“All responsible souls will heed the warnings to stay home tonight and not mix together outside. The Coronavirus is not a joke to played with as many are dying.”
“With the approval of a second vaccine available through tireless research in Oxford, we can start to look forward to a year of recovery and hope.”
“The total irresponsibility from the White House continues. Mr Trump needs to grow up and stop dreaming of being a comic book hero It will take both Republicans and Democrats working together to clear up the mess he has left the United States in.”
“Suddenly after all this waiting Brexit is a reality. We must now be prepared and find out the changes that it means to us all. As always we must help each other to cope.”
“Send out your prayers for the people affected by the floods in Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. Ask the Almighty for the community to help each other and survive wind and rain of Storm Bella.”
“Beware of the scammers that are targeting lonely and vulnerable people. Don’t believe the almost instant protestations of love. Don’t send any money when given a sob story. Ask for spiritual guidance and don’t be mugged.”
“We give thanks today for the Master Jesus, who was gifted to us all. He taught us about love and helping our neighbors. Are we worthy to walk in his footprints?”
“Once the blockages start to move, then we can start celebrating. It often takes great strength of purpose, but Almighty God does answer our prayers. We must never forget to give our thanks.”
“We ask for Divine inspiration into the minds of men and women to allow harmony and peace to be discovered at this time of celebrating the birth of Jesus.”
“As the new variant of Coronavirus increases and spreads all over this United Kingdom, the rest of the world stands back and leaves us alone to fight on. This is not the first time in our history and we shall succeed and, with God’s help, we shall survive again.”
“There is much that we can do to keep in touch with our distanced love ones at this very difficult time. For those we miss and love, a prayer may have to suffice, but ask for the Higher Intelligence to give them a sign that they will recognize. You may be surprised, as they will be.”
“As more and more of us around the world are faced with lock-down, we must all do our bit for the greater good and take no chances with this new global variant. The Spirit will guide if we ask and listen.”
“Jupiter and Saturn are set to create a "Christmas star" with a dramatic close encounter that has not been seen from Earth in nearly 800 years. See how God reminds us of the birth of Jesus?”
“Natural Healers, from all over the world, are placed there to cure us of our mental and bodily discomforts. Seek out one in your area and let Divine Love pave your way to true happiness.”
“As the holidays approach, take care with what you wish for over this traditional festive period. The best gift we can give is keep those around us safe.”
“As the negative energies of the Pandemic continue to sweep across the earth, give thanks for the safety net that our Creator has put around us We must still do our part and keep yourselves safe.”
“Whether you are in work or being paid to stay at home, consider the needs of others around. you Use your time wisely and consider your future, as the Spirit Guides are always trying to communicate with you.”
“As the vaccinations get under way, we should thank the Higher Intelligence for the means to escape this deadly virus. We send too our love to all those who have passed because of it and their families left behind.”
“As our lives continue to change, through the global effects of the Coronavirus and now the looming restraints to our trading through Brexit, we must look to the guidance and fulfilment of the words of Jesus Christ to keep us safe.”
“Even in these days of massive research projects, new species of whales have been seen off the Mexican Coast. The Creator in His magnificence never ceases to surprise us!”
“As the spotlight is turned on the Death Penalty in the United States of America, we need to address our own thoughts on the commandment not to kill. We all hold the principle of the sanctity of life and need to address our lives according to God’s Law and not that of Mankind.”
“As we go about our necessary work today, let us all ask God for his protection to keep us safe and be ever mindful of the safety of others around us.”
“As the first vaccinations are given, we mustn’t forget that this deadly virus is still out there. We must continue to take all precautions to keep all souls safe.”
“You can’t always get your own way, so be prepared to compromise. The Spirit Guides will always show you a fair balance. Gain isn’t always appropriate, so think of the needs of others and do what is right.”
“We all need to learn about honesty and truth. If you don’t like the news, it is Fake News. The American public are now unable to tell fake from fact. Unsubstantiated lies are put out to confuse to truth. God sees all and Spiritual Law is always rightly balanced.”
“It is time to look after the elderly at home. The easterly winds can cause natural havoc. Let alone the Coronavirus. May their prayers be answered and may help arrive when they need it.”
“We are told that the light of dawn is on the horizon. However, we still need to keep safe from the Coronavirus and await the distant vaccine to come in time as a gift from God Himself.”
“We all need to take our responsibilities seriously and keep the planet clear of our waste, especially plastic that is so harmful to our wildlife, in or out of the water.”
“Let us all send out our thoughts to our Creator, whatever name we use, to ask for survival of our global assets, such as the Amazon Rain Forest and the oceans that cover so much of our planet.”
“God makes the way where there is no way. Send out your thoughts to Him every day and He will answer your needs when asked for with sincerity.”