01 April 2013

Daily Thoughts for April 2013

“To be in the hands of truly generous spirits, who love us and who guide us well, is to have the platform we need to live good lives for the betterment of all.”

“The mighty are not the powerfully material beings that you think are in charge here on earth, but the honesty and truthful ones, who ask for the mighty wisdom of the Spirit to prevail and bring justice and salvation to those who are worthy of receiving it.”

“When you are alone with your thoughts, remember that the Almighty is listening in and you cannot escape any that are not worthy of you.  Just remember that you cannot get away with anything in this life, so why try to? ”

“Take a good look at all those around you and see how fortunate you are and give thanks for all you have and then go out and help those less fortunate than yourselves.”

“Taking a great leap forward is a wonderful idea, but it must be in keeping with the pace of your understanding.  If you go too quickly you can be sure that you will miss a lot of it. ”

“Just about a minute ago you were ready to be amazed, so read some good sense and let your mind understand the sense of these words and be amazed!”

“Late arrivals miss the beginning, but they can catch up with the rest if they make the effort. It is only laziness that leaves people lagging behind.”

“Waiting and watching may be a fascinating pastime, but it is better to be doing something so that progress may be certain rather than hoped for.”

“Goodness is given by the Lord on High, but only if we deserve it.  The good things in life do not come in from a credit card; we have to earn them first.”

“Why do we fail to see a better world?  It is because there are not enough of us working for it to improve.  We all need to make a difference if it is to get better quickly, otherwise it will be the same or worse than when we came.”

“Look at the light at the end of the tunnel and know that as you go forward, so it gets larger.  If it gets smaller, then you are going the wrong way about it!”

“Just a little bit more and we can all make a difference.  It is in the trying that we succeed.  It is the journey that matters not the arriving.”

“What a wonderful world it would be if we were happy and all in harmony. Until we believe that we can do it, how can it happen? ”

”Little by Little is a good way forwards.  To rush ones journey is to miss some of the teachings and then one arrives not fully finished and often dysfunctional of perfection.”

“Look at the way ahead and recognise the landmark of progression.  If you cannot see them how can you progress, because you must be standing still?”

“Just a moment and I can be myself again.  How can I suppose that I could be different from what I always have been?  Unless I can see within myself and recognise my follies, how can I ever change for the better? ”

“Just about now you are thinking that you cannot go on any more in the way that things are, so you must move aside the negativity and ask for cleansing to your burdens, which you carry.”

“Know yourself and be not angry about your failings, because it is from these that we learn more than about our good side, which is already in place.”

“Take a little bit of goodness every day and share it with another so that they can find out what they have been missing all this time.  Nothing is ever lost, as more will be given to you if you use it for the Greater Good in the right way.”

"The clearest way forward is always marked by the light of the Spirit, but are you enlightened enough to recognise it?  We all have our darker side, but can we see our way past it into the light?”

“To be in a fix is often through your own misgivings. It is better always to ask for enlightenment than to blunder on alone in whatever direction you happen to be facing.”

“To take a fresh look at any problem is to see another way of understanding what may have eluded you. There are many ways of looking at the truth, but only one way that you can see it alone.”

“Nothing is too difficult if you go about it in the right way and that is with the guidance of spiritual love that resolves many mountains of wasted anger.” 

“Take a fresh look at the ways of the world and see how you are able to make it better.  It is no use giving up and saying it is too hard for you to succeed.”

“Know that you are numbered by the spirits above and that you are to be counted as one of those who make life better for others to move on as well as yourself.”

“Do not allow religion to have power over you.  It is the goodness within that is you and this can never be taught by another if it is to be really you that is yourself.”

“Get yourself a new wisdom, not because the old one was bad, but because without renewing it you can never move on.”

“Let the light shine within you, so that you can be seen by the world for what you are and that is one who has accepted the life of the Lord as your own.”

“When you are alone you feel in good company, but when you are alone you are without God in your heart and so you are empty and are inflated only with your own ego.” 

“Take and eat the good things in life and leave the bad things to decay away.  You cannot do better than stick to the good and leave the rest alone.”

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