“We all know that we cannot manage to get through life alone, so be in touch with your Spirit Guide and ask for guidance. It will always work out in your favour.”
“Enjoy the brightness of God’s sunshine, which makes life possible on this earth plane.
“Take a deep breath and prepare to help those in need and to sustain your own needs.
“Be joyful all you people who are blessed with love of the Higher Realms.
“Give unto others all that you can afford.
“Thank the Great Creator for the blessings he gives you every day.
“Give unto God what is God’s and give unto Man what is Man’s.”
“Keep in balance by being earthed.
“Rely on the wisdom of the Lord, which is boundless.”
“You must respect the difference between positive and negative energy.
“Give unto others what you would most like to receive.
“Underneath the cover of darkness, the light of the Christ still protects us.
“Open your hearts and minds to love and banish all negativity.
“The Light of Creation is all around us.
“Give to those who are less well off than yourself but be sure that they are truthful and are not scamming!”
“Allow yourselves to be healed by the love of the Almighty, who has gifted healers to work for those in need through love and the white light of protection.”
“As the pressure on the world is still dominated by the Coronavirus, play by the rules for the benefit of others.
“As we go out and mix again with people, be socially acceptable.
“Keep love in your heart and know that if rejected by the takers of this world, it is their lose and not yours.”
“Remember that you owe everything to God and not to Man.”
“Go out today and feel the freedom responsibly and always remember that the unseen virus is still never far away.”
“We are all created equal in the eyes of our Creator. We were given the chance to come and follow a chosen pathway, so be positive and don’t blame others for our mistakes.”
“Know for certain that the Infinite Spirit is in charge and works in love to correct the mistakes and failures of Mankind.”
“Feel the blessing that awakes every morning to receive another day.
“Start the new week with love and hope in your heart and never be afraid that you are alone.”
“Give thanks to your Creator, who made your soul in his image.
“As the summer rains now ease our drought, give thanks for the balance of nature that our Creator has gifted us.”
“We must still be careful and be mindful of the needs of others.
“Take some extra rest time to yourself in the next few days to balance your energies and assess what you need to do to make life better for those around you.”
“Now is the time to look forward and put the difficult times behind us.