01 July 2018

Daily Thoughts for July 2018

“While we give to others, let us not forget our own needs.  We must be mindful of our earthly mind and body, so that they can function in the best way possible”

“We all come with a destiny to fulfil, so let us understand the importance of fulfilling what we promised to do.  We shall be guided to know what it is when we need to act.”

“Let your lives be in harmony and balance, so that the Spirit Guides can bring you what you require to stay on course and fulfil your destiny.”

“We should always ask for what we need and not what we want.  Our lives on this earth plane are a progression towards our future prospects and the needs of humanity around us.”

“When you are ready to open up to the Higher Intelligence, put aside time and reflect that you need to orchestrate your words, so that the guidance given is according to Spiritual Law.”

Ask and it shall be given to you is often quoted and it is true.  If you don’t ask you don’t get!  However, think carefully what you ask for and how you are deserving of it.”

“There are many silver linings in the clouds that may surround you.  Your guides know what they are and how you can access them, if you go about it the right way.”

“Always think about what your actions are causing others.  The reaction isn’t always what you think it will be, so pause and reflect.”

“Money isn’t everything.  There are many things that money cannot buy.  Health and love are two of the most important ones.”

“Make the most of what you have, because nothing lasts forever.  There are always new trials ahead.”

“Remember that we are never alone.  There is spiritual help and healing always available.  There is the very best guidance tailored to our needs by the Spirit solely for our benefit.”

“Along our life’s path, there are inconveniences placed there to see how we cope with them.  We should not ask for them to be removed, but to be shown how we can best cope with them.”

“When we smile we radiate happiness.  When we scowl we radiate negativity and unhappiness into the lives of those around us.”

“We are not born with fear.  It is a Man-made emotion used by some to control us and keep us in obedience to them.  With ‘God’s love, there is no room for it as all is love and joyfulness.”

“We are here on this earth plane to be happy, so rejoice in all you have and achieved.  It is only the feeling of wanting to do more that holds us back.”

“The ‘Light of God’ is within us all and is brighter according to our way of living for others.  It will never go out.  Even the most cruel and unholy have the chance to change their ways.”

“The Spirit is in us all, whether we choose to recognise it or not.  It is the Higher Intelligence that guides us and is saddened when we ignore it, but it is still there for us to follow and to benefit from.”

“When we recognise a miracle, we should acknowledge it and give our heartfelt thanks for recognising it.”

“Miracles are where the impossible is made possible for the greater good and wellbeing of us all.”

“A miracle is an event that we can’t see how it could have happened, but it is through the natural laws of the Spirit that it does.”

“Miracles happen every day if we are able to recognise them.  Luck has nothing to do with it!  Good fortune is everything.”

“Each day we should be looking out for the Hand of God in our lives.  It is always there for us to witness, if we truly believe it to be true.”

“The natural world is full of His successful creation, so we can experience His being through these examples of the Divine.”

“By being made in His image, we must understand that it is not a physical image, but a spiritual one.  It exists in unconditional love and wisdom, which we should emulate.”

“Love is the basis of all.  We were made in our Creator’s unconditional love and we need to understand that and live in His image.”

“Passed loved ones know us still and love us.  We need to love them, but to continue our lives for the best future available to us.  It is no use living in the past.”

“When a loved one passes, we need to look out for them to leave the proof that we need.  Then we know that they are still alive, but in another dimension and we will meet up with them again in time.”

“Know that there is a continuation of our life after we leave our earthly body.  There is no end, but simply a continuation, so we must be prepared.”

“Our lives are not meant to be a holiday!  We are here to achieve our destiny, which will be revealed to us as we try and live for the greater good and not simply for ourselves.”

“Give grateful thanks to the Higher Intelligence for all you have.  If you need more, then ask how you can best achieve it in harmony with others.”

“Start the month with a wish to help all those who are worse off than you are.  Don’t just walk by on the other side.”

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