31 December 2009

Prayers for December 2009

"Great Universal Force of All Creation, we thank you for bringing this first decade of the twenty-first century to an end where we have witnessed such mismanagement and greed and we pray sincerely that this new one will bring about awareness and understanding so that we may all live together in peace and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you for showing us the way to enlighten ourselves and others, so that we may all move on to the next stage of our development in understanding and knowledge and that we may learn then to use what we have fully understood in wisdom and guidance for those who are less well off than ourselves in spiritual teachings and spiritual love.  Amen."

"Great and Wondrous Spirit of Love, I thank you for guiding us through the difficulties of this day as we were so tried and pressed by matters that we could not understand until at last your shining light revealed what was needed and what was to be of greater benefit and standing than we could see before.  Thank you for all that you showed us and the way that others rallied and helped so that our cause could be complete.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine, please send healing to all those who need healing and bring harmony into their lives, bring comfort to those who mourn and hope to all who are lost and need the strength that can only come from your divine strength and purpose.  Let those who are lost find their way and those who despair find you in their hearts.  Amen."

"Thank you Almighty God for all that I have and all that I need as I go forward always in your service.  I know that I am loved and guided so that I may help where I can and give what I have in the service of others.  Let me not fail those who ask my help and may I be ready for those who need me.  Amen."

"Almighty God we thank you for the joy that your love gives us and the enlightenment through the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene, which show us the true way to live and prepare ourselves for the life to come and we are not then misled by the creeds and dogma of those who seek power for themselves at the expense of the purity of soul that your children are given.  Amen."

"We thank you Great Father of us all for sending the inspiration of Jesus the Christ, who taught us your Laws of the Universe and he died to prove that all your creations of men and women on this planet are everlasting and that he indeed rebuilt the temple in three days to prove it was so.  Amen."

"Almighty God of all things good, we thank you for bringing us together in unison and happiness to share our lives in your service and to spread the news that you are there guiding us and teaching us as we progress down the paths of enlightenment, so that we may all help each other and eventually become perfect in your sight.  Amen."

"Divine Father we thank you for the wonders of the day and the chance to now rest and be at peace together as we allow some time to enjoy just being together and live in love while we prepare for whatever you have chosen is to come.  Let us be at peace and live in harmony.  Amen."

"Great Divinity of all Earthly love who from the Universe gave us a life to live and a purpose to accomplish, please allow us to see our way and truly concentrate upon it and not be lead astray with material cravings which only last as an illusion before becoming nothing of value in the way of eternal life.  Let us be guided so that we may learn the truth and be at peace.  Amen."

"Let us follow our destiny and achieve each and every day a little more on each road that we travel, so that we may all be not found wanting when we see our lives again and answer the reasons why we did this and that and look into ourselves to understand our motives and what drove us always to do what we did and why.  Amen."

"Almighty Creator, Father of us all in this World and all Worlds throughout your great Universe, help us to clear our minds of earthly wealth and fill our hearts with the wealth of love for each other and all about us.  You gave us dominion over all on this planet, may we be worthy of this trust and take great care of all that you have given us to mind.  Amen."

"We succeed in your service when you guide us through the arms of your strength and we are led to progress in the Law of the Spirit.  As we achieve so the glory and honour is given to you as we do it in your name and by your wishes, so let it always be.  Amen."

"Divinity of the Universe I thank you as always for giving me life and for sustaining me on my travels throughout these times, as I struggle to learn the difference in the vibrations of material and spiritual laws and although I feel in harmony with the Spirit I find that I wander and stray if I am not careful.  Keep me in your love and guide me well to my next enlightenment.  Amen."

"Divine Universal Creator we thank you for your love that has sustained us through the day and we ask for protection against all the negativity that is generated around this world as its leaders debate and fail to find agreement about those issues that must be settled if this planet is to survive in peace and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you Divinity for releasing us from our worries and concerns that threatened us but we were left safe and free of further difficulties.  We see your hand guiding our pathway through to safety as never before and are so grateful for the enlightenment that makes it possible to see you at work in our lives and the lives of others.  Amen."

"Divine Creator we thank you for helping us to overcome our fears and anxieties as we faced concerns which now have all melted way.  Let us go forward now in peace and harmony so that we can rest and be ready for what else there is to come down onto our pathway, so that we may overcome and succeed in learning and then moving on as always into your light and love.  Thank you. Amen."

"Divine Creator, we thank you for getting us through the day and us finding rest and results at the end of it.  Guide us through our rest and carry us through tomorrow so that we may find our way into the smoother energies, which bring us peace of mind and your eternal love.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, help us to understand the laws which you have given us as they affect us in our every day lives, so that we can continue on the right path to bring us to the first level of heaven when we have finished our experiences on this plane of existence.  Let us have earned our place by our love and healing that we give to our fellow man and woman as they too struggle to find the perfection of thy will.  Amen."

"Almighty and most Divine Consciousness of the Universe please allow us to be uplifted by your strength and love so that we fulfil the reasons that we came and return having made that difference and the World a better place because of it.  Let us continue to be at peace as we strive to do your will and effect great changes in the lives of all Men.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit, as we come ever closer to your love and try to live by the laws that you have set us, I ask that we may find understanding and completeness through all the truth which is available to us, but so often we have not the eyes to see it.  May we find guidance to put us in the right direction so that we can reason for ourselves what is the best course to take and may understanding be ours along the way.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine I thank you for the strength and love that I have experienced today and ask that we may find continued strength and healing to carry us through those things that are lining up in front of us to deal with.  I am at peace knowing that I am loved and that we will all survive and find peace again.  Amen."

"Thank you for the wonders of the day and the strength that you give us all if we ask you, so that we can survive and move on again as in love we try and help others to help themselves, where there is a way which we can follow and show them your light which burns in each and every one of us, so that we truly live in your consciousness and your likeness.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit I thank you for the gifts that we have received today and ask that we should be shown the best way to use them for the advantage of our fellow man and the Greater Plan that you have installed and of which we are privileged to be apart.  Allow us your love still and the strength of our direction.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine I thank you for the spiritual guidance that we receive and are able to pass on to others as they walk their pathways into righteousness to find for themselves their way into the Kingdom of Heaven as Jesus guided us so well.  May we put aside what we do not need and help each other to bring joy and happiness at this time and in the time to come.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator of all that there is in the great Universe of Learning, help us to give our love unconditionally, so that by helping others we may become as a small child and be fit to be received in the Kingdom of Heaven when our time comes to leave this earth plane of existence.  Amen."

"Please help us to be protected from unwarranted attack, but where this is unavoidable by the free will of others and the light for us goes out for a moment so that when it returns we can see our way more clearly, let us find within us the strength that only you can give us to carry on.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit of love and strength, who wants us to be happy if only we would chose to live our lives in grace and harmony, help us to resist the material life of wanting more than we need to sustain us on our path to the Heavenly Kingdom that awaits those who love God and help their fellow man.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator, I thank you for the enlightenment and the strength to put all fear aside and live in your light, so that I may concentrate on the life that matters and can put away the matter world and be at peace.  Thank you for all your gifts and encouragement.  Amen."

"Great Spirit of Consciousness, who has given us the power of thought to prove that we live and the understanding, if we choose to listen, that we are eternal and live in your grace, help us to progress in your service and in the best way to help our fellow man, who is in such ignorance of your divinity, otherwise he would love what you have made and respect other life forms than his own.  Amen."

"Divine and most Holy Creator, who made this great Universe for all your creations to live in and gave us to live in your likeness, your consciousness.  For that is the power of thought which we have received by your mighty hand and I humbly ask that all your creations with this gift are shown how to use it for the betterment, not of themselves, but for all others.  Amen."

30 November 2009

Prayers for November 2009

"Thank you Divine Spirit for allowing us the love and strength to follow the destiny that is there for us, so that we can achieve our purpose and bring healing and harmony to our fellow man and woman when and wherever we can.  Let your generosity be seen by each and every soul so they may live in your Light.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who has given us the right to choose, please guide us to use this gift carefully and always to bear in mind how it affects others all around us.  Let us be aware through our conscience of what is right and what is wrong so that we know the consequences of our actions.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Spirit, we thank you for all the enlightenment which we are receiving and the clear pointers that are showing on the road of our journey, which we continue in our quest to know you better and to feel your love and strength which you so generously give us as we travel.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who made us all so that we could help and guide each other and those in the Animal Kingdom, who are lesser in thought and mind that you have made us.  Help us to take responsibility for all those who are not able to take care of themselves, so that they may receive what they need to live in peace and harmony with themselves and all those around them.  Amen."

"Divine Almighty Creator, help us to face our responsibilities and go forwards to make changes so that this planet may be a safer place for us and our children and our children's children.  Thank you for your love and guidance, help us to be brave enough to use it.  Amen."

"Help us to travel towards you Great Consciousness of the Universe, which you created for us to live in.  As we travel eternity exploring and learning all that is on our return to you I ask that we help as many along the way as there are who are ready to travel in our direction.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Mighty Father of all things, I thank you for your love and guidance as I see your hand everywhere making the changes that are needed, so that all will be accomplished in time for whatever lies ahead upon my pathway and, as I struggle to play my little part, you inspire me with your wisdom and your generosity.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine, please acknowledge that love still exists around the world as there is so much suffering and healing is so needed by so many people.  Show your power and strength, so that there may emerge souls equipped through your divinity to carry out the salvation of your creations and for the mindset of humanity to turn towards you for direction and love of each other.  Amen."

"Show me the way to the true understanding of the realities of life and death, so that I may have no fear of passing through the veil from this life and to be born into the next in love and peace so that I may receive what I deserve in the next world.  Amen."

"Great Divine Spirit in whose love we live out our earthly lives until it is time to come home again to be with our friends and love ones, who have already finished their time on this globe of existence.  May we be helped to complete all our tasks in good time and always do that little bit more in helping others along their way. Thank you.  Amen."

"Great Divine Creator who made us all to find our own way through a life of eternity and to understand all that there is in this vast Universe which you have made.  Allow us to go together with others to find that love and harmony that can only come through the working together for all to make the greater good and show everyone what is best and honourable through your love for us.  Amen."

"Dear Divine Lord of the Universe, we thank you for showing us the way that all things are, but let us together work in the acceptance of love and harmony between all people so that we may share together all that you have given us and not allow the few to cream it off for themselves.  Amen."

"Most Divine Spirit of all your creations, we would like to thank you for today and the help that we have given to others and also for the help that we have received.  May the enlightenment of your children become self evident to all minds, who seek the truth in love and harmony.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit, who grants our requests when we make them with the right intentions, please allow us to ask for healing and understanding to be given to all those souls who are confused and cannot see where they can make a difference with their lives for the betterment of themselves and those around them.  Amen."

"Mighty Master thank you for our day of discovery and the finding of solutions to our problems which were blown away by our faith that they would be.  Help us to know that when we are true to your Laws of Life we are rewarded by the answers to our prayers.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Divine Universal Spirit I thank you for my creation and the love and guidance that I receive.  Help me to prosper in my attempts to give guidance and enlightenment to all those who cross my pathway as I offer hands of friendship to all I meet for we are all in need of your divine guidance and love.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for showing us the way that Spirit works through the Process of out of the apparently misfortunes comes the enlightenment of progression, where we are rewarded for our work by the rewards that serve us well and help us along our pathway.  Amen."

"Great Spirit of the Universe, we thank you for sending guidance and truth so that we may find our way in this earthly world of confusion and mixed messages.  Without this direction we would be lost indeed, so please allow our guides and angels to show us the pathway of truth that we may prove our destiny upon this plane of existence.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit, who has given us all the opportunity to choose between the goodness of your divinity and the negativity of greed and corruption as we determine how to live out our existence on the earth plane, help us to be enlightened to the joy of your love and the healing vibrations that bring harmony and peace.  Amen."

"Great Spirit most divine, I thank you for your guidance tonight and for bringing us safely home through the dangers which surrounded us.  It is always so wonderful to know that you are there and that we can rely on being looked after in love and harmony whenever we turn to you with the right intentions in our prayers for help.  Amen."

"Divine Presence in all our lives, please bless us with your softness and beauty as we stumble through the bruising and battering of our earthly lives trying to learn how to love and take personal responsibility for ourselves as we guide and help others struggling on these earthly pathways.  Give us the strength to persist and to succeed.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator of us all, please help us along this road when we flag and cannot see which way to go.  Put us right when we get lost and show us a sign when we are in such need.  Let us always want to serve our fellows even when they do not seem deserving, because it is not for us to judge.  Amen."

"Help us Heavenly Father to complete our labours while there is still time and not to put off anything that we can do today until tomorrow.  Let us be mindful of our neighbours and our family who depend on us to do what we say we will do within the promised time.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit I thank you for another day of brightness and progression as I have moved forward with my life and I have achieved further enlightenment and understanding.  Help me to prosper further by helping to enlighten others who I meet upon my path, so that this light can be shared for the benefit of all.  Amen."

"Great Divine Spirit and Creator of all that is, who gives us life and guides us back to the Spirit Realms to the place that we have earned for ourselves by our actions during our time on this place of existence.  We send out a prayer for those who have left here and ask that they are guided from where they arrive to come forward into your heavenly light when they have made reparation for their earthly errors.  Amen."

"Mighty Lord of the Heavens I thank you for hope that my life is in order and that I am on the way to do what I came to do, so that I may leave this World in a better state than before I came.  Help me to accomplish that by your will and through your guidance and love.  Amen."

"Almighty 'God' we understand your frustration with us as we wander haphazardly about this earth plane looking for ways to suit ourselves and not working for the common good.  Sent us direction so that we may see the clear road of progress before us and learn how best to live our lives bringing peace and harmony to others.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for the infinite wisdom that you shower down on us all upon this earth plane of life and allow us in our slow and ponderous way to make sense of some of it as we struggle to understand so much more.  As we learn so do we know that we know so little and we must look to your guidance and your love to show us the way as always.  Amen."

"From the waiting I feel movement again, so that your children can move forward again in love and harmony and I ask that together we may all find our voices and call out to you in praise and wonder, leaving behind us all the darkness of ignorance which has held us captive for too long.  Amen."

"May the spirit within guide me well, so that I can feel the strength that makes me sure that I am on the right path and have nothing to fear.  When your love glows inside my heart, I can take courage and speak of what is right and good and know that you are speaking your wisdom through me at last.  Amen."

31 October 2009

Prayers for October 2009

"Almighty Creator of All Things I thank you for this day and the achievements that I have managed with your guidance and love, so that I can rest knowing that I have left nothing undone which I could have achieved and that I may look forward to another day tomorrow clear in the understanding that I am loved and appreciated for what I am.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Spirit of all the Universe, I wish to give my gratitude and thanks to you for my creation, which I know was to given all that I have in helping my fellow man upon this earth plane until my time is over and I can return from whence I came, but with new experiences that shape my soul to others tasks to come.  Amen."

"Great Spirit of Divine Life, who gives us the purpose and the strength to carry on, please let your love manifest through our thoughts and actions, so that this World can be a better place because we are here.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator, I thank you for your grace and love and allowing me to enjoy the power of your creation and the spiritual understanding, which causes me to progress and feel the knowing of what is there and what is not.  Help me to worship your light both within and without, so that I know you are there and guiding daily through this lifetime.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Great Spirit, Divine and Holy in all ways, we ask that you allow peace and healing to come to the earth plane and that Man is allowed to see his errors of discernment in his material outlook and turning his back on spirituality and love of his fellow man and all your creations.  Amen."

"Please would you send us the strength and health that we need to get by as we are so weary and bruised at this time.  Show us the way to get ourselves ready so that we are capable of given service when the time comes.  Thank you and Amen."

"Great Divine Spirit, I thank you for your love and direction so that I can help others less fortunate than myself.  May I give healing with words as well as hands, so that your gift may be appreciated by all who I can help each day that I live on this earth plane.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator of all things in the Matter World and in the Spirit Realms, thank you for your guidance and strength so that we can get through these heavy dimensional vibrations of this earth plane and survive from day to day, knowing that we are loved and protected from harm and that by our intentions we are shown to be your servants in truth and harmony.  Amen."

"Great Spirit Divine we are blessed by your Universal love and we strive to be worthy of the gifts we have from you and we ask that we may continue to live in your light and show others of the glow within us as we live our lives in your grace and favour.  Amen."

"Help us, Great Creator and Father to us all, to pick our way through the maze of Mans intrigues of self interest and deceit, so that we can retain our own knowledge of what is right and wrong and that society can stop bleeding and be healed with unconditional love.  Amen."

"Thank you for the wonders of the day and the confirmation of your love.  Help me to get through the little mishaps that I put in my way and magnify their importance against the great wonders that you continue to put before me.  Amen."

"In trust and love we complete another day and give thanks for all the support and love that we receive to do what God asks of us and our guides equip us to do what is needed as daily we listen to complete our work and progress on that path until we can come home at last.  Amen."

"Thank you for a wonderful day of giving and working in your power to bring rewards to others who deserve release from their sufferings and a lightening of their load.  Amen."

"Help us and give us strength and courage as we try to disperse darkness and hostile energies to the state of love and harmony and returning spirit of your creation to its rightful place.  Amen."

"Help us Universal Force of love and harmony to learn to look to you with trust and fulfilment to find our strengths and know that our weaknesses are filled with strong healing and love that we may prosper in your service to our fellow man.  Amen."

"Great is the mystery that has been weaved around your name and the presence which is but within us and without us.  Help us to peel away the layers that Man has woven in our minds and see you clearly in our hearts and souls.  Amen."

"May we be at peace as we seek to help others less fortunate than ourselves and bring enlightenment to all who are prepared with open minds and open hearts to understand that God is love and we are loved.  Amen."

"Let me lead by example and show the World and its peoples that I know of your greatness and that you love and help all those you have made and have given your very being into our care to give love and strength to each other and respect and gratitude to you.  Amen."

"Help us to know you for what and where you are, Great and Divine Eternal Spirit of All Life.  May we always find you in our deepest moments of joy and despair as we struggle with ourselves and our understanding.  Amen."

"Thank you for all the support that I have received through this day.  I know I am loved, but I still get bruised by the things that many say when they know little to judge for themselves.  Bless all who pass and return home at the end of this part of their journey.  Amen."

"Thank you for the time when we can relax and enjoy some respite from the troubles of the World and our fellow man.  We need your strength and your love and lighter vibrations to carry us forward to be strong when required and always compassionate as we give, so do we receive.  Thank you for being there for us.  Amen."

"Thank you for the achievements of this day as I feel stronger and more rested than of late and I feel less pressure on me to go out and do your bidding as I stand up to give the best account of myself and my beliefs to my fellow man.  Amen."

"Allow us to follow our strength and bring about truth and honesty in the World about us.  Too many think that they can get away with doing without you and the Universal Laws that bind us together in fellowship and love and bring harmony to the way that things are meant to be.  Amen."

"Go forward with us and take us where we need to go to fulfil our destinies.  We are hard pressed and sore, as we are so bruised and buffeted by the material world as we take our spiritual pathway, so give us the strength and courage that we need.  Amen."

"Go forward and take me with you so I may reach news lands and ideals of peace and harmony as I tread the path of life through the light and darkness of earthly vibrations, trying to bring love and healing wherever I go.  Amen."

"Grant us your peace of mind that when we listen to our conscience we hear that direction which we should take as well as the clear distinction of knowing what is right and what is wrong.  Thank you for your strength which guides us well.  Amen."

"Please help us not to lose our sense of purpose as we progress along life's path, because if we do then we lose our momentum and drift through life not realising anything and contribute nothing to the greater good and come home with empty pockets.  Amen."

"God bless the World, so that we can all do our bit to turn around the misdeeds of the greed and lust, so that our old people and our children can find a way to survive the horrors that Mankind is storing up for the destruction of the natural world and the basic rights of all who exist here.  Amen."

"God bless all those who bless themselves with the strength and determination to do the Creators bidding and to help all creatures to see the end as a new beginning and a pathway to the light of further understanding.  Amen."

"Look deep into my heart and cleanse the pools of pain that I carry for myself and my fellow man.  Let healing rays shine into men's hearts and minds so that they may have dulled the thoughtlessness of their actions and in time may love reside there once again.  Amen."

"When the wonders of Spirit lodge deeply in our hearts, we become braver and stronger and this courage makes us able to take on greater work and to stand up for ourselves and what is right and proper and we do not stand alone.  Amen."

01 October 2009

Prayers for September 2009

"Another month closes and we survive again to enter a new time zone.  May we continue to feel this quickening of events, which we know brings change and a reassessment of the old ways, so that new strengths and courage may dwell in our minds and hearts as we face new challenges in love.  Amen."

"We thank you for your patience as we stumble along this way called life and try and do justice to each and every choice we have.  Help us to see light before we decide and let us not choose in haste least we choose in darkness and mistake our way.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for the trust you have in us to do your will and to give healing and love to all those who we meet along the way.  We endeavour to give of our best and so we ask for guidance and direction as always as to where we can best do your bidding.  Amen."

"Thank you for a wonderful day of love and understanding allowing progress as we stand firm and allow the power within us to carry us to new and higher realms of light and love.  May we continue to ascend in knowledge and experience to climb a little higher every day.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Let us be mindful of our words as they can, if unguarded, hurt others by the thoughtlessness of our disregard.   Let us be ready to always think before we speak and let our love always come first before any hurt may spark a pain in the hearts of other.  Amen."

"May all those who grieve find peace in the truth that they have but moved on out of sight and into the place where we shall go soon enough.  Let the proof be there in our hearts and minds that you take not away, but move us on in readiness for the next stage of our journey.  Amen."

"Thank you for all that I have and all the opportunities that I am given to show myself as your servant, to help others and enjoy the love that I see in return.  I need no other joy but to know that I do your bidding to the very best of my intentions and ability.  Amen."

"Thank you for the achievements of the day and may your light continue to shine through your servants as we try and part the darkness of ignorance so that Mankind can turn to you for understanding and love.  Amen."

"Let the light shine out through the darkness so that truth and virtue may always abound and bring conception and guidance to all of us who struggle because we are no nearer than we should be and not strong enough to hold greater sway.  Amen."

"Please keep us prepared to do your will at all times and to see what we are asked to do so we may do it without thinking as you give us your love and strength to sustain us each and every day.  Amen."

"Thank you for the positive advances of the day and our opportunities to prosper in your name.  We relish our chances to play our part in your Great Plan and wish to do whatever is there for us to succeed in doing."

"Guide us through the doldrums when we lose our way and cannot find that spark within us that guides us true on the upper path of consciousness.  Sometimes we slip into darkness and lose sight of our destination, so I ask that at such times you show us the way more clearly so that we cannot go astray.  Amen."

"Thank you for helping me through another day and showing me how I could help my fellow man along the way.  It is good to rest and know that through your strength I have succeeded along the way today.  Amen."

"Please give us the strength to get through each day and to be recharged and healed each night, so that the bruising of this negative world can be repaired and we can all start afresh in the morning of a new day.  Amen to that."

"May God bless the timid and the weak and may His strength and love provide their needs as they struggle against the forces of ignorance and try always to see the light and to feel His love in all they attempt in His name. Amen."

"Great Supreme Force throughout this great Universe, which you control in love and harmony, help me so small and insignificant beside your power to give what I have to add to your great light so Men may know I live through you.  Amen"

"Thank you for the gifts that we receive each and every day as we tussle through life's many dangers and pitfalls, but always find ourselves strengthened in the knowledge that you love us and wish us to succeed on our way through this learning curve of life.  Amen."

"Great Father of us all, thank you for your gifts this day as we have rested from our toils.  Let us go forward into this week invigorated and strong knowing that you guide us and give us all we need to get by and help others less fortunate than we are. Amen."

"Help us to bring peace wherever there is conflict and to try and understand the frailties of those who hurt and persecute others for gain for themselves and their own egos.  Let us remain in love and send out lighter vibrations to combat the heavier ones that hurt the less strong as they try to live good lives.  Amen."

"Blessed are those who know who they are and what they stand for in the light of God's grace and love.  May I know myself and my purpose so that I may achieve all that my Creator wants of me.  Amen."

"Thank you Great Spirit of all love and guidance for seeing us through another day as we progress towards your shining light of loving illumination, help us to progress towards you, however slowly, as long as we move closer through eternity towards your heavenly grace.  Amen."

"Thank you for the wonders of the day and the illumination of your love and understanding.  Guide me well through the storms and clouds of life where I am threatened, but know I am cocooned by your love and strength always and any mistakes are my own doing and downfall.  Amen."

"Please may we recognise all the help that is there for us and our fellow man.  So often we are too busy rushing along in a helter-skelter life to stop and appreciate all that we have and all that is there for us to enjoy like a sunset of red clouds and the delicate colour of the petals of the wild and untended flowers along the wayside.  Amen."

Give us healing of the mind as well as the body.  Great Creator of us all, help us to follow our pathway and be directed towards help when we are in need of it and always prepare us to give it to others when they are in need. Amen."

"Grant us the glory of thy peace as we face each day according to its merits.  May we provide what is asked of us each day and may our contribution be worthwhile to help the whole and not just ourselves.  Grant us a chance each day to do better and bring your love through us to all who we can reach.  Amen."

"Praise be to all who hold out their hands in friendship so that others may be rewarded.  Let healing of the mind of men and women be so directed that goodness and love bring generosity of spirit to all who hunger for 'God's' great love.  Amen."

 "Great Spirit, give us greater understanding of those things that are just beyond our sensitivity, so that we may learn to appreciate this world in which we live, which is filled with so many things that we cannot see and understand.  Amen."

"Lead us Heavenly Spirit.  Lead us to all things good and safe through the gates along our road that lead us ever on to the very end of our earthly days and nights.  May we acquire enough light in our lives to show us the way to that everlasting world of love and harmony.  Amen."

"Great Spirit hold me and feed me with your love so that I may be worthy of living and being in the truth of all that is noble and holy.  Keep me safe and allow me your grace to be honoured by all that you can give me.  Let my soul radiate your light to others so that they may understand my joy of life as I live in your light and not in the shadow.  Amen."

"Help us Great Father of All Mankind and so much more besides, to help the weak to get strong through your strength and for all those in pain to find peace of mind through your love.  Let us who are enlightened be grateful of it and use that light to show others the way.  Amen."

02 August 2009

Prayers for August 2009

“Help me to retain my love and memory of all good things that I have known and to put away the horrors which I have endured so that the happy times are always there to guide me. Amen.”

“Give unto me Great Father of Creation all that I have earned and am capable of using in your name, so that my fellow man may benefit and that through their progression I too may progress in wisdom and your glory and love. Amen.”

“Bless oh Lord Creator all that you have made. May our souls progress in harmony and peace as we discover our pathways and our opportunities to help others and, by doing so, progress ourselves to greater tasks. Let us find peace in our work and blessing on our working so all can gain and move on. Amen.”

“Teach me the way as Jesus understood and used in love of us all, so show me how to be merciful and hate nobody, but to give love and guidance and wherever I can do that we can all move closer to your heavenly state of spiritual love in the Realms of Spirit. Let me learn that death is only a beginning. Amen.”

“Keep us safe in your service and may we not wander away through the distractions of earthly vibrations. Please give us what we need to perform the tasks that we came to do while there is still sufficient time to do them and may we not miss our opportunities to help where we are needed. Thank you for our chances to serve and progress together. Amen.”
“Thank you Great Spirit, Divine and Creative in all aspects of life and birth, as we spend our lifetimes being reborn into new lives to progress onwards on different paths. Help us to help others to understand that we never die, but are reborn into the next world of life. Amen.”

"Grant us thy peace oh Lord that we may work for each other and not just for ourselves. May we give healing and help by words and deeds to others who struggle on these earthly paths as we try and learn how to conquer all fears and disappointments with love and hope. Amen.”

“Great Spirit of Divine Energy and Love, please show yourself to the World, so that your people may know the truth and that love and harmony may displace the divisions between peoples and discord may be a thing of the past. Allow your light to shine out into people’s minds, so that their hearts may rule their heads and healing of the scars of centuries may be accomplished. Thank you. Amen.”
“Thank you Lord for the day that has gone and for my survival to see another day tomorrow, help me to understand and love all that you put there for me, so I can progress towards you every day. Amen.”

“Most certainly I see your hand in the all creation and your love and attention to detail do abound in all that man hasn’t infected by his greed and avarice. Help me to see and understand the good that is there and to look past what I cannot help to change. Amen.”
“God knows what is best for me I know, so I am pleased and happy to let him guide me through life and I thank my guides and helpers who serve me well. May I be ready when I am called to help others less blessed than I am. Amen.”
“Thank you for giving me what I needed today so that I could survive and prosper as only I can when I have your love and guidance. Be there always close at hand so I can be attuned in your light and love forever more. Amen.”
“Almighty Divine, thank you for your strength to get me through another day. Help me to be re-charged to continue on my way of firmness for what is right and compassion for those who don’t yet understand how great you are.”
“Great Spirit, thank you for the day of peace and harmony as I progressed in your service and found my way through the problems set before me. I know I have succeeded and I am grateful for your guidance and love, as I made myself all the better by the right choice of action. Amen.”
“Great Spirit, as I travel along the way and I see how man and woman fight and are at odds together, I ask that healing of their minds and enlightenment of their souls be shown to them, so that they can the better understand the hurt that they give to each other. Amen.”
“Thank you Almighty Divine for my progress today and may I heal and strengthen through your love and guidance. May I always be ready when I am called and be at peace with whatever I am asked to do. Amen.”
“A great day of your love and healing made me feel special and loved. Please help me always to go ahead on my pathway knowing that you lead the way and that I follow, always guided and helped and loved by your creative genius. Amen.”
“Thank you for a day of progress on my pathway to the stars as I know you are there in heavenly grace, even though your energies and love fill the whole Universe with your presence and order of how everything is. Let me proceed always towards your wisdom and grace as I know you love me and wish me to do better. Amen.”
“Thank you for bringing me through the day and for all that we have accomplished together. I always know when I walk alone that there are errors and mistakes, but when together all is fulfilled and completed. I am proud to be associated with what has been accomplished. Amen.”
“Thank you Great Spirit of Universal Light for all the healing that you send to me and for others also. May I continue to be blessed with healing gifts to help others in distress and furnish their lives with greater happiness and purpose. Amen”
“Thank you for your support in all I do and want for. I also know that without your love and strength I could not cope with all the earthly struggles that I go through in order to be able to live my life at all. Never let me fall and keep me ready to always act on what you give me to achieve the very best I can.”

“Give me my bread that I may eat and give me water to quench my thirst. Let the bread bring knowledge of a substantial nature and may the waters of enlightenment show me the way that true spirit is pure and unsullied to join my life on Earth to the Godhead of all wisdom. Amen.”
“The diversity of life that you created is like the differences that I face on a daily basis, testing my abilities to see the rights and the wrongs as my fellow men and women chase their tails in pursuit of earthly materials and ignore the spirituality of your love as you created us all.”
“Given to Man is the ability to think and produce thoughts about matters that concern him. However the quality of these thoughts vibrate according to the goodness or the darkness of the intentions of the thinker, so let my thoughts only be for the good of Mankind and God’s created world and universal love. Amen to that.”
“Creation was the work of God as nothing happens by chance – this I know. So as God created Man and all his environment, surely it’s up to us to look after it and in the best possible way for all to live in peace and harmony together. May enlightenment fall on each and every one of us.”
“Great is the pathway to your land called hope. I dwell there with your love. I add strength to my heart so that my mind can dwell on the fact that I am created in love and dwell in hope that I may eventually come home to you from whom I started my journey and I now travel in hope to find my way back to your love.”
“Great God Almighty, who made both Heaven and Earth but who also made me, thank you for the insights and the trust that you have in me to allow me the freedom to choose. May I appreciate enough how to make the right choice and find my way to you. Amen.”
“Great Spirit who abides in me, tell me how to listen to you and turn away the doubts, which bombard me when I weaken. You are certain and reliable. It is my weakness that causes the partnership to rock and wobble. May I be stronger by your example and so I then become sure.”
“Great you are and I am so small. How in your greatness could you make so perfect a job of us so small and almost insignificant beings, who exist on Earth for a short time and leave for unknown lands above to look for you and complete a journey so much against the odds? Guide me when I falter and lift me when I fall for I am small and you are great.”
“Thank you for the revelations of the day that assure me that I have progressed and understood more than I had from the day before. Let me be encouraged so that by each day I move forward and don’t slip back into the old ways of idleness and sloth. Amen.”
“Let all people know you are seeing all that they do, so that they will stop hurting others by treading on their toes all the time as they search for more than they can use and deprive those who cannot afford to loose anymore. May the givers be given more and the takers have it taken away. Amen.”

02 July 2009

Prayers for July 2009

“Give me ways to see the truth, which I know is all about me yet I cannot see it in my heart. Let love teach me the reason of my birth so I live in love and not fear of what others think or say, as I know you are always with me and will provide for my needs.”

“Great Spirit, thank you for the diversity of life on Earth and the beauty of all that shapes the features of this earth plane to remind us of your genius to paint beautiful things on this ever changing merry-go-round of life.”
“Bless all who love God and as God loves all creations may we learn to love them too. May we evolve as spiritual beings in the best way by loving our fellows and trying to imitate the love and strength of the God who made us and not fail to share the riches that we have. Amen.”

“Blessed are those who understand the ways of the Lord, because by seeing God’s Laws we can progress and advance our own soul into the light and love of Creation itself.
“Help me to understand all I can about God so I may love and be loved by all that he made. Amen.”

“May God bless me as I try and live my life as light as I can and as free from negative thoughts and hurts, so that my thoughts may not pollute the airways of the universe with negativity that can only be removed by love. So be it.”
“God bless me as I try my best to avail myself of all the good things while I leave behind anything that is antisocial and devoid of God’s love and strength. I ask for guidance as I choose my pathway unaided and yet guided by those who love me best. Amen to that.”
“Thank you for my health and my ability to get myself around. Keep me active as long as I can be useful to myself and others, but when I lose my usefulness let me be taken thence into the next world and my next body to continue my development without hampering others. Amen to that.”

“Thank you for granting me the light to see just what I must do to move forward and make myself available to help others rather than sitting back and allowing myself to vegetate and miss the point of why I am here. Amen.”
“Give me the knowledge so that I may see your hand in everything from the creation to the evolution of the beauty and loving care you made all things in and with. Thank you.”
“Thank you for the excitements and the discoveries of the day and the increase in my knowledge of all that is and was to bring you to the point of allowing us, Mankind, to develop in your image as light and love, which is ignored by some, but delighted in by others. Amen.”
“Great Spirit, I know you love me even though I complain. It is difficult to handle my material needs and yet it is even more difficult to handle the emotional pain of my disappointment. Always I seem to want what is not there for me, so show me the way to achieve what I can manage.”
“Thank you for giving me strength today to get through and to come through feeling better than I did yesterday. May I do this every day and then soon I can cope with whatever comes along. Amen.”
“May your power be within me, because your power is love and conquers all things, so I ask you to dwell in me so I am strong and can never be cowered by anything. Amen.”
“May my love for you always be total as anything less is unthinkable. Amen.”

“Great Spirit all divine, you are the light of life and you have placed in my soul some of that light when I was made. So I ask for help in keeping my light bright and growing and that I may never hide it as I try to live in gentleness, which will make me strong indeed.”“Thank you for what I have learned today. If every day I learned as much I shall, through all this knowledge, receive the wisdom I crave for to live my life for others and to move on in grace towards your pure and gentle light."“Give me the truth that I never live in darkness.”“I am always here for your enlightenment, so please show me how to achieve ruth that I may never become ruthless.”
“I give my soul to your will and ask to be shown how to use it for your Great Plan to be successful in showing all peoples what is good and what is shared and then we can achieve Heaven on Earth as it was always meant to be. Amen to that.”

“Help me to do my best even when I falter. Allow me to get up and try again. So little I feel I achieve on a global scale, but give me the right to try and send out my thoughts to those in need, wherever they may be.”
“Please send healing, strength and harmony to all those who are in need. This must include everybody, because we all have our crosses to bear and no one has enough of your glorious light that shines out in love and peace.”
“Great Spirit, help me to put aside my prejudices and only love from my heart, so that my mind doesn’t interfere with things that only Man could teach me and not your love from Spirit of all things and all people, no matter what their problems.”
“Help me to see the soul and not the body that it inhabits. Amen.”

“Great Spirit, keep me from the pain I do not understand and let me grow to give love where I can calm the pain in others.”
“Help me to find my feet so that the carpet of life is not pulled from under me.”

“Give me my prayer for tonight and let me sleep in peace knowing that I am guarded well and loved.”
“Show me the way to help myself along life’s path that I have chosen and give me directions, so that I may find my way and improve my progress with every step I take. Amen.”
“Watch over me as I sleep and may I wake to find the day has begun with light and love for all creatures who know you and find your love within them. Then all can sing your praises and in joy go about our day of discovering what you have put in our path today. Amen.”
“So as I go in peace and love, may I give of my pleasure at being blessed by all in spirit, who live here on Earth and elsewhere, where I came from and where I truly will go to again.”

“Help me to know what I need in order for me to understand the realities of life and death. Mankind is so ignorant on these subjects, but I need to know so I can progress is safety and find my peace at long last."

“I must remember that what God gives is what God wants us to feel and not what we desire, so that we may learn and move on and not languish where we feel comfortable.”

“Help me to listen and move on. God is love and always wants the very best for us.”
“When we forget your Laws we turn our backs on your light and your justice, so show us how to always bask in your light and to know where we have to be in love and harmony. Amen.”
“I know I mustn’t covet, so help me to only want what you want for me and not what I desire.”
“May I recognise the Angels when they come? I know they are there by their deeds, but I don’t yet see them and recognise their presence until after they have gone and saved me from myself and the carelessness of others.”
“Help me to rest from my labours once in a while so I know the difference.”
“Let me catch up on my rest when it is needed and not when I start to feel tired, for Jesus said, Come to me all who thirst and are heavy ladened and I will refresh you.”

“Please help me to help myself as I am too easily swayed by other people’s opinions when I should look within myself for what I need to know. God put within that part of himself, so that I would learn truth and love and harmony with all I meet and know.”
“I really am blessed to have all I have, but I need to have guidance from within my own self on how to best use it all, so that others may learn what they have within.”“What have I learned today? What benefit has gone to me that makes me better than I was yesterday?”“Life is about self and self awareness.”
“Teach me to learn what I came here to do. I fear my own shadow as I await my future, because the unknown frightens me.”“Let me see myself as strong with your love to guide me around each corner that I come to and find my way always.”“There are many ways out there that I could take and all of them lead me to you, but I must choose one that is best for others, who need help along the way.”“Let each day bring me closer to you by my charity to those I meet and love to strengthen the weak and infirm.”“Now is the hour when I must choose, so guide my reactions so that I may act for a new beginning and a new start, so that I clear away the earthly paraphernalia and live in the light I was born here to shine out for all to see.”“Whatever I have to give let it be useful to another. Whatever I am given let me use it wisely and pass it on when I need it no more.”“May my gifts from God be used only in his service for my fellow men and women and may the children find truth in the Spirit where they came from.”

“Great Spirit show me how to harness the power I have within, so I can accomplish my best endeavours in this lifetime here on this earth plane of existence.”

“What have I learned today that has brought me closer to my God of love and infinite patience?”

“Let all that I have learned be available to me so that I can call on my experiences to help myself and others to solve the problems that we meet along life’s pathway.”
“Let me find my peace within so I know where I come from and who I am.”

“Help me to discover myself and my place in your world in which I was created but made fallible, because I lack the way to interpret your wisdom and must find for myself the experience that you already have.”

“Allow me to know myself as others see me and then I can be what I want to be and not what I think I am.”

“Let love rule my heart and may strength rule my mind, so that together I work with the right intentions and have the ability to carry it out.”
“Being at peace is a difficult thing to be as we are bombarded by negative thoughts. Help us to always send out positive loving thoughts, so that they may return many fold to give us peace. Amen.”

“Give me my just desserts, so that I know what I truly am and where I have arrived. Without knowing my place in the way of things, I cannot move forward if I have no bench mark to move from. So will I progress and love you even more. Amen.”

“Help me to understand just what makes me what I am. What makes me love and what makes me laugh and what makes me cry and then I will not be afraid and hide my emotions, but I can be honest with myself and with others.”
“Let me understand if I am able to understand.”

“Give me courage so I may not be afraid and give me feelings so I may learn all the emotions of this earthly world, which gives so much pain to all who search for truth, but find it eventually within ourselves. Let me find myself within and may I find I am better than I know.”

“Let me see some sunshine in my life between the clouds and storms that pass my way. Let me smile and acknowledge your gifts to me and then I can help to pass on the Golden Light that you made me of. Amen.”
“Help me to stop hungering for the material and start thirsting for the spiritual and walk a pathway towards God and love of all creations. Amen.”