01 March 2014

Daily Thoughts for March 2014

“The end is so often the beginning, so we must always be ready to walk that extra mile.  It rarely hurts us and the Greater Good is always served if only we could see that it was so.”

“Remember that we are never alone and always seek a better communication with those around us, who love us and seek to serve us.  Are we sometimes too arrogant to believe?”

“Giving up something for another is a selfless act, but always see what effect that will really have.  Not always is it a good idea!”

“Always we move on and sometimes we know the way and sometimes we don’t. What should we do if we can’t see the way forward?  Ask the way and if it sounds reasonable we should follow it as long as it seems right.”

“Truth is a clearly seen fact that cannot be denied, but sometimes we must be ready to see the same truth from another’s point of view.”

“Nearly at the end is not a good way of thinking, because there is always another hill to climb, so we had better be ready for it, hadn’t we?”

“Take an open look inside our hearts and see what we are really made of and then we can see where we are lacking and can strengthen ourselves accordingly.”

“Just about enough to see us by, is enough to see us by and so we don’t need to take any more through our own greed, which always deprives somebody else.”

“Taking advantage of another is like losing a part of our own assets.  If you take unwisely, you will lose that much again and more because of your unworthy actions.”

“Never is a word that makes things impossible to achieve, but spiritual help can make the impossible possible if we are worthy of receiving these miraculous gifts.”

“Get the mind-set facing a greater intelligence than ours and by listening and acting on higher advice we can make it to the finishing line and be ready to be received in love and fulfilment.”

“Take that first step and never be left behind because we hadn’t the courage to start a new journey. Nothing is ever achieved by standing still and without our own drive we can’t expect help from others.”

“Just about now we should understand how long we have lived and how much we have achieved.  There are only so many years to live before we face our past, so hadn’t we better do good things to show that we cared?”

“Coming from the east means that it brings the sunrise.  With it comes the knowledge that we only have so long to make it a good day and to do all the worthy things that we approve of and leave nothing behind undone.”

“The light holds no secrets, but there are always a few dark corners in our hearts that we want to keep hidden, but why so?  Isn’t it better to allow in the light and make us free of our own torments?”

“Just a little bit more and I can make myself the top of the pile, but at what cost to others?  It doesn’t matter if we are first or second as long as the quality is the best that we can give.”

“Bring on the goodness and the love and make our hearts and minds worthy to receive it.  They will be if we make it endemic for us to give to others without always counting the cost.”

“To take another fall because we continue to make the same mistake time and time again shows a weakness within ourselves that we are not strong enough to address – so we must ask for help and honestly it will be given according to our intentions and our needs.”

“We all make mistakes and that is a natural failing of humanity, but nevertheless we are all given the choice to learn from them or not, as our mood takes us.”
“Now the brightness is coming to enlighten the mind-sets of the world.  The question is, “Are you sufficiently tuned in to receive and understand the teachings of the Lord?”

“Take a look at yourself and see if it is what you prefer others to see, because if it isn’t then it is only you that can change what you give out to the world.”

“There can be no doubt that in a matter of divinity you are either being at one with the Higher Intelligence or you are turning your back and are possessed by your own ego rather than his almighty wisdom.”

“Sitting on the side-lines is failing to do anything for the better or worse and if you don’t know the difference then you are condoning the wrongs without establishing the rights.”

“Giving without expecting any reward is worthy and honest, but doing it for the wrong reason will always cast a shadow on your credentials and all will come to know them.”

“To take the lead in a matter of importance means that you have to have done your research and to know that it is right for the Greater Good and not just your own benefits.”

“Never allow the sun to set on a problem that you have caused that can be mended.  By sleeping on it, it will not go away, but become more entrenched and difficult to resolve.”

“We all depend on getting a good press, but do we always give out the truth about ourselves on our CV for the people to read and know us by or are we a little shy on the truth?” 

“The most productive action throughout the world is a genuine smile showing love and meaning from the eyes.  If we all gave out loving and caring smiles, how could so much misery be allowed to exist?”

“From the very newest member to be born into humanity is the right to be cared for, nurtured and loved, so where do we go wrong in turning love into fear and hate?”

“If we each and every one set out to give a little more time to the helping of our friends and neighbours, there would come a tide of understanding and love, so that it was easier to live in love and harmony instead of fear and suspicion.”

“Forgive and be forgiven is a worthy maxim, so that there are no hidden feelings lurking about between family, friends and neighbours.”

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