

“We are sending love and healing to Boris Johnson, knowing he will recover but asking that he pays more attention to his need for rest to recover.”

“From day to day not much appears to change with so many self-isolating, but the Infinite Spirit hasn’t changed and he still loves us all, so think of ways to love each other.”

“We were given this life to help each other and to work for the greater good.  Never has there been a more important time to obey the will of the Infinite Spirit.”

“The Angels of Love have been released from On High to clear the streets and highways of the negativity of the Coronavirus throughout the World and so we shall be saved.”

“Do not fear the Coronavirus but keep love in your hearts as you pray for spiritual strength to overcome all negativity around you.”

“Negativity has taken over the world.  The only hope is that we all give out love and remain positive.”

“Take sensible precautions and avoid going out on unessential visits.  Think of the effects that your behaviour has on others at this time and be positive and considerate.”