01 December 2013

Daily Thoughts for December 2013

“The past has gone.  Look to the front and see where you are to go.  You choose that path by the way you live in the present and by learning from your mistakes of that past.  Learn to go boldly where it feels right and good for you.”

“Conscience is the way to tell the given road to go, because it is ‘God’s road map for life so we do not go astray, so why do we fall so often into traps that are set by greedy commercial rhetoric?”

“Do we always believe what Men tell us is the truth?  Can we discern ourselves what is right and what is wrong?  If we can, then why do we go so wrong?”

“Several places around the world are indeed on fire with the light and healing from On High.  If we could only find the way, but have we the courage to ask and blindly go where we are bid by the helpers from the Spirit World of Love?”

“Let the children be at peace and protected through their childhood from wickedness and vice.  Many are abused by the brainless, who were themselves abused and who cannot break the cycle unless they own up and are treated.”

“Think of the smallest and the weakest and know that they need to be loved and brought the mighty energies from a higher plane.  We can and should ask for the weak and vulnerable to be nurtured in unconditional love, so they may thrive against all the odds.”

“When we send out our thoughts, they are always heard and if sent in the right and just way, they will be answered as all prayers have always been, but in truth we will get what is best for us and not always what we want!”

“Justice is a great reward when one has suffered against the system and has been mowed down by the greater force without redress.  There are Higher Courts and Justice, if only we ask in the right way for our wounds to be addressed.”

“Such is life that some get all the breaks, while others seem fated to be always left behind, but in order to change the pattern, is it possible that we are ourselves the cause of our own misfortune, because we only think of our own wants and not those in greater need.”

“We bless the Creator for giving us light and warmth, but not all souls have comfort, as they have been removed from their homes by war or mighty weather, so let us send them our love and ask for the healing from their woes.”

“We are blessed, because we know that we are not alone and have good company on the road of life, but many are incarcerated or held against their will and have lost their freedom, so send out your thoughts for them that may be freed of their bondage and torture.”

“Just around the corner is a ray of hope and a light in the darkness of despair.  Lead others to see the light of freedom, as ‘The Lord’ shows you, so share it with others and brighten their lives with hope.”

“Make a point of saying today, “Please Lord, may I be worthy of a clean start, where I will consider others before myself and thank the Creator for my life and his love.”

“Take a new view of the world and see where you can help by sending out your thoughts in a positive way for peace and harmony to be given where there is extreme hopelessness.”

“We are never alone. What we can’t always see is what is guiding us along the road of life.  Is it thoughts from a better world or our own ego pushing us into trouble all the time?”

“Taking a broad look at life brings new horizons into focus, but hiding ourselves away in our own little box is to deny the Greater Presence beyond our comprehension.”

“We all need to take stock of who we are and who we think we are, because that is not always the same thing at all.”

“Take a new look at yourself, as you have been advised to do.  Would you befriend you, if you were a stranger on the road?”

“Treat your neighbour as yourself, was good advice.  If you want to receive help when you are short of that helping hand, it is as well to be in credit with those who hold the smiles of gratitude.”

“What you give out will always be returned to you in greater measure, so what is the point in sending out negative vibrations, such as fear and hate, when that is all you will receive in return.”

“Everything that we do is seen by a Higher Intelligence than our own.  How else can a balance be brought to the world by those who seek justice – Mankind is largely incapable these days of recognising it for himself?”

“Love must be unconditional if it is to be worthy of giving.  Those who expect to be rewarded will have their comeuppance sooner or later.  They will never get away with wrong living.”

“Nobody can escape the reaping of what they have sown, but those who are caught up in the woes of the world by accident, need to be given a helping hand by those of us who care for our fellow man.”

“Those who travel fastest, travel light and leave behind the trapping of a materialistic life.  We are provided with what we need, if we live and serve with the right intentions.”

“We cannot sleepwalk through life on earth and expect to be honoured on our arrival at the next port of call.  We have to help others and work for the Greater Good if we want to be seen as successful in the eyes of the Spirit.”

“Jesus told us that by our fruits we shall be known and this is true, because by the lightness in our aura, our accomplishments are shown – that is if we have done anything that is worth the harvest.”

“The light is always shown for our goodness and our negativity is always shown as our dark side.  Hence it is known as the Darkness of Ignorance”

“It is no wonder that when we pass to the next dimension we are naked to the gaze of others, who see through our aura what we are and what we have done.”

“Our auras can be seen and do act as a passport to where we have been and how we have treated our mind and body throughout our lifetime.”

“We all are oblivious of what we look like as a spirit form to others, who are privileged to be able to see clairvoyantly if we are living in the right and proper way.”

“Take a new look at yourself and realise that this is how others see you and then you can decide if this is how you want to be seen.”

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