01 September 2019

Daily Thoughts for September 2019

“Know that there is a will and a way to find the Father, who loves you and directs you knowing your frailties, but, as you give Him your love and take His guidance, He will give you what you need to complete your life for His glory and not necessarily your own.”

“If you try too hard and work for the stars as promised by the material world, you will burn yourself out and suffer dis-ease.  You will need the Spirit to heal you when you ask correctly and are heard.”

“Take life easy enough to allow the progression of your spiritual self to arrive at the right place at the right time, as has been decided by the Father who watches over you.”

“To reach this higher level, we will have to have lived a life of honesty and generosity of spirit.  Those who failed to manage this, will have to work harder before they attain the acceptable understanding.”

“It is fair to say that the basic energies are available to us on this earth plane, but the higher levels are there for us to enjoy in the next dimension when we pass from here.”

“This world in which we live is made up of energies.  They are all on different levels of vibration.  We cannot always measure them with our earthly senses, but if we are sensitive enough, we can discover much more than we thought was there.

“We are all Children of God and are loved by the Father, who wants us to do well and have what we need.  If we are deserving, then he will surely help us with what we ask for.”

“When the Medical Profession has learned to trust and work with the Higher Energies of Healing, miraculous and lasting cures will be able to be enabled for the greater good.”

“The power of healing works to give results that cannot always be found through the pharmaceutical trials of medical hope.  This power brings its own hope and results with patience of Divine quality of life.”

“Those of us who are healers through the gift of the Father, see every day miracles happen and, in healing those where medical knowledge has failed them, new life is given.” 

“Those who do not believe in the Greater Power must put their trust in the fallible nature of Mankind instead of the loving compassion of the Divine Purpose.”

“So many are kept in our hospitals without the prayers of healing being given for them by their families and friends.  Is it too much to ask that they spend a few minutes asking that those who have the power of healing use their power to bring comfort and wellness back to them?”

“To turn away from the Creator’s Light of goodness and honesty is to put oneself in the Ignorance of Uncertainty without the guidance to it turn around.”

“Take away the level of darkness that so many people carry.  The light of God’s guidance is the only thing that can take away the unimplementable mask.  This light is given to us to use in helping others who are in the darkness looking for that way out.”

“Do not turn away when you are too high and mighty to come down to their level with help.  In the Higher Order of Things all is seen and made known, so don’t be found wanting, but be sensible.”

“Bring about a generous nature and always think the best of each soul you meet.  You cannot see the pressures under which they are staggering, but God can and he will direct your heart if you listen.”

“There are many causes throughout this world of genuine need, but follow your heart, as you can’t help everyone who asks.”

“Know that you are blessed by the Higher Intelligence, who gives you what you need.  It is simply a question of following Spiritual Law and helping the greater good whenever you see the opening.”

“Taking a risk is a dangerous way to go about your life.  Common sense is a good rule to follow, but feel your guidance from the spiritual guides, who love you best.”

“Let us always bear in mind that we all need a helping hand at some stage in our lives, so we need to be ready to give help to those we meet, who need our assistance.”

“Those who prosper by doing good are those who give unconditionally without thoughts of gain for themselves.  They earn their right to have and are given more to give away to those who are in need.”

“We need to deserve what we are given from On High.  If we don’t ask, we don’t get, but we need to earn the right to have and use it in the right and proper way.”

“There are many souls who have turned away from the Spirit, because they don’t immediately get what they ask for!  It is due to their impatience and greedy countenance that they can’t see that their thoughts are answered in a better way.”

“If you acknowledge the existence of ‘The Hand of God’, then you will see it working daily in your lives and in the lives of others.”

“Seek and you will find!  The more trust and hope you carry the greater your chances are of finding what you seek.”

“If we believe in miracles then they will appear and we will see them in our lives.  How can we acknowledge what we don’t believe in?”

“Cruelty is fuelled by the loveless darkness.  We can only counteract it by sending love and light to that person and ask for the Spirit to send blessings and enlightenment there.”

“Those with a negative attitude are those who wear black and listen to tuneless heavy music.  They are leading a life of depression and many will fall into the darkness of ignorance without our Creator’s guiding light.”

“If we expect happiness as our right to have, then we must have a positive attitude in all our dealings.”

“Make your thoughts count.  They go out from your mind into the Universe and are heard, whether you wish them to be or not, so think positive all the time.”

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