02 August 2009

Prayers for August 2009

“Help me to retain my love and memory of all good things that I have known and to put away the horrors which I have endured so that the happy times are always there to guide me. Amen.”

“Give unto me Great Father of Creation all that I have earned and am capable of using in your name, so that my fellow man may benefit and that through their progression I too may progress in wisdom and your glory and love. Amen.”

“Bless oh Lord Creator all that you have made. May our souls progress in harmony and peace as we discover our pathways and our opportunities to help others and, by doing so, progress ourselves to greater tasks. Let us find peace in our work and blessing on our working so all can gain and move on. Amen.”

“Teach me the way as Jesus understood and used in love of us all, so show me how to be merciful and hate nobody, but to give love and guidance and wherever I can do that we can all move closer to your heavenly state of spiritual love in the Realms of Spirit. Let me learn that death is only a beginning. Amen.”

“Keep us safe in your service and may we not wander away through the distractions of earthly vibrations. Please give us what we need to perform the tasks that we came to do while there is still sufficient time to do them and may we not miss our opportunities to help where we are needed. Thank you for our chances to serve and progress together. Amen.”
“Thank you Great Spirit, Divine and Creative in all aspects of life and birth, as we spend our lifetimes being reborn into new lives to progress onwards on different paths. Help us to help others to understand that we never die, but are reborn into the next world of life. Amen.”

"Grant us thy peace oh Lord that we may work for each other and not just for ourselves. May we give healing and help by words and deeds to others who struggle on these earthly paths as we try and learn how to conquer all fears and disappointments with love and hope. Amen.”

“Great Spirit of Divine Energy and Love, please show yourself to the World, so that your people may know the truth and that love and harmony may displace the divisions between peoples and discord may be a thing of the past. Allow your light to shine out into people’s minds, so that their hearts may rule their heads and healing of the scars of centuries may be accomplished. Thank you. Amen.”
“Thank you Lord for the day that has gone and for my survival to see another day tomorrow, help me to understand and love all that you put there for me, so I can progress towards you every day. Amen.”

“Most certainly I see your hand in the all creation and your love and attention to detail do abound in all that man hasn’t infected by his greed and avarice. Help me to see and understand the good that is there and to look past what I cannot help to change. Amen.”
“God knows what is best for me I know, so I am pleased and happy to let him guide me through life and I thank my guides and helpers who serve me well. May I be ready when I am called to help others less blessed than I am. Amen.”
“Thank you for giving me what I needed today so that I could survive and prosper as only I can when I have your love and guidance. Be there always close at hand so I can be attuned in your light and love forever more. Amen.”
“Almighty Divine, thank you for your strength to get me through another day. Help me to be re-charged to continue on my way of firmness for what is right and compassion for those who don’t yet understand how great you are.”
“Great Spirit, thank you for the day of peace and harmony as I progressed in your service and found my way through the problems set before me. I know I have succeeded and I am grateful for your guidance and love, as I made myself all the better by the right choice of action. Amen.”
“Great Spirit, as I travel along the way and I see how man and woman fight and are at odds together, I ask that healing of their minds and enlightenment of their souls be shown to them, so that they can the better understand the hurt that they give to each other. Amen.”
“Thank you Almighty Divine for my progress today and may I heal and strengthen through your love and guidance. May I always be ready when I am called and be at peace with whatever I am asked to do. Amen.”
“A great day of your love and healing made me feel special and loved. Please help me always to go ahead on my pathway knowing that you lead the way and that I follow, always guided and helped and loved by your creative genius. Amen.”
“Thank you for a day of progress on my pathway to the stars as I know you are there in heavenly grace, even though your energies and love fill the whole Universe with your presence and order of how everything is. Let me proceed always towards your wisdom and grace as I know you love me and wish me to do better. Amen.”
“Thank you for bringing me through the day and for all that we have accomplished together. I always know when I walk alone that there are errors and mistakes, but when together all is fulfilled and completed. I am proud to be associated with what has been accomplished. Amen.”
“Thank you Great Spirit of Universal Light for all the healing that you send to me and for others also. May I continue to be blessed with healing gifts to help others in distress and furnish their lives with greater happiness and purpose. Amen”
“Thank you for your support in all I do and want for. I also know that without your love and strength I could not cope with all the earthly struggles that I go through in order to be able to live my life at all. Never let me fall and keep me ready to always act on what you give me to achieve the very best I can.”

“Give me my bread that I may eat and give me water to quench my thirst. Let the bread bring knowledge of a substantial nature and may the waters of enlightenment show me the way that true spirit is pure and unsullied to join my life on Earth to the Godhead of all wisdom. Amen.”
“The diversity of life that you created is like the differences that I face on a daily basis, testing my abilities to see the rights and the wrongs as my fellow men and women chase their tails in pursuit of earthly materials and ignore the spirituality of your love as you created us all.”
“Given to Man is the ability to think and produce thoughts about matters that concern him. However the quality of these thoughts vibrate according to the goodness or the darkness of the intentions of the thinker, so let my thoughts only be for the good of Mankind and God’s created world and universal love. Amen to that.”
“Creation was the work of God as nothing happens by chance – this I know. So as God created Man and all his environment, surely it’s up to us to look after it and in the best possible way for all to live in peace and harmony together. May enlightenment fall on each and every one of us.”
“Great is the pathway to your land called hope. I dwell there with your love. I add strength to my heart so that my mind can dwell on the fact that I am created in love and dwell in hope that I may eventually come home to you from whom I started my journey and I now travel in hope to find my way back to your love.”
“Great God Almighty, who made both Heaven and Earth but who also made me, thank you for the insights and the trust that you have in me to allow me the freedom to choose. May I appreciate enough how to make the right choice and find my way to you. Amen.”
“Great Spirit who abides in me, tell me how to listen to you and turn away the doubts, which bombard me when I weaken. You are certain and reliable. It is my weakness that causes the partnership to rock and wobble. May I be stronger by your example and so I then become sure.”
“Great you are and I am so small. How in your greatness could you make so perfect a job of us so small and almost insignificant beings, who exist on Earth for a short time and leave for unknown lands above to look for you and complete a journey so much against the odds? Guide me when I falter and lift me when I fall for I am small and you are great.”
“Thank you for the revelations of the day that assure me that I have progressed and understood more than I had from the day before. Let me be encouraged so that by each day I move forward and don’t slip back into the old ways of idleness and sloth. Amen.”
“Let all people know you are seeing all that they do, so that they will stop hurting others by treading on their toes all the time as they search for more than they can use and deprive those who cannot afford to loose anymore. May the givers be given more and the takers have it taken away. Amen.”

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