01 December 2019

Daily Thoughts for December 2019

“Give joy to the whole world and thank the Almighty for all the goodness and love that is there.”

“Only do as much as you are able and don’t over stretch your resources.”

“Ask the Angels for what you need in order to be helped by them or to help others at your request.”

“Remember that love conquers all and that only love can diminish fear and hatred around this world.”

“What a difference a moment can make when we go into the quietness and settle down to be guided by the Spirit for the greater good.”

“We need to notice what has happened in our lives that have caused us to make changes for better or for worse and allow our thoughts to go out to the Universe asking for the right direction.”

“As this year draws to a close, see the miracles that have taken place and the changes for the better that have happened.”

“Keep a sharp eye out for the need to help, whether it is dangerous or not, we will be protected for the greater good.”

Our souls are similar to each other.”  Forget the earthly difference between our bodies and education.  Look for what we all have in common for the greater good.”

“Know that all souls are conceived in God’s image.  What cannot be used against them are the horrors of earthly suffering by the godless and the greedy.”

“We cannot afford to live in isolation and ignore the hardship of others.  All people have rights according to their belief in love and harmony.”

“We cannot always make miracles happen. However, if we ask for them, then they are more likely to be seen and felt by those who need them.”

“If we want to advance in our spiritual progress, then we should consider praying for the needs of others, who are given heavy loads to carry.”

“The direction that we are shown is always given in our best interests, whether we understand it or not.  Let us be ready to accept our lot in life and do our best to help humanity and not just reach out for ourselves.”

“Know that we are more powerful than we think we are, as we have spiritual guides with the power to help us and whatever we call them, guides or angels, it doesn’t matter.  They hear our requests and love us anyway.”

“Do not forget that opportunities are put in our way to overcome, so ask in your prayers to the Spirit or the Universe to show us how to overcome them rather than expecting them to be taken away!”

“Never pass by the opportunity to remedy our mistakes in life and to put matters right whenever we have the chance, as the later we leave it the more difficult it becomes.”

“As we go through our life, we muddy the purity of the perfected gift.  It is our privilege to be shown the correct way to keep our own spirit bright if we care to return to the Presence shining in our own achievements.”

“The Great Spirit made us in his image.  That is not the bodily form but is the white light of purity and perfection.”

“Do we understand that it is harder to change direction once we have persuaded ourselves that we are doing what we want as opposed to what is the preferred way of the Spirit?”

“Behind every piece of guidance is the choice of taking the right way or the wrong way.  Whichever we choose the next choice will be offered according to our last direction that we chose.”

“We have all been given freewill to act for the best.  To ignore what our conscious tells us is to turn our backs on the light of spirit and move into the darkness of ignorance.”

“Within us we all we have that messaging service that tells us what is right and what is wrong.  It is called our Conscious.”

“If we listen to our own directions that are given to us, we know what we are being asked to do and how to do it.”

“Our prayers need to reflect the direction that we are meant to follow and not the selfish easy life for our own pleasure.”

“Without our own massive ego directing our lives, we need to understand the difference between what we want and what we need.”

“We will be shown when we come into the next dimension, what we have done with our time here on this earthly plane of existence that has been prompted by our own direction and what was directed by others instead.”

“Engage with like-minded people, but always know that you are limited by the power of your spiritual direction.  Do not let them overpower you with their direction but listen to your own understanding within yourself from those guides and angels who love you well.”

“Know that you are loved and that our Father is always hoping to feel your love returning to him with gratitude for his help and guidance.”

“Take a positive attitude into all your decision making and feel the spiritual guidance lift your ideas to new levels.”

“A new start is always a challenge, but it is the way to motivate one’s senses into positive action.”

01 November 2019

Daily Thoughts for November 2019

“When we are given is a miraculous gift, we must use it for the benefit of Mankind and not just hide it away or it will be lost to us.”

“Admire the beauties of this world that have been created from the love of a caring God, so that we may be uplifted by the beauty around us.”

“Nobody should go through life with their eyes closed and ignore the opportunities to give love and healing.  These opportunities to be rescued from their self-imposed prison are always available with spiritual guidance.”

“Make it easier for those who purport to love but are found wanting and need forgiveness and support.”

“Take another look at the tyranny and negativity that is going unpunished around the world, because there is not enough love generated to expel the fear.”

“Give what you can, but always allow for the blessing that is freely given by the Angels who guide you.”

“Once upon a time there was a world without all the luxuries that we take for granted.  Stop and give thanks that it is so much easier to live today without all the hard labour that still many others have to endure.”

“Pass on to the Universe positive and healing energies that are needed throughout the earth plane, as so many people fail to respond to the misdeeds that others leave behind.”

“Make your neighbours aware that you send them guidance and a direct harmony from God himself.”

“Open your heart to the joy of sharing and helping those who deserve your helping hand along the way.”

“Happiness comes from the Spirit that is always there for us and helps us to know what we need to do in life.”

“Too many souls are afraid of sharing their experiences with the Spirit, as they fear that they will be laughed at by their family and friends.  Who do they love more, their family and friends or their Father who gave them life?”

“Those who are most worthy are given gifts from On High to use for the greater good.  We need to be prepared to show them to others, where they can benefit from them.”

“It is unfair and uncharitable to expect God to grant what you want without meeting Him part of the way.  None of us are perfect, so we need to show our sincerity for change.”

“Even if you cannot see the reply to your prayers, do not give up.  You need to understand what God thinks you need most and to see you make amends for your past misdeeds.”

“Prayer is the vehicle for miracles to be given to those who are distraught and uncomfortable.  Show your mindset to the Father, who gave you life and let Him decide what you most need.”

“Healing is the balm of life, where negativity has brought harshness and pain caused by mistakes in the past that were not resolved at the time and festered in the unbalanced part of our own life.”

“Make a new part of your life that brings happiness and joy into the hearts of others, who would otherwise have none.”

“Give of your time generously for good causes but expect no payments in return.  Unconditional love is the backbone of security when your own finances are already secured.”

“To ask God for miracles for others shows a generous nature and one that is worthy of cultivation for your own progression.”

“To have a belief in miracles is to know that God loves us and that we are worthy of that extra support in times of need.”

“Take a strong decision to remind oneself of the balance that is needed to live in harmony and so give good things to others and remain healthy for your own needs.”

“We all need to look after ourselves, so that we are strong enough to give love and healing to those who are in need.  Leaving the cupboard bear in no answer to the needs of others.”

“It is easy to close our eyes and not see the needs of others.  We were sent here to make a difference and leave this place better than we found it.”

“All the negative thoughts that we have ever had will be returned to us in kind unless we ask for forgiveness for our actions and we send out love to heal the negativity.”

“It is a sad state of affairs that so many exist for an easy life and don’t care about the harm that they do to others along the way.”

“To take on the weight of the world is a mighty task and can only be done with the support and love of the Spirit to give you guidance and direction.”

“The clear message from On High is to behave to others how you would like to be treated yourself.  It makes sense, so that you are rewarded for your deeds and punished for your misdeeds.”

“We need to take control of our lives and live by Spiritual Law, so that we reap what we sow.  Good seeds will be rewarded but negativity will bring depression and darkness.”

“Don’t take anything for granted least you lose it.”

01 October 2019

Daily Thoughts for October 2019

“We all need to give help where it is needed, so that we advance our progression.  By this advance, we are given more to give others and so all gain.”

“Takers cannot be turned and live by destroying what they manage to receive.  Let the givers use their gifts wisely and not pour them like water into the sand.”

“Like attracts like.  Let the givers of this world band together to help those who are worthy of receiving spiritual love and leave the takers to their own direction.”

“If we are guided in our own lives and live by that spiritual direction, we are more likely to be given the right direction for others, who may not listen to their guides.”

“When we reach out to those who need guidance, it is important to listen to that help we receive directly from our own guide to give the right advice.”

“Keep a positive attitude and recognise in people those who are blessed with spiritual guidance and succeed in helping others, as opposed to those who work with their own ego and fail to understand the needs of other people.”

“It is a joy and a blessing for healers to cure the sick by using the power of Jesus to fulfil the faith that is so often inherent in those who suffer.”

“Jesus told many who came to him that their faith had made them whole.  This faith is still available and active, if only we had the courage and the strength to recognise it.”

“May we understand that by having faith in a Higher Existence, we are able to receive many miracles?”

“Jesus healed miraculously during his ministry on this earth and he still works through many healers to continue his love and the successful removal of pain and suffering.”

“Healing is gift from the Almighty given to those who will use it to help those who are in great need to recover.  The power to heal is given to those who genuinely understand the need rather than any acclaim.”

“Let us give thanks and rejoice for the miracles that we see in our lives, not just for the miracles, but for being worthy enough to be able to see them and recognise them for what they are.”

“We all need to acknowledge the direct consequences of being loved by our Creator.  By His gifts to us, we have a responsibility to use them well for others, who need what we can then give them.”

“There are many souls who have experiences with the Spirit that in their hearts they know are true, but are fearful to talk to others, even their own family.”

“It is not perhaps until you receive a miracle to change your life that you start understand the power of its significance.”

“Do you believe in the existence of the Power of Spirit in your life to direct you and guide you or do you know?”

“See the same human problems in every soul, as they have to exist by spiritual progression and not just through their own ego and selfishness.”

“Instead of looking for differences start to look for what we all have in common.”

“We are all interlinked through our creation.  Every person throughout the world had the same starting blocks as we have but they are in a different body and with a different bias through their education and experiences.”

“We are deluded if we think we are alone.  Are we in charge of our own lives or can we feel that we are loved and guided from a Greater Source than we could ever reach alone?”

“Look into your own heart and mind to understand what is caused by the way you act, which is cause and effect.  See also those greater opportunities that appear from nowhere.”

“Each and every one of us has the opportunity to be directed for the better way in life.  We only need to see and feel the power directed to us by the love and healing energies of that Greater Existence.”

“Take a leaf out of a Good Book, whatever your religious beliefs are and try and understand what is guiding you within yourself, so that you may prosper.”

“Did you ever realise that your life is guided by a Higher Authority?  Sure, you have freewill but your opportunities are given to you from On High, if you really want to progress in life.” 

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Know that your prayers are answered in the best way possible for your progression in your earthly time here.”

“Be happy in the certain knowledge that God loves you.  This is not in the religious sense but in the spiritual sense as He is already within and needs to hear you acknowledge love for all you meet.”

“To ask for healing is a positive thought that you can put out to the Universe.  Ask in a positive way, so that you may receive what you need for yourself or others.

“See that you smile and look happy as you go through your day, so that your positive attitude can be shared and help to uplift others.”

“Know that the healing that is given from On High is set to the personal progress of the healer and the needs of the healed.”

“Let your heart ring with the joy that the massive love of the Creator brings to those who love Him and live by His Spiritual Laws.”

01 September 2019

Daily Thoughts for September 2019

“Know that there is a will and a way to find the Father, who loves you and directs you knowing your frailties, but, as you give Him your love and take His guidance, He will give you what you need to complete your life for His glory and not necessarily your own.”

“If you try too hard and work for the stars as promised by the material world, you will burn yourself out and suffer dis-ease.  You will need the Spirit to heal you when you ask correctly and are heard.”

“Take life easy enough to allow the progression of your spiritual self to arrive at the right place at the right time, as has been decided by the Father who watches over you.”

“To reach this higher level, we will have to have lived a life of honesty and generosity of spirit.  Those who failed to manage this, will have to work harder before they attain the acceptable understanding.”

“It is fair to say that the basic energies are available to us on this earth plane, but the higher levels are there for us to enjoy in the next dimension when we pass from here.”

“This world in which we live is made up of energies.  They are all on different levels of vibration.  We cannot always measure them with our earthly senses, but if we are sensitive enough, we can discover much more than we thought was there.

“We are all Children of God and are loved by the Father, who wants us to do well and have what we need.  If we are deserving, then he will surely help us with what we ask for.”

“When the Medical Profession has learned to trust and work with the Higher Energies of Healing, miraculous and lasting cures will be able to be enabled for the greater good.”

“The power of healing works to give results that cannot always be found through the pharmaceutical trials of medical hope.  This power brings its own hope and results with patience of Divine quality of life.”

“Those of us who are healers through the gift of the Father, see every day miracles happen and, in healing those where medical knowledge has failed them, new life is given.” 

“Those who do not believe in the Greater Power must put their trust in the fallible nature of Mankind instead of the loving compassion of the Divine Purpose.”

“So many are kept in our hospitals without the prayers of healing being given for them by their families and friends.  Is it too much to ask that they spend a few minutes asking that those who have the power of healing use their power to bring comfort and wellness back to them?”

“To turn away from the Creator’s Light of goodness and honesty is to put oneself in the Ignorance of Uncertainty without the guidance to it turn around.”

“Take away the level of darkness that so many people carry.  The light of God’s guidance is the only thing that can take away the unimplementable mask.  This light is given to us to use in helping others who are in the darkness looking for that way out.”

“Do not turn away when you are too high and mighty to come down to their level with help.  In the Higher Order of Things all is seen and made known, so don’t be found wanting, but be sensible.”

“Bring about a generous nature and always think the best of each soul you meet.  You cannot see the pressures under which they are staggering, but God can and he will direct your heart if you listen.”

“There are many causes throughout this world of genuine need, but follow your heart, as you can’t help everyone who asks.”

“Know that you are blessed by the Higher Intelligence, who gives you what you need.  It is simply a question of following Spiritual Law and helping the greater good whenever you see the opening.”

“Taking a risk is a dangerous way to go about your life.  Common sense is a good rule to follow, but feel your guidance from the spiritual guides, who love you best.”

“Let us always bear in mind that we all need a helping hand at some stage in our lives, so we need to be ready to give help to those we meet, who need our assistance.”

“Those who prosper by doing good are those who give unconditionally without thoughts of gain for themselves.  They earn their right to have and are given more to give away to those who are in need.”

“We need to deserve what we are given from On High.  If we don’t ask, we don’t get, but we need to earn the right to have and use it in the right and proper way.”

“There are many souls who have turned away from the Spirit, because they don’t immediately get what they ask for!  It is due to their impatience and greedy countenance that they can’t see that their thoughts are answered in a better way.”

“If you acknowledge the existence of ‘The Hand of God’, then you will see it working daily in your lives and in the lives of others.”

“Seek and you will find!  The more trust and hope you carry the greater your chances are of finding what you seek.”

“If we believe in miracles then they will appear and we will see them in our lives.  How can we acknowledge what we don’t believe in?”

“Cruelty is fuelled by the loveless darkness.  We can only counteract it by sending love and light to that person and ask for the Spirit to send blessings and enlightenment there.”

“Those with a negative attitude are those who wear black and listen to tuneless heavy music.  They are leading a life of depression and many will fall into the darkness of ignorance without our Creator’s guiding light.”

“If we expect happiness as our right to have, then we must have a positive attitude in all our dealings.”

“Make your thoughts count.  They go out from your mind into the Universe and are heard, whether you wish them to be or not, so think positive all the time.”

01 August 2019

Daily Thoughts for August 2019

“Let hope be your lantern to direct you through those clouds of distress.  Ask for it to be lit with love and you can safely follow and saved.”

“Nothing comes to an end without there being a new beginning, so never give up and always be glad that you are moving on.  You can never stand still!”

“Remember to save yourself from harm.  If in doubt, ask by sending out your needs into the universe and allow the angels and messengers from God to hold you safe and secure.”

“Be kind to yourself and enjoy the feelings that you have in that warm and loving way that comes from our very heart.  Our soul is indestructible, but it can be damaged if we allow negativity to creep in and spoil it.”

“When we are able to be quiet and think about ourselves and the way we understand that life should be, it is then that we can be guided and taught from the Spirit and, if we listen and learn, we can be saved as we are loved and meant to be.”

“It is never too late to turn to the Higher Intelligence and admit our mistakes.  Then we can be shown the better way and feel the strength of unconditional love.”

“Can we realise that we are all worthy of being loved and guided through the Spirit, as we try to always do the right thing?  We must never give up on being blessed, as we all are if we care to see it.”

“Within ourselves we hold the beauty and the generosity of our creation.  It is not outside, where religion tends to teach us, but Heaven is within us to enjoy and be united with the wholeness of the Higher Intelligence.”

“Remember that we are here to be happy and enjoy what we have been given.  We need to give thanks for what we have received and allow the Spirit to reward us more often as we become worthy of it all.”

“To be selfish by putting ourselves first and always pushing for what we want is to build negativity that will reduce our own strength and power in the divine way of God’s plan for us and for others.”

“We are all put in situations that by solving them with love and compassion we fulfil our needs of understanding and are better fitted to help others.”

“When the dark clouds gather around us, we need to be ready to ask for help and not expect them to miraculously disappear and solve our problems with no effort on our behalf.”

“All souls on this planet are connected.  We are linked by our creation and the unconditional love that made us who we are, so know that we must live together as one with the love of our Creator.”

“Never leave yourself with work to do by ignoring the squabbles that we were a part of.  It is only when we have apologised and put matters right that we can truly breathe again.”

“We can heal by asking the Spirit to bring unconditional love and healing vibrations to those in need.  There are so many around the world that we can never fill all the needs that are there, but we can try.”

“No longer hold yourself in isolation.  We all need to go out and spread the word of love that Jesus taught us about as he leads us by example to care for the greater good.”

“When the strong wind blows causing damage to the trees and infrastructure, it may seem like the wicked words of the uncaring.  They cause damage and, like the wind, we only see the effect and not where it came from.”

“If your smile isn’t returned then that soul is not ready to receive it and you need to send them love and ask for guidance to be given to them to show them their best direction.”

“It costs nothing to smile at a face that lacks happiness in itself.  A simple act can have a ripple effect as the smiled on then smiles on others and so it will go on.”

“Beware of those who do not acknowledge the truth and set out to make trouble for others by the negative utterances that cause upset and pain.  They will be shown their folly in time, but it still causes hurt and struggles for the innocent.”

“Add to your prayers, which are simply your conscious thoughts, for all those that are sick or injured.  These thoughts are powerful and many have received recovery thanks to those who cared enough to ask for them.”

“Put out positive thoughts to the Universe for the greater good of humanity and know that they will be received and answered.”

“Make a new dream for yourself and ask for you to be given the opportunity to fulfil it.  Know that it will be heard and that you will receive what is best for you and your need will be granted.”

“Opportunities are often put in our pathway, so that we can reach out and understand what the Divine wants us to do.  They won’t be taken away, but we will be shown how we can overcome them.”

“We are all given difficult situations to get through and learn from.  It is our job to succeed and learn from them and to understand others with their difficulties.”

“Now that we are able to take a look back at all we have been through, we are able to see the miracles along the way that have kept us going.  If we are honest with ourselves, we are able to see the mistakes we made and yet God answered our prayers.”

“Take another look at your surroundings and give thanks.  God created the miracles for us to enjoy and we need to be reminded and be grateful for all we have.”

“After a good night’s sleep, we all need to give thanks to God for another day to live in love and harmony.  We are given another chance to give for the greater good and be thankful.”

“Take a rest and see where you are going.  The future isn’t so hard to see if you are looking through the eyes of those who love you in Spirit and serve you well.”

“Know that this is always a good place to start and that if you wait for a better one you may miss your opportunity all together!”

01 July 2019

Daily Thoughts for July 2019

“Everything comes to an end they say, but equally the end brings forth a new beginning.”

“Now that the sunshine lightens the summer skies, feel the positivity of life and know that everything can be in your favour when you contemplate your destiny with the Spirit.”

“Let your love for all those who brought you up and were always there for you, remain for them when they need you most and see them through their anxieties.”

“Notice the brilliance of the sunrise and the colours of the flowers that lift our hearts and spirits.  Don’t miss these revelations by being weighed down by negativity.”

“Know that we are all made equal and that we all have human rights.  Do not allow hated and dislike to cloud our real love of all that our Creator made.”

“Do not be led like sheep and social media but work out what is the true reality and stand up for your ideas and beliefs.”

“One more effort and we can succeed.  Let God know that we are trying and he will give us the strength and direction that we need.”

“Meet your woes with positive thinking and ask for help so that it can be given.  If you don’t ask you won’t get anything.”

“A smile has a ripple effect on all who you meet. You will be surprised, when your life is reviewed by the Spirit, just how far your ripples travelled.”

 “Keep your smile alive through whatever ails you.  It is not a mask to cover up your anxieties but the true barometer of your heart.”

 “Give love to all you meet within and outside your family.  Everybody has needs for understanding and we all need to help wherever we can.”

 “What is the use of trying half-heartedly to go through the motions of life without any determination to make yourself heard and seen for who and what you are!”

 “Once you turn away and start to believe that you are not loved or are not worthy of God’s love, then you will always fail until you cry out for him to help you to feel his unconditional love.”

 “We are always blessed but we cannot always see this fact.  Often we allow the material energies to get in the way and lose the hope of that bright future that is always there if we allow it to be.”

 “You are always heard, even if your requests are not for the greater good or your spiritual advancement.  Remember to give thanks for all you have been given and know that you are blessed.”

“When the way ahead looks troubled and darkness fills your thoughts, it is the best time to cry out for God to help you.  When you reach rock bottom, you can build on His love to be saved.”

“Learn the difference between the natural dreams of your sleeping and the spirit messages that come to you.  The former are easy to quickly forget but the spirit messages will linger on until you registered their content.”

“If you are in real need, ask that the Heavens send you the encouragement and hope to fulfil what they bring to you and you will be rewarded by the progress that you strive for.”

 “Send out your thoughts to the Universe by all means but know that what you ask for will be given in the right way at the right time and that is God’s time and not yours.”

 “What you want and what you need are two different matters.  Fortunately, our guides know the difference and see that we have what we need first and let us earn what we want.”

 “Why should you expect to be loved and honoured if you always want something in return?”

“Unconditional love is the gift that our Creator gave us all.  You can love unconditionally if you wish to give that part of yourself that is worthy of it.”

“Know that everything you do will be shown back to you when your lifetime is reviewed.  There is no escape and you can never get away with anything, so try and get it right first time!”

 “Listen to that small but purposeful voice that gives you the direction that you need.  Let it be heard and do not turn a deaf ear on what you don’t want to do!”

 “Make way for your troubles to be overcome.  The Spirit will not remove them but show you how you can overcome them.”

 “Understanding the needs of others and caring about them is a way to find goodness and generosity.”

 “Make way in your life for spiritual inspiration, as this will keep you on the right road.”

 “The good things in life are still free, but we have to learn to understand their presence and bless them as God’s’ gifts to all of us and look after them.”

 “Keep your faith in the positive things in your life.  All good things come from a positive attitude while negative thoughts betray you.”

01 June 2019

Daily Thoughts for June 2019

 “We are always blessed but we cannot always see this fact.  Often we allow the material energies to get in the way and lose the hope of that bright future that is always there if we allow it to be.”

“Always spot the difference in people who are takers and set out to exploit the givers without any qualms at all.  They don’t carry a sign saying, “Taker Beware!”  You have to learn to sense their energies and step away.”

“Choose your friends carefully and not for what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.”

“Each and every day it is a good thing to thank God for that new day for us to learn and achieve.  We should never stand still but see what we have learned, giving thanks for the miracles that save us time and time again.”

“As the seasons ebb and flow throughout our lives, remember that nothing stays the same and every living thing needs to take time out before starting on another cycle.”

“Keep yourselves up to date but allow for some free time to relax for yourselves and to be free to help others who will certainly call upon you.”

“When we listen to our conscience, we know what is right and what is wrong, so we already have a barometer to guide us through our decisions and make the right choices.”

“Making a new resolution is a necessary achievement for those who need to encourage themselves to do the right thing.”

“Take a good look at the plant kingdom and see that all our futures are based on their survival.  It is our greed that is causing their extinction, which will lead to ours.”

“Let love rule your lives. As you sow it, so shall you be rewarded by love returning.  The greater your appetite for love, the more you can love others.”

“We come to this earth plane in ignorance and purity, but we are soon contaminated by the negativity that mankind exists in.  It is our duty to keep ourselves as pure as possible before returning to our Creator.”

“Life on earth is empty without the love of the Higher Realms.  The further we keep ourselves from the unconditional love with which we were made, the darker and emptier is our understanding.”

“Remember that many souls through all time have been given a glimpse of the next dimension.  They were shown what love and guidance is all about before they were sent back to complete their destiny and fulfil their life.”

“Even if you fear to be met by the Master Jesus because you think that you are unworthy, he will love you and understand what mistakes you made and why.  His love is totally unconditional.”

“Let the light and love of Jesus Christ be there to welcome you.  It doesn’t matter to him what religion you were brought up with, only that God created you in love and all God’s creations should be loved equally.”

“Do not judge others lest you are judged yourself.  The truth is not always the same from where you may be standing.  God knows all the facts, which you certainly do not!”

“Balance is the key to mental and physical health.  Listen to your guides and trust in God’s truth and unconditional love.  You know it makes sense.”

“If you look at the lifestyle of those who become ill, you will be able to see clearly where they held the negative energies too close for too long.”

“Take it easy when you can so that you are in balance in body and mind.  The negativity of life must be balanced by a restful positivity to keep you on that even keel of healthiness.”

“God does not take away your problems, but if asked he will show you how to overcome them.”

“Make a new resolve to understand the unseen world of Spirit that is all around us.  Just because our senses can’t show us in the normal way, use your feelings to understand.  It will bring spiritual goodness that will lead to further understanding.”

“Never allow the clouds of negativity to get through and dampen your positivity.”

“Waiting for an act to be carried out on our behalf can be frustrating, but we don’t know what difficulties have to be removed before we can get the action we are hoping for.”

“Let God’s love fill your heart today.  He is always ready to give it but are you ready to receive it?”

“Goodness is a gift that is given in return for positive action for the greater good.  It can’t be bought or paid for but is an act of unconditional love.”

“We all have moments of frustration, but help is always available.  A meditation to ask our guides to show us the way over the difficulties is a prudent choice.”

“Patience is a gift, but even so we all have to cultivate it at times.  It is best to be relaxed and accept there is nothing further to do than to allow the blood pressure to rise!”

“If we are fortunate enough to be loved by our parents, we will have a more positive and loving attitude to our being here.  We all need to aspire above the negative.”

“We were all created equal but came into an unequal world.  When we came into the body of our mother, we came with the innocence of unconditional love.  Then we were bombarded by the negativity of the world around us.”

“Help your family and your neighbours, who are immediately close to you, but remember all those further away who can be helped and guided through your prayers and thoughts sent out to the Universe.”