“As we wait to hear what Christmas arrangements we are able make this season, we must remember ‘The Master Jesus’ and his part in our hearts. Remember his teachings about love and good news, which will help us to cope with that still very dangerous virus.”
“If we live with negative thoughts, we trust that we can get away with our follies. However, the truth will find us out, as Spiritual Law shows us time and time again.”
“When we are young, we tend to think that we can survive anything, but, as we get older, we know that we can’t. By then, we know how much we owe to our guides for keeping us safe.”
“As we continue in lockdown, we must keep ourselves safe for the benefit of others. We need to remember we are not indestructible, even if we think we are.”
“Why run when you can walk? Life is too short to miss out on the beauties that we have been given to enjoy, which are all around us.”
“Keep faith in the Higher Spirits, as they keep faith with you. You need to acknowledge their love that keeps you safe and sound.”
“Always be prepared to draw a line in the sand and start again. It may mean the clearing away of past issues and mistakes, but by forgiving so you too can be forgiven.”
“When you are unable to stand up and be counted, you are letting yourself down as well as all those who loved and supported you.”
“If you lose a competition, you need to be graceful in defeat. Otherwise you are a coward and will continue to be unloved for the rest of your life and will face your Creator alone.”
“Always recognise the truth and live by your word. Lies will be uncovered and you will in time be shamed.”
“Take comfort in that each and every one of us has their own Spirit Guide, who not only loves us and wants us to prosper but have vast experience in giving guidance and help. However, we need to listen and to live our lives by Spiritual Law.”
“Give and receive love as God gives it to us, so we must love others and pray that they live without negativity.”
“As the days get shorter, so the body needs extra sunlight, especially to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, which brings depression, lethargy, anxiety and craving.”
“Go towards the light and allow the Spirit to enter in. You will be relieved and at peace.”
“Make the effort to share with your neighbours peace and harmony, so that together you can give and receive love and remove the negativity that holds you apart.”
“Wait with patience and the Lord will bring you what you deserve. Send out your prayers for the needy and you will soon see your rewards.”
“As good news comes in for all of us around this globe, let us all give thanks to our Creator for all His love and for continuing to look after us. He always gives us hope when we ask for His guidance.”
“Take away the negativity around you and fill your hearts with love and positive thoughts and actions.”
“After a hard day’s work, remember to thank God for your life and your Spirit Guides for showing you the best way to live it.”
“Start the new week by sending prayers to your Creator for all who are struggling and need support. All around the world there is negativity and chaos. Ask for his love and direction.”
“Remember to ask in your prayers for all those who are struggling during the latest lockdown. May Angels appear to help those in need and may their prayers be answered.”
“Don’t be a sore loser. If another does better than you be pleased and congratulate them on their achievements. The heavens will surely shine on you.”
“Always give of your best and when you have done so, relax and congratulate yourself on a job well done.”
“As light is formed out of chaos, we all need to see the greater picture. We need to work together and fulfil the greatest need.”
“Love is the basic building block of the universe. Love is the antidote to everything that is negative. Love is positive and needs to be expressed by all people of all nations. It is the basic fundamental of all beliefs.”
“Give unto God what is God’s and give unto man what is mans. You need to understand what Divinity is and what is material.”