01 February 2020

Daily Thoughts for February 2020

“Give what is due to God and obey the laws of this planet.  Our positive actions correctly carried out will bring harmony and peace to this unhappy world.”

“Our thoughtless behaviour is choking the sea and beaches with our litter.  We must learn the deadly consequences of our actions and clean up the mess before it’s too late.”

“As the beginning of Spring brings forth new life to the plant kingdom, we are able to look forward to enjoying the renewal and warmth of Summer and the harvesting of Autumn.  Give thanks for their return every year, so that we are not isolated and starving.”

“Send out your healing thoughts around the world for all those that have tested positive for the coronavirus.  Only our heavenly Father is able to cure them and your prayers can make all the difference.”

“Always allow yourself sufficient rest and relaxation, so that you start the week fully charged to deal with the challenges that are put in your path.”

“Much needed love is beginning to flow to the areas of the world that are steeped in hate and loathing.  Add your thoughts to those who care for peace in this world and see The Infinite Spirit show the miracles that are happening.”

“As you begin to settle into this new year and the spring flowers bring a spark of joy to your comprehension of just how great life can be again, give thanks to the Creator for all he gives you on a daily basis.”

“We all have major issues around us, so, instead of asking The Almighty to remove them, we should ask how we can overcome them.”

“Always remember that love conquers all.”

“Some people say that nothing lasts forever, but they forget, or do not know, that the unconditional love for us from our Creator is there for us for all time.”

“Remember to give to God what is His and to obey the law of the land.  We need to be sure that we do not conflict between the two.”

“Put out your practical thoughts for all those who are suffering a second flood in their homes in a week from Storms Ciara and Dennis.  It is heart-breaking and they need positive love and support.”

“As God dwells within every one of us, every individual is part of the Whole which is God. And because we are all part of the Infinite Spirit of God, we cannot die.”

“Major changes are all around us but are they all for the better?  Listen to your guides and understand what is your future path that the Higher Intelligence has in mind for you.”

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  We are always rewarded for our faith and diligence.”

“As viruses continue to spread, it is important to be aware of one’s personal hygiene and their ability to spread as people travel.”

“Once the storm has passed it is time to assess the damage and clean up the mess.  Know that you are not alone and that the Spirit is always in your life to help and guide you.”

“Storm Ciara has brought extreme weather to the United Kingdom, with eighty mile per hour winds, coinciding with the high Spring Tides and all forms of transport were affected.”

“Around the world, another plague spreads from China and we must send out our thoughts and prayers for it to be contained and for the souls of those who die.”

“Learn to understand the difference between what God is responsible for and what Mankind makes happen by its irresponsibility.”

“Take a long look at the progress of the world and your part in it, so that Almighty God can show you what he wants you to do about it.”

“It is always recommended that you take your rest seriously for health of body and mind, but also remember that you need that peace of mind to link with the Spirit for direction and love.”

“Notice the changes that are happening all around us and see the Spring flowers that bring us joy and the political adjustments that show us that our lives are being adjusted beyond our control.”

“Take the feelings that are brought to you as you hear and see news of potential disasters creeping around the world.  Send out your love and peace, so that your blessings can be acted upon as they are needed.”

“Give your love to all that you know are in need.  You can do this by thought or deed, as the Spirit hears all and prayer is a mighty healer.”

“See the brightness increase your natural vibrations, as you lift your energies to give love and harmony to all you meet.”

“Go forward with every positive thought that you have and know that the Spirt carries you safely in love and harmony.”

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