01 January 2021

Daily Thoughts for January 2021

“California is braced for a major winter storm. It is set to disrupt California over the coming days with up to two meters of mountain snow, damaging winds, flooding and landslides.  We ask Almighty God to spare the people and that those in most need are protected by the Angels, who have to work so hard these days.”

“After the latest actions from the European Union, I thank God that after all the struggle to leave we have got out just in time.  They tried to rip up Irish border agreement just because it didn’t suit them.  They care nothing for the Troubles and the real meaning of peace.”

“We are blessed by having so many vaccines but getting them out to the people in some cases is proving somewhat difficult.  These supply problems will be overcome, as all will work for the supply to be given to all in need.”

“China is threatening the peace of the world over the sovereignty of Taiwan.  They have got away with keeping Hong Kong under their boot and are hungry to settle the Taiwan issue.  Biden is being tested risking war for the rest of us.  We need to ask God to maintain peace and harmony.”

California is braced for a major winter storm. It is set to disrupt California over the coming days with up to two meters of mountain snow, damaging winds, flooding and landslides.  We ask Almighty God to spare the people and that those in most need are protected by the Angels, who have to work so hard these days.”

“Covid-19 has claimed 100,000 lives in the United Kingdom according to Government figures.  It is impossible to mourn for all, but we need to send out our prayers to the Infinite Spirit, who will know them all.  All we can do is to remember in love all those we knew and know that we shall meet again in the next dimension.”

“While staying indoors because of Lock down and looking out at the snow and ice, the citizens of southern Australia were being told to stay in, to ovoid inhaling the smoke from the bush fires.  In Melbourne the morning temperature has already risen to 30⁰C by half past seven with an expected maximum of 40C later.

“China is testing the Biden White House, who urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan's democratically elected representatives."

“Little man Vladimir Putin is a very frightened man, as he sets his policemen to attack and imprison his countrymen, who wish to protect an opponent of his, who loves the country and its people more than its dictatorial leader.”

“The world faces a "catastrophic moral failure" because of unequal Covid vaccine policies, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.  What are we supposed to do for the safety and future health of our own family and friends?”

“The whole world is watching with bated breath to see the leadership that is required, as an example to all nations, that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are able to re-float the needs of all people by taking a firm control of law and order.”

“At last, a clean wind of change is starting to blow across the not so United States of America.  It is time for real leadership to bring back the standards that have been flouted by armed gangs looking for trouble and the continuing number of Coronavirus deaths across the whole country.”

“With the Inauguration of the new Presidency taking place in Washington today, we pray that the White House has been cleansed from all the negativity that the outgoing regime will have left behind.”

“As the United States and several European governments have demanded the release of opposition politician Alexei Navalny from Russian detention, we add our prayers asking God to grant him health and healing.”

“As vaccination begins today for the over seventies in England, those us who are older give thanks for our protection.  God is looking after us and we bless His Holy name.”

“It is good to see Spiritual Law at work, especially in the highest of places.  What Trump has taken he is now losing.  Sanity is being restored to the Presidency and all Americans.”

“As the numbers of Coronavirus cases rise and hospital beds are at a premium, we need be careful of our actions and keep safe.”

“What a change in status.  The removal van has been seen outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Washington, D.C.”

“With the impeachment of Donald Trump for his incompetence and attempted insurrection, the Americans must now move on to allow Joe Biden to go forward and unite the country.  Trump has divided it for his own egotistic reasons and sanity must be restored for the sake of Western Civilization.”

“The scandal in Ireland of 9,000 baby deaths in 18 Magdalen Laundry Homes run by Roman Catholic nuns between 1922 and 1998.  The report into this terrible state of misogyny, where young women and children were sold as the only way out.”

“It seems that Americans are still playing politics, as the President gets away with murder.  Both Houses must come together to rid themselves of the man who has discredited the whole country over the past four years and move on.”

“It seems that the British people no longer care about the fatal cases of Coronavirus. Unless they behave sensibly and abide by the rules, more people of all ages will die before the vaccine can be administered to enough souls.”

“It has taken the American people a long time to understand that their President was out of his mind.  His handling of the Coronavirus and so many deaths was surely enough to send shock waves through Republican and Democrats alike.  This man has a finger on the nuclear button, so we are all at risk.”

“As the NHS Hospitals are bursting at the seams, we can see the results of having families together at Christmas.  We must now all pay the price and obey the rules.  The vaccinations will help but will be too late for so many.”

“The Trump administration is pushing ahead with the first ever sale of oil leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).  Is there nothing he will not do to destroy the natural world for the greed of commercialism?”

“As the final loyalties of the Republican Americans give way to an even-handed Senate, Trump is further humiliated.  Democratic Biden is given the chance to start to repair the damage this Presidency has done to the US and the World.”

“There is a train of thought which says, “Never give up.”  However, when you have been beaten fair and square and everybody knows it, you look pretty stupid shouting the odds without a shred of evidence.”

“So, we are back to lock down again.  Our Prime Minister has finally woken up to the necessity of stopping the contamination, as the cases of Coronavirus rise daily.  ‘We’ mustn’t complain but ensure that ‘We’ live by the rules for the sake of our loved ones and the greater good.”

“It is extraordinary the length some people will go to in order to use their power in office for their own selfish gains.   All credit to the Republican Election Official in Georgia  to stand up for the truth against the bullying Trump.”

“As hospitals are still filled with Coronavirus victims, treatment of other issues are neglected.  Those people who ignore the guidelines must take personal responsibility for spreading the virus and will in time be judged by a higher authority for their neglect and irresponsibility.”

“Give yourselves time to recover from the indignity of being isolated in your own home.  Keep everything in balance and harmony.”

“Now the year has changed, so have your energies and expectations.  Remember that we are all in this together and, to come out of it safely, we must all work for the greater good. Trust in the Higher Intelligence and send out love to everybody.”


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