"Another month closes and we survive again to enter a new time zone. May we continue to feel this quickening of events, which we know brings change and a reassessment of the old ways, so that new strengths and courage may dwell in our minds and hearts as we face new challenges in love. Amen."
"We thank you for your patience as we stumble along this way called life and try and do justice to each and every choice we have. Help us to see light before we decide and let us not choose in haste least we choose in darkness and mistake our way. Amen."
"Thank you Lord for the trust you have in us to do your will and to give healing and love to all those who we meet along the way. We endeavour to give of our best and so we ask for guidance and direction as always as to where we can best do your bidding. Amen."
"Thank you for a wonderful day of love and understanding allowing progress as we stand firm and allow the power within us to carry us to new and higher realms of light and love. May we continue to ascend in knowledge and experience to climb a little higher every day. Thank you. Amen."
"Let us be mindful of our words as they can, if unguarded, hurt others by the thoughtlessness of our disregard. Let us be ready to always think before we speak and let our love always come first before any hurt may spark a pain in the hearts of other. Amen."
"May all those who grieve find peace in the truth that they have but moved on out of sight and into the place where we shall go soon enough. Let the proof be there in our hearts and minds that you take not away, but move us on in readiness for the next stage of our journey. Amen."
"Thank you for all that I have and all the opportunities that I am given to show myself as your servant, to help others and enjoy the love that I see in return. I need no other joy but to know that I do your bidding to the very best of my intentions and ability. Amen."
"Thank you for the achievements of the day and may your light continue to shine through your servants as we try and part the darkness of ignorance so that Mankind can turn to you for understanding and love. Amen."
"Let the light shine out through the darkness so that truth and virtue may always abound and bring conception and guidance to all of us who struggle because we are no nearer than we should be and not strong enough to hold greater sway. Amen."
"Please keep us prepared to do your will at all times and to see what we are asked to do so we may do it without thinking as you give us your love and strength to sustain us each and every day. Amen."
"Thank you for the positive advances of the day and our opportunities to prosper in your name. We relish our chances to play our part in your Great Plan and wish to do whatever is there for us to succeed in doing."
"Guide us through the doldrums when we lose our way and cannot find that spark within us that guides us true on the upper path of consciousness. Sometimes we slip into darkness and lose sight of our destination, so I ask that at such times you show us the way more clearly so that we cannot go astray. Amen."
"Thank you for helping me through another day and showing me how I could help my fellow man along the way. It is good to rest and know that through your strength I have succeeded along the way today. Amen."
"Please give us the strength to get through each day and to be recharged and healed each night, so that the bruising of this negative world can be repaired and we can all start afresh in the morning of a new day. Amen to that."
"May God bless the timid and the weak and may His strength and love provide their needs as they struggle against the forces of ignorance and try always to see the light and to feel His love in all they attempt in His name. Amen."
"Great Supreme Force throughout this great Universe, which you control in love and harmony, help me so small and insignificant beside your power to give what I have to add to your great light so Men may know I live through you. Amen"
"Thank you for the gifts that we receive each and every day as we tussle through life's many dangers and pitfalls, but always find ourselves strengthened in the knowledge that you love us and wish us to succeed on our way through this learning curve of life. Amen."
"Great Father of us all, thank you for your gifts this day as we have rested from our toils. Let us go forward into this week invigorated and strong knowing that you guide us and give us all we need to get by and help others less fortunate than we are. Amen."
"Help us to bring peace wherever there is conflict and to try and understand the frailties of those who hurt and persecute others for gain for themselves and their own egos. Let us remain in love and send out lighter vibrations to combat the heavier ones that hurt the less strong as they try to live good lives. Amen."
"Blessed are those who know who they are and what they stand for in the light of God's grace and love. May I know myself and my purpose so that I may achieve all that my Creator wants of me. Amen."
"Thank you Great Spirit of all love and guidance for seeing us through another day as we progress towards your shining light of loving illumination, help us to progress towards you, however slowly, as long as we move closer through eternity towards your heavenly grace. Amen."
"Thank you for the wonders of the day and the illumination of your love and understanding. Guide me well through the storms and clouds of life where I am threatened, but know I am cocooned by your love and strength always and any mistakes are my own doing and downfall. Amen."
"Please may we recognise all the help that is there for us and our fellow man. So often we are too busy rushing along in a helter-skelter life to stop and appreciate all that we have and all that is there for us to enjoy like a sunset of red clouds and the delicate colour of the petals of the wild and untended flowers along the wayside. Amen."
Give us healing of the mind as well as the body. Great Creator of us all, help us to follow our pathway and be directed towards help when we are in need of it and always prepare us to give it to others when they are in need. Amen."
"Grant us the glory of thy peace as we face each day according to its merits. May we provide what is asked of us each day and may our contribution be worthwhile to help the whole and not just ourselves. Grant us a chance each day to do better and bring your love through us to all who we can reach. Amen."
"Praise be to all who hold out their hands in friendship so that others may be rewarded. Let healing of the mind of men and women be so directed that goodness and love bring generosity of spirit to all who hunger for 'God's' great love. Amen."
"Great Spirit, give us greater understanding of those things that are just beyond our sensitivity, so that we may learn to appreciate this world in which we live, which is filled with so many things that we cannot see and understand. Amen."
"Lead us Heavenly Spirit. Lead us to all things good and safe through the gates along our road that lead us ever on to the very end of our earthly days and nights. May we acquire enough light in our lives to show us the way to that everlasting world of love and harmony. Amen."
"Great Spirit hold me and feed me with your love so that I may be worthy of living and being in the truth of all that is noble and holy. Keep me safe and allow me your grace to be honoured by all that you can give me. Let my soul radiate your light to others so that they may understand my joy of life as I live in your light and not in the shadow. Amen."
"Help us Great Father of All Mankind and so much more besides, to help the weak to get strong through your strength and for all those in pain to find peace of mind through your love. Let us who are enlightened be grateful of it and use that light to show others the way. Amen."
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