01 June 2018

Daily Thoughts for June 2018

“Through the love of the Almighty, there is unconditional love to be shared among us all, so we can live together in harmony and peace.  It is up to us.”

“Take a new direction to follow.  Send out love and harmony to those who oppress you with their bad behaviour.  Love your enemy.  Pray for them to understand the error of their ways.”

“Take a good look at the path you are following.  Understand what is for you and what is for the greater good.  Do not just take selfishly, but allow for those around you, who are affected by what you do and say.”

“Everybody has a guide to help them through this life.  Be sure that you are aware of them and if you ask for their help and guidance, be sure to thank them when you are saved.”

“Be positive and an answer is always found.  Be aware that the Spirit Guides are always listening and monitoring your needs.  They will always give you what is best for you.”

 “A smile lightens up your features and transfers a positive thought to all who see your smile.  If you scowl you are sending negativity into their lives.”

“When it is our turn to need a helping hand, let us hope that we have done enough to deserve it.  If we have passed by on the other side, there may be no help for us.”

“Give what you can spare, but don’t give all.  There are always other deserving causes, but if the cupboard is bare you will have nothing left to give.”

“Wasting water is a needless occupation when many parts of the world are without.  Respect the fact that you have enough in your life and give thanks.”

“As the flowers reflect the colours of creation, see the Hand of God in their delicate beauty.”

 “Do not allow yourself to take without appreciating what the giver sacrificed to give to you.”

“Take time out to be at peace with yourself.  If you are not at peace with yourself, how can others be at peace with you?”

“We need to stop allowing the hatred and negativity that fuels aggression between peoples and keep the world balanced in peace and harmony.”

“Never has so much been owed to so many who give up their time to help others around the world.  We can send them our love and gratitude in our daily prayers to the universe.”

“We are never alone.  If we think that we are, we have lost the connection with the living spirit of those who love us and wish us well.”

“What we all need to do is to set aside some moment in our busy day to listen in the quietness for the guidance from On High.”

“If we listen to the voice of reason within our conscience then we know what we should do if we have the courage to do it.”

“Too often Mankind is the orchestrator of disasters.  We need to separate what we do in order to see how God helps us to save ourselves from ruin.”

“Note the natural eruptions and hurricanes that devastate individual areas of the world.  Do not blame God for the natural rhythms that create and destroy the physical.”

“The bright colours of the universal rainbow are reflected in the flowers.”

“Watch out for the negative energies because they will bring you down.  The only way back is through the positivity of unconditional love.”

“The light of God’s enlightenment is available to all who aspire to His love and listen to their conscience.  To turn away into the darkness of ignorance is having to take that long way back.”

“By sustaining a positive attitude and eating and drinking healthily, we are able to keep the odds in our favour and reap what we sowed.”

“We all need to understand that by helping others who are in need and allowing them to surmount their difficulties, is to know that should we need help there will be a helping hand for us.”

“To be at peace we must learn to remain in the power of our Creator, so that we are in balance without negativity, but held in love.”

“We are not born of this earth but come to visit for a lifetime and return to the spiritual dimension from which we all came.”

“In the beginning there was God.  He gave life by making souls in His image and the cycle of life began from God and returning eventually to Him.”

“Patience is a virtue, but in this modern world few gladly give up their time for it.”

“To give love to another should be without asking for any reward.  If you want to receive anything for your gift it is no longer free and isn’t unconditional love.”

“Know that you are blessed.  If you are loved, then you are wealthy and will find happiness in your heart and mind.”

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