01 March 2015

Daily Thoughts for March 2015

“Let us be joyful and grateful for all the good that we have in our lives and be ever mindful of the needs of others.  We cannot work alone, so we must use what we have to benefit others and make our being here worthwhile.”

“Rewards are for service to the Greater Good and are given in the hope and understanding that they will be used properly and well. If not they will be taken away, so allow your light to shine out and benefit all others who are in need of them. ”

“Make a new wish to be given every time you feel depleted in vibrational energy.  Look to your future not to the past, where failures and mistakes lurk.  However in the future is the hope of much achievement and success.”

“The brightness which comes at the beginning of each and every day is a cleansing light to bring peace and harmony into the lives of all people.  It is called hope.  Recognise this and allow hope to start each day so that by a positive vibration new successes can be given.”

“So much for winds of change that are spreading across this earth plane, can you not feel them?  Are you not ready for the changes to come?  We are in a constant state of change, but these changes are bigger and for the Greater Good, so that men, women and children can be free again.”

“Let the light dawn and let the brightness show that we are in tune with Universal and Spiritual Law, so that we are at one with our Creator and that we love all that has been created.  We cannot pick and choose what we like most, as all were created equal and have an equal right to be in our hearts.”

“We all give and we all receive, but do we do so with a grace and understanding that is in complete harmony with each other?  We need to be unconditionally in tune with all those around us, so that we all gain from our actions, which are for the benefit of all concerned.”

“Such is life that we have free will to act and to be responsible for our actions.  It is better to think before we act having listened to our own conscience and knowing that we do no harm to others by thoughtlessly hurting them.”

“We are in our own hands creating a place for us to be when we are relieved of this earthly body and are then free to pass with our spiritual body into the realms beyond.  Nobody else can live our lives for us for we are totally responsible for our actions and their outcome.”

“Thus said the Lord, “Give unto God what is God’s and give unto Caesar what is Caesars.”  In those few words Jesus told us how to live in this world and how to honour both our Creator and humanity that he created.”

“Patience is a great reward.  How often do we have to wait for the right time and place for something to happen and when it does we know instinctively that it is right?  The Higher Intelligence works with perfection, which we only recognise when it is directed at us.”

“Being of sound mind is not just a legal term, but one that hears the advice given from a Higher Intelligence and when you act upon it you know that you are doing right.  Otherwise you will fail to make the sanity of purpose.”

“Taking the right road is a wonderful piece of navigation or is it good fortune?  If you use your own conscience and listen to its advice, you know the right way to go and instructively receive good fortune!”

“Make a real effort to bring about happiness to others in such a way that they don’t ask what you want for it.  Happiness and a smile should be free of payment and unconditional, so that both benefit and are rewarded.”

 “All around us are the responsibilities that weigh heavy on our shoulders.  If we ask for direction from our guides and conscience we will ease this pain by bringing in solutions that we had not even thought about.  We were never meant to travel alone.”

“If we put our egos aside and do what is best to bring harmony and peace then we are achieving more than we could expect from putting ourselves first all the time.  Ego only knows one master and it follows an end road of destruction.”

“Why do we think that we can manage our lives alone?  We were not born to be alone, but to be together with others working tirelessly for the Greater Good and giving of ourselves to others.”

“Looking into the darkness doesn’t make it become any brighter.  We need to enlighten the cause of it by asking for illumination to be given from On High, so that the Greater Intelligence can remove the negativity that causes it to be there in our lives.”

“If we give our love and our understanding to our fellow man and woman, we can enlighten their mind-sets and also expand our own enlightenment, because as we give to others so we receive ourselves.”

“It is no mistake or accident that we are here on this earth plane of existence.  We came to make it a better place for our being here and we mustn’t fail in trying each and every day to make it better.”

“Remember that there is only one Higher Intelligence.  Mankind gives that many names, but always that wisdom and love is directed to us.  We must never forget that whatever men direct as God’s will comes from men alone and that the Almighty is here for all men, women and children in his care.”

“Such is the joy when the flowers spring into life and the birds sing their happy songs that we are uplifted and refreshed as we are shown another cycle of life bringing a new harvest for all who love and live in the natural way of God’s love and bounty.”

“Let the smiles break out and show others that by living right we are happy in the service of the Lord.  We are rewarded for our good deeds and are not blessed for our mistakes when we leave out little missions neglected or in tatters.”

“Just because we can isn’t the right reason for doing it.  We always need to examine our motives and ensure that we are doing what we do for the Greater Good and for humanity before ourselves.”

“We are given opportunities to live a better life in the service for others and we must be ready to put ourselves aside and to act for others first.  We gain nothing for ourselves if we don’t feel and act on the needs of others.”

“Much is taught by the religious houses and yet their occupants seem to fall from grace by following their own desires.  God gave us free will, but we must know how to use it right in his service and not our own.”

‘Joy cometh in the morning,’ it is said, so we must be ready to greet it and smile at the day ahead, knowing that it holds nothing that we cannot cope with and that each day is a gift from God and not an opportunity from Man.”

“Left to our own devices we would soon fall from the path of right living, because the temptations of a modern existence seem to bypass the Universal Laws that were placed there for our guidance and our direction.”

“We are never alone and if we ask for guidance we will receive it.  It isn’t always what we want, but it is always spiritually right and shows us what we need to do.”

“When we take a firm step forwards in life, we do so in the conviction that it is the right and honourable way to go.  It is always better to have thought it through and asked for guidance so that we can go with confidence that we do it right.”

“Thus comes the teacher when the student is ready to be taught.  We all await our master teacher to fulfil our deficits, but in the meantime we must live right and answer to our conscience, which is God given.”

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