01 May 2013

Daily Thoughts for May 2013

“The gift of life is a kind heart to share and to be shared.  If you are loving you will be loved, so put that scowl away for a rainy day and smile at the world of wellbeing”

“Don’t monkey around on your own as you will only make mischief for others.  Bring order and merit into all that you do and you will be amply rewarded.”

“Take a new leaf from off the tree and know that it is a sacred trust to you that it will give you strength and purpose. If you know that the green leaf of life is symbolic of the wellbeing of the world, then you hold in your hand a piece of the sacred jigsaw.”

“Be bright and cheerful without and it will make you happier within.  You can never be happy within if you are scowling without. Let the world see that you have got it right with each and every smile you give.”

“Clean away your tears and make way for the sunshine that always follows, as the rainbow comes after the storm.”

“The water of life is a clean and perfect liquid.  So why does Mankind dirty its purity with his own greed and pollution?”

“Each and every flower has a story to tell about being blessed with the requirements of life to go forth and smile in the wide world, so that others may be happy for it and that it may be blessed with its own replacements.”

“Look up to the heavens and see the sunshine coming down to warm your body and soul.  If you recognise God’s blessings then you are on the way to receiving them.”

“What a way to go!  Did you see how your neighbours went to pot?  Don’t be reticent, but take your own precautions and don’t go down a similar path.”

“Take that deep breath before you take the plunge. The added oxygen will bring your body and mind into greater activity and then you will be ready for anything!”

“When the spring in your step lifts you to greater potential, give thanks and go with the flow.  Then you will be happy in your achievements.”
“Do not go to sleep on the job!  Nothing will be achieved and you will only wake in a worse state that you left it.  Take a firm step forward.  You know it makes sense.”

“Why do you hesitate when you know instinctively the way to go?  If your gut feeling is strong, you must go with it if you are to fulfil the designated path.”

“Giving in to the situation will never achieve your desired momentum.  You have to keep going forward to allow progress to come about.”

“Let the slow vagaries of life show you what is unsure and often unseen.  Look hard and well, so that you are ready to make the right choice at the right time.”

“Making a new outlook on life can be positive if you feel confident.  If you are not sure then ask for guidance and it will be given.”

“To take a firm step forwards is the make a positive statement that you are moving on.  If you remain still you are achieving nothing new and that is simply not good enough.  Try it and feel better for it.”

“May you see a light ahead that welcomes you to it and brings happiness into the darkness of your concerns.  The light of discovery is better than the darkness of ignorance.”

“Make waves not war!  The waves of improvement do not kill or maim.  They are the beginning of a new way of living for the better if you get it right.”

“Take a new look at what is going on around you and let the flow be your guide to what you really want to happen in your life.  It is for you alone to choose.”

“Go to the best way of seeing yourself and look hard in the mirror as it will tell you more than you know about who you really are.”

“Give what you can and keep what you need, so that there is no waste at the end of the day.  Being empowered to understand what is true makes your decisions more amenable to one and all.”

“Take a fresh look at yourself and see how others see you and then perhaps you can see yourself as you truly are.”

“Do not worry about tomorrow, because it is the now that is vital to your survival.  Let your faith be in the very minute that you are in and then and only then are you saved for all time.”

“To know the lows is to appreciate the highs and as one cannot occur without the other, you are blessed to be able to value the very best that is available to you.”

“The greatest that you can give is all that you have and if asked to give it by a Higher Authority, it is the only way that you can show your love and trust for all time.”

“Take a firm grip on what you love most and allow it to be appreciated, but if you love it too much you must be prepared to lose it, especially if it of the material.”

“Why do we hesitate to make great strides for the benefit of humanity?  It is by being silent in the face of bad doings that the worst happens and cannot always be reversed.”

“Wait for your turn to do what is good and righteous above all others.  Then with perfect timing the work of the Lord accomplishes the greatest effect and all comes into being.”

“Let the light shine out and let all the people see the goodness that is available rather than the ignorance and darkness.  The choice as always is theirs.”

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