01 November 2019

Daily Thoughts for November 2019

“When we are given is a miraculous gift, we must use it for the benefit of Mankind and not just hide it away or it will be lost to us.”

“Admire the beauties of this world that have been created from the love of a caring God, so that we may be uplifted by the beauty around us.”

“Nobody should go through life with their eyes closed and ignore the opportunities to give love and healing.  These opportunities to be rescued from their self-imposed prison are always available with spiritual guidance.”

“Make it easier for those who purport to love but are found wanting and need forgiveness and support.”

“Take another look at the tyranny and negativity that is going unpunished around the world, because there is not enough love generated to expel the fear.”

“Give what you can, but always allow for the blessing that is freely given by the Angels who guide you.”

“Once upon a time there was a world without all the luxuries that we take for granted.  Stop and give thanks that it is so much easier to live today without all the hard labour that still many others have to endure.”

“Pass on to the Universe positive and healing energies that are needed throughout the earth plane, as so many people fail to respond to the misdeeds that others leave behind.”

“Make your neighbours aware that you send them guidance and a direct harmony from God himself.”

“Open your heart to the joy of sharing and helping those who deserve your helping hand along the way.”

“Happiness comes from the Spirit that is always there for us and helps us to know what we need to do in life.”

“Too many souls are afraid of sharing their experiences with the Spirit, as they fear that they will be laughed at by their family and friends.  Who do they love more, their family and friends or their Father who gave them life?”

“Those who are most worthy are given gifts from On High to use for the greater good.  We need to be prepared to show them to others, where they can benefit from them.”

“It is unfair and uncharitable to expect God to grant what you want without meeting Him part of the way.  None of us are perfect, so we need to show our sincerity for change.”

“Even if you cannot see the reply to your prayers, do not give up.  You need to understand what God thinks you need most and to see you make amends for your past misdeeds.”

“Prayer is the vehicle for miracles to be given to those who are distraught and uncomfortable.  Show your mindset to the Father, who gave you life and let Him decide what you most need.”

“Healing is the balm of life, where negativity has brought harshness and pain caused by mistakes in the past that were not resolved at the time and festered in the unbalanced part of our own life.”

“Make a new part of your life that brings happiness and joy into the hearts of others, who would otherwise have none.”

“Give of your time generously for good causes but expect no payments in return.  Unconditional love is the backbone of security when your own finances are already secured.”

“To ask God for miracles for others shows a generous nature and one that is worthy of cultivation for your own progression.”

“To have a belief in miracles is to know that God loves us and that we are worthy of that extra support in times of need.”

“Take a strong decision to remind oneself of the balance that is needed to live in harmony and so give good things to others and remain healthy for your own needs.”

“We all need to look after ourselves, so that we are strong enough to give love and healing to those who are in need.  Leaving the cupboard bear in no answer to the needs of others.”

“It is easy to close our eyes and not see the needs of others.  We were sent here to make a difference and leave this place better than we found it.”

“All the negative thoughts that we have ever had will be returned to us in kind unless we ask for forgiveness for our actions and we send out love to heal the negativity.”

“It is a sad state of affairs that so many exist for an easy life and don’t care about the harm that they do to others along the way.”

“To take on the weight of the world is a mighty task and can only be done with the support and love of the Spirit to give you guidance and direction.”

“The clear message from On High is to behave to others how you would like to be treated yourself.  It makes sense, so that you are rewarded for your deeds and punished for your misdeeds.”

“We need to take control of our lives and live by Spiritual Law, so that we reap what we sow.  Good seeds will be rewarded but negativity will bring depression and darkness.”

“Don’t take anything for granted least you lose it.”

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