01 June 2014

Daily Thoughts for June 2014

“Give all that you can to the greatness of life and creation, because these mighty acts are done by an intelligence far greater than our own and we must recognise that strength and beauty and struggle to learn and appreciate it for ourselves.”

“Notice the little miracles that happen to us on an almost daily basis and give thanks for them. They are our Father’s blessings that keep us on our pathway to a better life despite our little failures along the way.”

“Let us give thanks for all we have and be grateful that we have so much.  Not everyone is as blessed as we are and we do take so much for granted.”

“Let the wind blow and let the rain fall, because they are natural gifts and both play a part in keeping this world clean and sustainable, so we shouldn’t moan if it doesn’t suit us today!”

“If we have the right intentions in our hearts and minds only goodness can come into our lives.  It is the fears that we create within us that make us wary and so often we are weak enough to fall.”

“Getting ready to go out is a common enough experience, but it can be hard for many who don’t have the strength of purpose to fulfil themselves with and venture out in fear of what may happen – ask for strength and safety and it will be given.”

“About now a negative feeling comes to you and you can’t seem to get rid of it, but if you ask the Spirit to remove your anxiety and replace it with loving energies – then bingo, it is gone and it has left a better mark behind.”

“Never leave a problem unsolved if you can see a way to resolve it.  It you leave it to deal with it later it seems to always grow into something bigger and harder to tame.”

“A soft touch from a light hand speaks volumes to the receiver as it allows the energies of love to flow, but a heavy hand kills the goodness of everything it touches.”

“Just be kind and kindness will come naturally to you.  Harshness and bad temper haunt the ones who exude them, so they are never satisfied, but kindness brings its own reward.”

“Something wonderful is always around the corner and if you look for it you can recognise it when you find it.  However if you don’t look, how are you ever going to see wonderful things?

“Let others see you as you really are and not as you wish them to think that you are.  Putting up a screen around your reality never works, as you will be caught out like the liar who forgets what he has said.”

“Being alive is a joy in itself, but by being of sound mind and positive attitude will bring about health and strength that cannot be gained in any other way.  Your positive mind is your passport to happiness.”

“Giving of oneself to another is a natural bonding of spiritual love, which is perfect and complete as long as both parties remain as givers for each other and that nobody takes just because they can.”

“Making a new resolution is something that must be done at a time when we really mean it and wish to see it through, rather than paying lip service to it because it is a special date on the calendar.”

“Sleepwalking through life is a blinding and blinkered way of ignoring our opportunities to help others and to be selfish for our own ends.  It will never make us happy, because the soul requires openness and love to sustain it.”

“Now we must awake each morning with positive thoughts in our own mind and then we stand a chance of having a good day, working in the sunshine of success rather than the darkness of ignorance.”

“Giving is such a joy, but there are times when it is our turn to receive, so we must be ready to accept and keep the cycle of giving and receiving going joyfully throughout all lands.”

“In all ways there is unconditional love available for us, as long as we give it out too and don’t reject what comes to us that we have earned by our deeds for others and the mark of respect that is due to all God’s creations.”

“Remember that all God’s creatures and plants have an equal right to live on this earth and each has a part to play in keeping everything in balance as we too must learn to do.”

“This is a beautiful world if we are able to see what God has made and not what Man had destroyed.”

“Remember that you can change yourself, but that you can’t change others.  You can advise them and you can guide them, but you can’t change them unless they want to change themselves enough.”

“Wait for the moment to come when you are in charge of your life and through Spiritual Law can see the road ahead that plainly guides you to your Promised Land of Goodness.”

“Listen to your own voice within and not the dogma of those who only want to create power over you and to strangle your spiritual birth right, which is yours and yours alone.”

“Take a firm grip on your problems and ask for help in solving them.  There is a cool voice of reason with you that tells you what to do or at least where to go to find the answers.”

“It is important that we make our own decisions, as others can’t live our lives for us and soon disappear when it all goes wrong and we are left ruing the day we failed to trust our own judgement.”

“When we are doing good things we feel uplifted and at peace, so why don’t we do it always and ignore the temptations, which never benefit us or progress us into the life of harmony and peace with others.”

“We all like a role model to follow and Jesus taught us the way to live, but unfortunately the Church only took advantage of his guidance and hid behind his teachings to disguise their own inadequacies of physical laws.”

“Gaining ground as we advance through spiritual pathways to lift us above the negativity of this world makes us lighter and more loving through the healing of goodness.”

“Taking a good look at those around us often makes us see just how blessed we are.  Counting ones blessings is a good start to leading a charmed life in the Power of the Lord.”

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