01 November 2018

Daily Thoughts for November 2018

“To exert power over another soul because you can, is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty.”

“Treat the weak with kindness and love.  They are usually the very young and the very old.  Both are in need of your understanding.”

“Within a family situation there are often givers and takers put together to see how they react to one another.  Remember that it is the Divine Creator who makes the soul and the physical body that is made by earthly mortals.”

“Giving is a gift that is blessed by the Almighty.  He makes sure that it is given for the right reasons and will be used wisely.  Be sure that you follow His example.”

“Remember that there are two sorts of people who inhabit this world.  They are givers and takers.  Be sure that you can tell the difference from one to the other.  Then you will not be destroyed by the taker.

“Unconditional love is a gift of creation and is given to us to use wisely.  In starting a relationship be sure that it is based on both sides by unconditional love and then it can’t fail.”

“When you act, remember to look for the reaction that you will cause.  Must pain and suffering can be eliminated if you can see the result is wrong and can change course in time!”

“We are never alone and so we should accept that we are guided and helped every day.  Not everybody has that understanding, so look out for those who think that they are alone, because they have lost contact with the spiritual way.”

“Keep your eyes open for the miracles that come to you, whether you have asked for them or not.  It is in the recognising of their being there for you to observe that you are blessed.”

“Give out healing through positive energies to all that you feel are deserving.  We all need the power of healing to get us successfully though every moment of every day.”

“Wake up in the morning with the excitement of another day to accomplish one’s tasks.  Don’t be caught up in the negativity of what might go wrong!”

“To lose one’s birth right is to fall into the darkness, where one’s Creator barely exists.  His light never goes completely out, so there is always hope of returning by recognising our faults and His unconditional love.”

“Everything that comes into our lives has a purpose and we need to understand this rather than ignoring what doesn’t fit in with our personal wanting.”

“Our guides love us and know us better than we do, so if we listen to their advice and guidance we shall not go astray.”

“If we purport to live a spiritual life in service to the Greater Good by following the words of Jesus, then we must act as if he were standing with us through all that we go through for our life progression.”

“Know that we are here for a purpose and to lead from the actions that we do.  We all come with a destiny and it will be fulfilled whether it is of great account to the masses or to just a few who are in need.”

“When we feel low in spirits it is a good idea to look around us and see how many souls are suffering more greatly than we do and give thanks we are so blessed.”

“Nothing is by accident but all is by design.  Our team of spiritual guides and helpers can regulate our lives according to our worth and merit.  We just need to be able to see where and why things happen as they do!”

“The benefits of stress and trauma can be seen in the long term.  As we experience them, we need to ask for help to overcome them in the right and proper way.”

“Not everything that we receive on our pathway is through our so-called karma.  We are given the opportunity from On High to experience situations to see how we cope.  We are never left alone.”

“Spiritual Law teaches that we will reap what we sow.  Know that this is true and that we deserve what we get through our own mistakes.”

“It is time that people started to believe what is in their hearts and to know that the Creative Force made everything for the Greater Good.  It is Mankind that has twisted the hateful emotions to cause fear and pain.”

“Know that the Devil is a figment of church teaching and not a reality of life.  There is no excuse for doing deliberate wrongs and you can’t blame them on anybody but yourself.”

“The story that clouds have a silver lining is a myth.  While they block out the rays of light from the Source, they are stopping positive vibrations coming into your life.”

“As the sunshine lifts your vibrations and keeps your pleasures alive, so remember to enjoy them while there are no clouds in the sky.”

“Never let yourself go!  As one gets older there is a tendency not to bother.  Remember that you are judged by how others see you and so you are what you portray yourself to be.”

“Let the past go and concentrate on your future.  You can’t change the past, but you can direct where you are going.”

“Nothing in life stands still, even though sometimes you wish your happiness could last for ever.  If nothing changed we would stagnate and would have no more challenges or successes.” 

“Make hay while the sun shines and set aside your stores for another day.  You never know when you going to be in the most need!”

“Feel the positive energies of spiritual love around you.  All you need to do is to be positive.  Then you will reap the rewards that you have earned.”

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