01 September 2018

Daily Thoughts for September 2018

“Love is something that is given and received.  Not everybody gets the amount of love that they deserve, so only give enough to be appreciated and don’t pour it away like water in the desert.”

“Know that you cannot fail, but only change direction and walk another path.  You can fail others but not yourself.”

“Never allow yourself to be despondent.  Always try and see the brighter side of all that is there for you and the better result will be assured.”

“Life is a precious gift that we must respect and use for the Greater Good.  We must always treat it with respect and honour the Creator for giving it.”

“Each morning we wake up to wonder how our day will work out.  We need to be positive if we are to make the best of it and feel content at bedtime.”

“Know that we reap what we sow and that we deserve to be treated equally in this way.  What is well done will be in our favour and where we fail we must seek to make amends.”

“When a loving act is rewarded with the generosity of gratitude, we are allowed to feel satisfaction that what we did was right and worthy of us.”

“The goodness that we know as our Creator is always there for us.  He never turns His back on us no matter what we do.  Can we say the same?”

“Allow the Spirit to work for you.  There is unconditional love there for you to make the best of your life and to achieve the worthiness that you brought with you into this world.”

“When the clouds of doom and gloom appear in your life, know that they are temporary.  With positive vibrations and good spiritual advice, you will overcome them.”

“Happiness is something to achieve.  It cannot be bought.  It doesn’t last forever, so smile and be joyful that you can try and make it last.”

“When the sunlight comes into your life, give thanks.  It may come as a smile from a stranger or the beauty of a flower, but if it lightens your load recognise it with gratitude.”

“To make allowances for bad behaviour may not be the best solution.  By letting it pass you are condoning it.  This almost certainly means that it will get worse rather than better.”

“Make another opportunity to make good what may have been misunderstood between souls.  It is easier to make amends here than leaving it until after you have passed away and left it undone.”

“Rather than put up barriers between us all because there are differences, we should see what we have in common and share it.”

“Sharing good things is to bring harmony into your life and the world of others.  Love is born here and reflects a more balanced world.”

“See who your neighbour is. He may not be in the house next door, but he will be near you when you pass by. Your neighbour is the one you recognise for needing your help!”

“When praying to the Spirit for guidance, do not ask that your problems are taken away, but ask how you can best overcome them.”

“When you are in need, it is right to ask for help from the Higher Intelligence that knows all.  If you ask in the right way to overcome your distress you will be shown the way.”

“To give what we can is noble and blessed.  Do not give all but keep back something to help the next cause who may be in greater need.”

“This life we came to live on this earth plane is all about helping each other.  We cannot and should not stand alone for our own aggrandisement.”

“We are all given opportunities to progress in life and learn more about the suffering of others.  This means that we suffer ourselves to be able feel for and guide those in need of understanding.”

“Take the opportunity to listen.  You will learn more than by taking centre stage and repeating your own simple philosophies.”

“Even in modern science and technology, there are many examples of the guidance that was given to make progress from a Higher Intelligence above our own.”

“See about you, the glories of the creation and reflect on how this comes about.  Nothing is by chance.  Everything is by design.”

“If you are looking out to see the miracles that happen every day in this lifetime, you will see them.  Rejoice and give thanks.”

“There is a Greater Intelligence above our own.  It is in this recognition that we are able to travel far and travel safely.”

“Know that there is help and guidance if you ask for it.  See the little miracles that are given to you almost every day and give thanks.”

“Listen to your own conscience and believe in the rights and wrongs that your Creator put there to guide you through this lifetime.”

“You need not follow the dogma of a set religion, because the answer to all your questions lies within you.  Seek and you will find.”

“As you power along through life, see the milestones that you achieve.  See the Power of God that helps you every day and give thanks for it.”

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