01 October 2018

Daily Thoughts for October 2018

“Take a good long look at your progression and your path to the destiny that gives the reason for being here.  If you can’t see where you are going and what you are meant to be doing, then perhaps you should ask for spiritual help by listening to that guidance within.”

“We take so much for granted and carry on as if we deserve it all by right.  This is not so, as we have to earn our rewards and gifts by sharing what we have with others less fortunate than we are.”

“Have a happy day seeing what is there for you to enjoy.  If there is only sadness and woe, then pick up what you are missing and open your eyes to let the sunshine in.  Give thanks for all that you have that you need and love.”

“Love is something that is given and received.  Not everybody gets the amount of love that they deserve, so only give enough to be appreciated and don’t pour it away like water in the desert.”

“See that every day you move on and sense the Spirit around you.  With your own acceptance of the reality of unconditional love from the Source, you are able to progress towards that Source and give thanks that you are alive and well directed.”

“Listen to the words of wisdom that are put into your head at the perfect moment.  Then ask yourself how and why they came to you when you were in need.  Learn that you are not alone but loved.”

“Whether a cloud had a silver lining or not is only a word of cheer for the downhearted.  What is important is not to dwell on the cloud that overshadows you, but to ask your spirit guide how you can overcome it and move on.”

“Seek for happiness for its own sake.  It cannot be bought, but only cherished through doing good and seeking the best for others.  The secret is to keep it going for as long as you can.”

“We are never alone.  This is true wherever we are, but if we live in the light of the Spirit, we are guided in love.  If not, then we are confused and misdirected by the negativity of chaos.”

“Great guidance is the direction that the Divine wishes us to follow.  If we want only for ourselves, then we will be turning our back on Him and all He gives us.  Then we will start to lose the light of His understanding, as we head for the darkness of ignorance.”

“It is reassuring to those who care, when they can go to bed knowing that they have had a good day.  It is not always the case, but our guides are always on hand to help us if we listen and let them succeed for us.”

“Nothing can be left as it was.  The changes may be small to some parts, but elsewhere they can be very rapid indeed.  We never know how much time we have left, so we mustn’t put things off until tomorrow, which may be too late.”

“See that all around us are the beauties of creation and that nothing stands still.  Everything in the Universe is on the move and so must we be to make the best of our lives.”

“We are not able to understand all that our Creator does on a daily basis to keep us up and running, as we don’t have all His unconditional love and wisdom.  We do have the understanding that without Him we couldn’t survive for long.”

“Thank the Almighty every time that a miracle comes into your life.  Give thanks twice, once for the miracle and then for allowing you to see and understand the giving of it.”

“When we are blessed by unexpected help from a stranger, we need to learn from the experience.  To give is to be blessed, but the receiver is also blessed.”

“We came to give help and guidance for the Greater Good, so it is no use thinking only of ourselves all the time.”

“To be blessed by the Divine, do not ask for your problems to be taken away, but how best you can overcome them.”

“Do you ever wonder if your prayers are being heard?  If you don’t know, then you are asking in the wrong way or turning your back on the miracles that are being given to you!”

“Keep your body working by looking after it.  Your mind directs the physical, so think positive and your body will respond.”

“It is not easy to be selfless and to be even-handed to all we meet.  We all have picked up prejudices along the way, which we must learn to overcome.”

“It is in the goodness of our deeds that we shall find comfort.  From these we shall be shown the way to what we have earned for ourselves in the next stage of our spiritual development.”

“Never lose sight of the fact that we are answerable for our wrong doings and will have to make amends for them.”

 “Our spiritual existence started in purity and wisdom.  It is on a journey of experience and will eventually be pure enough again to meet with its Creator.”

 “Our spiritual body is made of goodness and unconditional love and will exist for as long as it is needed.”

 “Know that life is eternal, as we were made in the image of the Divine Creator.  It is only our earthly body that dies.”

“We will answer to the Higher Intelligence for all that we do.  A life review after our passing is a certainty, not a possibility.”

 “It is the direction that we choose to go in that makes us what we are.  If we follow Spiritual Law in goodness with positive energies, we shall be blessed.  If we are selfish and exercise negative energies, we shall be cursed.  The choice is ours.”

 “We need to keep our lives in balance.  That can only be done if we are in harmony with the spirit that grounds us when we need it.”

“Take away all that is negative.  It is the positive outlook that leads to success.”

“Go ahead with all those matters that are positive and put into your mind by the Higher Intelligence.”

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