30 May 2009

Prayers for June 2009

“Open my eyes that I may see whatever it is that you want me to be”

“I am so small and puny, but you make me greater than I am”
“Give me what I need to do your will”
“Please teach me what I need to know now, because I don’t know what it is. Please teach me what I am, for I don’t know.”
“Please give me what I need to know to do your will.”
“God’s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
“Give me the eyes to see whatever you need to observe through me.”

“Show me the way to live my life for others, so that your will for all of us is close.”
“Help me to see your needs before my own. Let me know that you are there for me know.”
“Dig deep into my heart and show me how to love and be loved without fear or pain”
“Cast aside my prejudices and fill me with love for all things of your creation.”
“The new and the old are alike, but in a different package. Show me how to remove the wrappings and find the truth.”

“God bless me as I sleep. May I wake as a greater asset to your service and my fellow man.”
“Go with the wind and seek the truth and the light,” I was told tonight. “Have the sight of the eagle and see all Mankind healed and living in love.”
“Give me my way to understand the meaning of life and my part in it. I know I am here to live, but I have so little. Help me to find the way.”
“May God bless me and help me to learn from the pain of my experiences.”
“Show me the way to deliver your will in all that I do and to never forget why I came to help my fellow man.”
“Help me to give from the heart and not from the mind, otherwise I hold back from what is needed.”
“Help me to know what and where to do what I am here to do. Amen to that.”
“Help me to do to others what I would have them do to me, so that I can understand what it is they need. Amen.”
“May I go into a dream tonight and find I have learned the realities of life and death and wake to find that I live in love without pain.”
“Go I will, wherever you send me and suffer whatever I must to learn the truth, but never let me loss your love so that I know I will always be special in your sight.”
“Help us always to learn from our mistakes, our errors, because if we do not then the experience was pointless as we lost our opportunity. Amen”
“Help me to learn so that I may become a better person to serve you always. Amen.”
“Because we are all on a spiritual path, our lessons must be stronger to make us learn to serve others and not ourselves.”
“There is always another way. The path is never blocked.”
“Find peace in the World, so I may see your light shining in men’s hearts and not the dark void of ugliness.”
“I was told the Orbs were here to love us as we can’t always love ourselves.”
“Whatever messages you send me I will put them out to the World. I cannot know their meaning, so I will give them anyway and those who understand can see for themselves. ”

“Give me truth so that I understand and learn what is all about me, so I can cope without going down blind allies and finding that I have lost my way.”

“Give unto others the love that you give to me, so that they may understand that love heals and hatred brings only hurts and further misery. Amen.”

“Grant me peace of mind to see what others need so I can fulfill your love for them.”

“Grant me the wisdom to see your handiwork wherever I see beauty and love.”

“What must I do to be blessed by all that happens to me?”
“May I find peace of mind as I reach out to touch the wonders that are just a thought away from my anxious mind.”“Give me the solace to be at peace and be grateful for all that you have given me. Amen.”“Let us bring their mind to the right pitch, so that they can then play beautifully whatever it is that God has composed for them. Amen.”

“Guide me Heavenly Father to search within myself, where lie all the answers to all the questions that I have longed to understand.”

“Give to me the reality to know what is real and what is illusionary. I know you are real, but I sometimes wonder if this World can be more or less than a nightmare from which I will one day wake up.”
“Help me to master my lessons so I can be more effective in helping others.”

“Help me to understand what it is that makes me grand.”
“Give me healing but not just of the body but also of my mind, so that I can be calm and understand what you wish me to do.”“Help me to go with the Spirit to call for justice against the tyrants that man doles out to man.”
“May I take courage and give God the benefit of the doubt.”
“May I ask for healing and enlightenment to go to all Members of Parliament of this land, so they may see the damage that their greed has done and may they see how they should redress the issue and return into your light and love by making amends to all who have been abused by the loss of trust on either side. Amen.”
“Help me to learn all I need to know so that I can work in excellence for you. Amen.”
“May your grace flow through me to acknowledge my love for you and all your creations.”
“Great Spirit broaden my mind so I may see what is hidden to me. Show me the light that I knows shines within and sometimes without as your presence is acknowledged by other souls as we meet and are in harmony with each other through your love and grace. Amen.

“Gone are my worries when I feel your love coursing through my soul and lifting me to new heights I thought I couldn’t reach. Amen.”
“Give me the certain knowledge that adds strength to my being, so that I always instinctively know what to do and say so that I cannot hurt others who cross my path.”
“The dreams I dream are all confused. Order my thoughts to show me the way that I can find peace and deliver myself in love to those who need your love to follow.”
“Bring heavenly gifts to those who truly seek them and take them away from those who abuse them.”
“Cling to me Rock of Ages for I am young and bring you peace.”
“Give me the strength now that I know you are there to help me through these tough times ahead. I know I can get through them if you are always there as my heart is warmed by your love and my mind is at peace knowing that the next world is ready for me. Thank you. Amen.”
“Help me to know what hurts I do by my thoughtlessness when I speak without thinking and do not say, “I’m sorry” afterwards.”
“Bless me to know your love so that I may give it to others, who need that helping hand which you give to me.”
“Be my mentor so I may learn to progress and be better in all I do and say. Amen.”
“Thank you for all I have. May it be enough to sustain me and all who I need to share it with. Amen.”
“Give me healing of my body and mind so that through your strength and love I may be of greater service to those around me who need me. Let me not pull back when I am needed but with joy give to them what you give to me – support. Amen.”
“May I receive what is right for me to complete my journey on this road of life and may I never pass by on the other side when I am needed to give what is needed to another. So be it.”
“It is time I called for my desire to be fulfilled in accepting the Laws of God while I chose to rule over Man’s insatiable desires to have what they want and not be satisfied with what they need.”
“Thank you Lord for my life and the chance to live it in your name and in your love. Amen.”
“Give me my honour so I may stand proud of who I am and what I believe in, so all may see my true colours of the Lord.”
“Give me the abilities that I need to find my way into the gifts that I am worthy of and to explore how I can best use them to fulfil my reason for being here.”“I will achieve all I can to show my love and gratitude to the Almighty Power of God.”

“Please give me a mind to understand the real world and see the things beyond this earth plane where the real world exists in love and beyond pain.”

“Thank you for all you teach me, but help me to understand what I should do with this knowledge.”
“Let the pain be as the birth of a new understanding to give love and receive acknowledgement that I can do your will at all times.”

“Great Spirit and Divine Creator show me my purpose and teach me to be patient while I accomplish it.”
“Show me the truth and let me not flinch from the divine path that you have put me on.”
“May I find love in my heart for those who seek love but cannot find it for themselves. Thank you.”

“Bathe me in the Power of Spirit and let me find the Power within.”
“I am weak. Help me to be strong.”
“May the Angels protect us and take us along the path to where we are meant to be.”

“Give me my birth right so I may progress in your name and see the beautiful things on this Earth and pass by the ugly.”“Help me to grow in stature in your service, not for my glory but for yours.”
“I seek the light. Show me the way through the darkness of selfish ignorance.”
“Thank you for the day. Please bring me another filled with your love and bountiful joys.”“Protect us as we sleep and may we be rested and strengthened by the morning.”
“Please keep us safe and protected while we sleep. Amen.”

“Please forgive us when we stumble. The way seems long to us, but it is only an instant in the whole of eternity.”
“Carry us to the firm ground, so that we do not sink into the abyss of dark ignorance, but joyfully travel in the light with others on the same path.”
“Help us to the light for we bring our own darkness. I look into the darkness and light a candle, for you are the light to show me my faults that I can conquer.”

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